Saturday, May 6, 1939

Cut lawn etc. Went to Waterloo to Opac [? – unclear] Crooks sale, everything cheap; kitchen range $1.50. Mrs. Geodelle bought table for Leona $1; we got flour barrel for Rose [Rosalia]. Admiral Eichelmann Waterloo & Margaret Reneicker of near Red Bud were married Apr. 30. at E. St. Louis in St. Patricks parsonage. by Fr. Byre; at present making there home with grooms parents Rud Eichelmann. Clyde Pautler of Evansville have baby boy since Apr. 10 now have boy & girl; Robert [Brand] took central Ex. at Waterloo today. We got 15 1/2 [cents] for shipping coop chickens for 23. – 115 lbs @ 15 1/2 & for 1.4 lbs. @ 6 [cents] from McLain Bros. at St. Louis.

Monday, July 27, 1936

Just 3 yrs. today of Aunt Lizzie death. We washed, ironed. Herb. Probst & C. Kreher are hulling clover seed here today, got 12 sacks in all. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here, Bert went along to Waterloo with Uncle, took ride in the new car. Wheat just $1. Geo. Geodelle & Eichelmann were here, trying to get signers to buy a fire engine to protect the surrounding of Waterloo, like for Henry and there; we didn’t sign yet. They each will give $10. E. Hartmann give $50; cause Waterloo won’t go out of town with them.

Saturday, Oct. 19, 1935

We baked bread & pie. Went butchering at Henry’s about 9 o clock, had dinner finished at 3:30; everything went good, about 250 lb. hog. its awful warm, have to fry things in, we took some; so Uncle Fred went there tonite to take some. Rain a little this morning. We all got weighed out there Floyd 51 – Rob 53. Billy [Willis] 30, Bertie 118 – Rose 163 – Leona – 122 & pap -165. Henry – 130. Bernice brought the mail. Eggs 25¢. Norma Geodelle – daughter of Jac Geodelle & Armin’s sister was married this afternoon to a fellow from South Dakota at the home of her parents, he worked for Roland Eichelmann, him [Roland] & his wife are the attendants, wedding dance next Wed. nite at Pautlers. Otto Stadel his name, he came 2 weeks ago here, they were corresponding for a long time, she says. Hy. Spalt & Katie Stallmann of Prairie du Long, to be married this afternoon we heard.

Wednesday, Sept. 25, 1935

Pap & Rose cut corn, Bert baked bread; had chicken dinner. this afternoon dug potatoes, over 2 bus. & ½ bucket sweet potatoes, nice big ones. Mrs. Louis Miller is being buried at Belleville this afternoon, Cora Armstutz’s aunt, & Ida Heyl’s also. Hy. Euchelmann Jr. is giving a birthday dance at Coxeyville to nite, Moonlight Orc. case beer given as attendance prize. Showers in school hall here for Rosella Braun & Angela Eichenseer, given by sisters, & Sodality girls & there brothers. Mr. & Mrs. Steve Renneker came over this evening while.

Saturday, July 21, 1934

Papa went along with G. Wagner to Homringhausen sale this afternoon, household good was sold, at a fair price. Those people are going back to Germany again & shipping a new Chev, along, that they just purchased, awhile back. Rudolph Eichelmann’s boy bough Uncle Fred’s Ford coupe; from Nobbe, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening, went to the fish fry & dance; musci [sic] by Keohler’s Orch. at Maniers, not enough fish they say, not many in the hall; dancing. We went to Donahue’s, Moonlighters musci [sic], & big crowd; & good time. 22 bus oats Pabst.

Sunday, July 30, 1933

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner, lunch. It is rather warm again today. We went early to church, had a blow out coming home close to Chas Helfrichs, changed tires & came on. Fred Papenberg got a new chev & Oscar Birkners a used Ford, all close cars. There must be some thieves around Hecker, Hugo Probst got $10 stolen, Wagners got all the ripe & green plums stolen. Lester Gregson moved from the Gambach place to his own that he bought on East Main St. & Mr. & Mrs. Willie Gregson moved in Gambach property. We had our first roasting ears corn for dinner. The pallbearers from Aunt Lizzie where, Emil Brand, Ben Schilling, Hy Eichelman, Edwin & Willie Reheis, Fred Wiegand. The Heyl’s relatives have basket pinic [sic] at the Round Prairie Park, in honor of Mrs. Kessler from Alba. The threshing crew of Oscar Klotz’s have chicken bouilion, at Sam Krehers woods. It is in the paper that Lavern Koerber 23 & Irene Neff 21 where married at Red Bud by Rev. Stern in Catholic parsonage, Mary Havey & Paul Neff where attendats; last Wed. Roller skates & bicycle riding is the latest in Hecker at present. Mr. Rettinhouse is very bad expecting to live only couple days. We have 2 qts tomatoes canned so far, Mrs. John Reheis has 28 qts. & ain’t near finished yet.

Friday, Feb. 3, 1933

Rosalia & Bertille went to church this morning. Robert Laut was here & bought that little spring chicken 2 lbs. 25¢. It is a pretty nice day. Bertille got the mail. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s, he wants to take the fence out along the road. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary wasn’t at the wake last night, Jerome Cortner had invited them to a birthday party some place; so they are going to the wake tonite. Joe Sommer’s the barber have another little baby girl born Jan. 29 at St. Clement’s Hospital at Red Bud. Joe is giving a free haircut to the one that selects the right name to be given to the child. Mr. Erwin Eichelmann, son of Mr. & Mrs. Eichelmann & Mrs. Olga Hauptfleisch of Columbia were quitely [sic] married at Springfield Ill. on Wed. Jan. 25. They are making there home with the groom’s parents, east of Waterloo. Walter Monike of Lords Corner motored to Prairie Du Rocher last Wed. evening & received 3 prize on playing violin. John Hepp who has been down for the past 3 weeks with kidney trouble is reported about in the same condition. Mrs. Walter Hecke is employed as nurse. Wm. Laut is no better, he is troubled with Rheumatism. There was a man here wanted to sell the St. Louis Globe & one here wanted boarding place, he is the constructor for building the bridge west of Hecker, he says, going to start next Mon. & wanted a room. Rosalia & Bertille went to see Angela Eichenseer this evening, it was also Mrs. Vic birthday, Clarence Wittenauer was also there, we played pinochle, papa came over & got us when the store was closed.

Friday, March 4, 1932

Today is Eddy Brand’s birthday in Albama [sic]. We set 3 hens last night & the incubator. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up, she helped to quilt, & he worked in there garden. Bertille was over at Renneckers to get the paper to see about Hy. Frischkorn having sale tomorrow. There was a man around trying to sell chicken medicine, we didn’t buy any. the Eicheneseer’s boys was down & looked at our little pigs & chickens. Seen in the Waterloo paper that Emil Querheim had twins a boy & a girl born 9 clock on Feb. 29 leap year, they have 4 – 2 boys & 2 girls. Alois Havey have a child born in the hospital at St. Louis & Hy. Eichleman Jr. have a little boy, the first born.

Sunday, Oct. 5, 1930

Today is shooting matches all over.  Hepe Bros. at St. Joe. Hy. Eichelmann, and many other places.  A ambulance went through town this morning.  The St. Augustine’s Parish is to have a euchre tonight, they called over the lines for it.  Papa & Rosalia each got a prize at the euchre, a dresser scarf & wall flower vase.  Bertille had 4 punches.  Rosalia 8 & Papa 7.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary both had 7’s.  They each got a prize too.  They took a watermelon & a box of sweet potatoes there for prizes.  Elmer Parker got the watermelon.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening a little while before the euchre.  Uncle Fred ate a little supper with us, we were just ready to ate when they came.  There sure was a crowd at the euchre they had 25 tables.  They had a electric radio victrola in the ball for music.  We found 38 eggs today.

Friday, Sept. 5, 1930

It is raining a little this morning.  Gregory McArthy is teaching the Hecker School and he boards by Eichenseers.  I seen in the paper that there are a lot of people ailing at present, they are, Mrs. Rausch ailing of a weak heart.  Mrs. Spalt has Typhoid fever, Bill Parkinson has rehuwates [?], Peter Dehn is no better yet.  George Gambach had his well closed up with cinders.  Harry Stiffler moved in Gambach’s property.  Clarence Pabst sold his milk route and truck to Clarence Wittenauer.  Edward Neff & Mr. & Mrs. John Reheis motored to St. Louis & visited Forest Park.  The Hecker baseball team played with Waterloo, the Catholics, Sunday there and were defeated with a score of 14 to 6 & Monday they played at New Athens & was defeated by a score of 14 to 4.  William Birkner is building a garage.  Henry Armstutz is on jury at Waterloo.  Papa, Rosalia, & Bertille went to Uncle Fred’s & Aunt Mary’s this afternoon to help to cut corn.  We had lunch out there.  We brought some corn father along back.  Rosalia went and got the mail.  Tomorrow we intend to dig a well by the straw shed.  Bennet Mudd from Red Bud guessed in Waterloo Sunday that a sack of feed weighed 30.9 lbs.  He was closest to it, it weighed 30.8 lbs.  He got the 100 lb. sack of pig chow.  Mrs Threfall & John Henkel had to be on circuit court last Tuesday.  She sued John $300.00 for board.  On Sept. 1 Mon. Peter Dietz & Miss Marie Henke were married in Waterloo.  Mrs. Ralph Neff & Miss Anna Dietz were best.  Henry Eichleman marriage license was also in the paper he is 29 yrs. old & Dora Einwich is 18 yrs.  Virginia Emery of Hecker won the Normal School Scholarship.