Friday, Nov. 17, 1939

Marita was sick last nite, vomiting & fever, they took her to Dr. Pautler’s this morn; were here all day he [Leo] & papa went in wood, to make posts for corn crib floor, had dinner & supper here. We packed things belonging to Bert [Bertille]; cleaned out cupboards; man here wanted bread. Seen in paper Jerome Schilling & Elizabeth Shields getting married Thanksgiving Day with dance at Pautlers Hall. Archie Wihel have baby girl – makes 2 girls & 1 boy in family.

Tuesday, Oct. 10, 1939

Rained last nite & morning. Went to Belleville with 2 hogs; left Whip. by Bill [Klein] to fix he took us home in his truck, & fixed our pump, had dinner here. We got sweet potatoes & turnip ready to take to Belleville tomorrow. Dorothy Pautler – Phil Pautler’s daughter of Evansville & Jerome Harbaugh of Boxtown are being married this morn, dance at Boxtown tonite. Ben Heyl was here looked at heifers. Oll. Englerth & Bill [Klein] came this eve. Bill & Bert [Bertille] & Al. Karban & girl friend went to St. Louis to see Veil Prophet parade, “Gay Nineties” it was beautiful.

Monday, July 24, 1939

Washed ironed, canned pickles, apples, peaches; made peach preserve. Mauff bought bu. peaches for $1. No threshing today. Hy Wiegand was down by tractor. Pautler oil man delivered 5 gal here for Wittenauers. Awful hot this afternoon. Bill [Klein] came pap went along out to Walter Wittenauers, trying to sell him a tractor, he just bought one on Sat. from Mertz don’t think it works very good; the way they said.

Thursday, July 20, 1939

Nice cloudy cool. Went to Waterloo, sold some chances for Red Bud Church Pinic [sic]. Dr. N. B. Pautler 67 died will be buried tomorrow morn; mass & cemetery at Waterloo, was sick for 3 yrs; Bert [Bertille] went down to Wagner’s Funeral Parlor to see him, so many flowers. looks good, 2 sons were there just then. Steve & Ray. Feruer brought sack pullets for chixs down. Bill [Klein] stopped in want to go to St. Louis Sun. to Forest Park.

Tuesday, July 4, 1939

Rain this morn. stops threshing today. Went to Red Bud to Waterloo this afternoon. McKonky [editor’s note – I believe she means Kumke here since she had crossed out McKonky and wrote in Kumke in yesterday’s post]. is at Evansville parlor, will also be buried there tomorrow morn. Mueth was on wrong side of slap & no lights they thing. Awful hot this afternoon 80 [degrees]. Everything closed at Waterloo. Leo & family came, went to Red Bud to Dr. Pautler with Marita, she has sores on her arm, gave her salve to put on. Emil came over, wasn’t much fire works put on in town. Ed Brand & wife are here from Alb. [Alabama] at Heyl’s at Waterloo, stop over at Emils, on way home from a trip to river, also at Levi’s.

Wednesday, June 28, 1939

Nice day. cloudy & little rain this afternoon. Ed Helfrich & Leona Horcher are being married at Columbia today, wedding dance at Pautler’s tonite. Wm Braun was here, signing oil leases for another 3 mons $1. Pap signed again. cut lawn, cut in 16 qts. kraut this morn. Pap went to meeting at Kammlers. Leo & family & Bill [Klein] was here this eve. Leo’s they had heavy rain.

Saturday, May 6, 1939

Cut lawn etc. Went to Waterloo to Opac [? – unclear] Crooks sale, everything cheap; kitchen range $1.50. Mrs. Geodelle bought table for Leona $1; we got flour barrel for Rose [Rosalia]. Admiral Eichelmann Waterloo & Margaret Reneicker of near Red Bud were married Apr. 30. at E. St. Louis in St. Patricks parsonage. by Fr. Byre; at present making there home with grooms parents Rud Eichelmann. Clyde Pautler of Evansville have baby boy since Apr. 10 now have boy & girl; Robert [Brand] took central Ex. at Waterloo today. We got 15 1/2 [cents] for shipping coop chickens for 23. – 115 lbs @ 15 1/2 & for 1.4 lbs. @ 6 [cents] from McLain Bros. at St. Louis.

Wednesday, Feb. 8, 1939

Bert baked pie. Pap went to Waterloo got feed. Suppose to get cold tonite, to be zero. Pap splitting wood. Bill [Klein] came, we went to Waterloo to Pautler’s to wedding dance, Gummersheimer’s, old couple; nice crowd; good musci [sic].

Sunday, Jan. 22, 1939

Went to mass; rather cold again for change, its 20 [degrees] above this morn. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed awhile, went home. Leo & family came this afternoon, went to Red Bud, to Dr. Pautler got vaccinated, that is Leo & Marita $1.50; not good to all get it at same time. Bill [Klein] came, he went to Dr. Eckert’s his folks all were vaccinated today. Eckert does it little different then Pautler; he also charges $1. person. We got Emil over for a pinochle game this eve; about 5 or 6 games.

Sunday, Jan. 8, 1939

Went to mass. Mrs. McCafferey passed out. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed awhile. We took pictures this afternoon, such a beautiful day. Mr. Judge Schneider is being buried this afternoon from Wagner’s funeral parlor to church & was buried at Catholic Cemetery by his wife. Mr. Klube of Waterloo died to, will be buried Tues; Mrs. Geodelle’s Uncle. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to Paulters tonite to a dance given by Ozark Ridge runners, swell music but no crowd, mostly all Columbia people there; musci [sic] sure good.