Sunday, Dec. 31, 1933

We went to Red Bud, took Mrs. Chas Helfrich & kids along & brought them & Jonny Roscow back. Mrs. Josephine Kelley wife of Wm. Kelley died Thurs. evening & was buried this afternoon at Ruma, we went down to the funeral, Fr. Whitte had charge of it, no sermon, & never opened the coffin, just blessing, & buried in Ruma Cemetery, seen quite a few people that we knew, Meyerscouh’s & Tiptown people. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary couldn’t get out, the roads are to bad; It sure did turn warm yesterday & today, the snow is all gone. Tonite the New Year shooters will have to be out.

Saturday, Dec. 30, 1933

We baked bread. Oscar Klotz came paid for his hog $3.30¢ some price, everything is down. Eggs are 18¢ in the store here. 16 in Waterloo. George Wagners family came over this evening, we played cards. A man here selling St. Louis paper, we didn’t order it.

Friday, Dec. 29, 1933

Oscar Klotz & Eugene Bruns came & got the hog weighed 280 lbs; they took it home on our sleigh. A man around selling 7 bars soap for 25¢. The relief workers are on work again today. We all went out to Henry’s this evening, took ½ doz. eggs & package cookies & ice, & made ice cream out there. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were also there, we played 3 games pinochle, ladies against gents, ladies won 2 games, we also played 6 hand euchre, 2 games. Robert & Willis has a bad cold, & cough.

Thursday, Dec. 28, 1933

We ironed, patched. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up by the doctors, & called here a few minutes. Today the City Hall of Waterloo gets didacted [? – unclear] from two o clock, the bank will play, & will probably close with a dance tonight. The Eichenseer kids are skating on our pond. Klotz stoped [sic] & said, he would get the hog tomorrow & butcher, we played 500 rummy this evening.

Wednesday, Dec. 27, 1933

We washed, sewed aprons. Oscar Klotz was here to see if he could a hog to butcher. 8 above zero this morn. We went out to Aunt Mary’s this evening had supper, angel cake, candy, played 5 games pinochle, played till 9:30 & listened to the radio, then went home. Henry Frieshkorn & Mrs. Sophis Huber were married Christmas, him for the 3rd time, & her second, they live at Red Bud. We find 2 doz. egg a day now, they went 15¢ at Eichenseers.

Tuesday, Dec. 26, 1933

Mr. Hill was here to get news. It sure is cold this morn. Ignatz Neff on his way to 5 o clock mass yesterday morn, ran over a fox by Levi Gregsons & killed it, took it along home with him. Nic Helfrichs has coon lunch, the other nite & beer, a few from town was there, & what a time! Mr. Ed Neff & Bertha Helfrich were published first time last Sunday.

Monday, Dec. 25, 1933

Went to 5 oclock mass; went out to Henry’s for mutton dinner, played cards. Geodells & Birkners were also there. Santa brought the boys all kind of things. Mamie & Clarence came down, then we went up to see her tree, & then went down to the Evangical [sic] Church, to the program, it was nice, wasn’t near the crowd there like last year. It started in snowing about 6’o clock this evening. Oh Boy & did it snow, everything white, drifts, Oh! a real Christmas Day.

Sunday, Dec. 24, 1933

Went to Red Bud took Helfrich’s kids along. It sure did turn cold, this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon, played pinochle, they had supper here, this evening Brand family came & Santa, Christmas Eve, played cards, etc.

Saturday, Dec. 23, 1933

Papa got crushing done. We went to Waterloo paid Wiehl for 165 bus. 55 lb. corn $41.65. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here. It is such a beautiful day, like spring. Cleveland sawed wood. Mres. Aruleia [sic – Aurelia] Allard of Prairie Du Rocher, nee Parrot, died last Sun, in Red Bud hospital, they have a store; leaves Mrs. Parrot & 3 child & sister.

Friday, Dec. 22, 1933

Rosalia & Bertille went out to the Blackburn School to there Christmas program; that they had, it was nice, Santa Claus, Cleveland was there, & lots more, & crowded. Rosalia got Christmas parcel from J. Keller, a curling iron. Helfrich brought the last of the corn today. Rosalia & Bertie went up to see Angela this evening, played 500 rummy & pinochle; Lucinda is getting along fairly well. has her head bandaged.