Papa went to first mass this morning. It is raining again this morning. Mamie Eichenseer was down this afternoon, she had supper with us. This evening Steve Rennecker came over a little while and had pinochle game. Papa & Rosalia were partners & won 2 games out of 8. Steve & Bertille were partners. Papa went up to Griffins this afternoon. The roads are awful muddy. Lester Gregson slipped in the ditch this morning hauling milk out in the prairie.
Saturday, Nov. 29, 1930
Papa went to the creamery this morning & got a can ful of skimmed milk for the little pigs. This afternoon he went uptown. Gus Klotz had there little baby girl christened last Sun. at Renneckers, they called it Dorothy. The coffee man was around again this afternoon, but we didn’t take any, so he said he wouldn’t come any more. It has been raining all day & this evening too. I seen in the Belleville paper this evening that Walter Schilling son of Francis Schilling of Paderborn died this morning at 2 o’clock, the funeral will be Sunday afternoon to the St. Michael Church in Paderborn. It was the baby, 3 months old.
Friday, Nov. 28, 1930
Bertille was up town & got the papers this morning. Rosalia went out to Henry’s this afternoon. Albert Monike was engaged last week at the Hecker State bank giving it a new coat of paint. Ed. Weber & the Braun’s from Red Bud that owned a rock crusher down at the Prairie Du Long Creek, Weber bought out the Braun’s & has taken Nick Helfrich with him for a partner.
Thursday, Nov. 27, 1930
Today is Thanksgiving. Uncle Fred’s are going to butcher, they are getting 2 fat hogs from Walter Stahl for .9¢ delivered. Tonight is to be Box Supper in the Church Hall. We all went out to Uncle Fred’s today. We stayed for supper. Oscar Birkner’s family & Henry Brand were also helping. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up here this evening & then we all went to the Box Supper. There we danced first & then afterwards sold the boxes, there were 7 boxes to sell. They were sold as follows: Helen Braun, Rex Rapp, Verna Stiehl, Clarence Braun, Marie Truttman, Ray Braun, Angela Eichenseer, Fr. Grootens, Pearl Griffins, Victor Braun, Rosella Braun, Ben Schilling, Alvera Braun, Olivia Pour. The highest box brought $1.50, Rex Rapp’s bought it. The only ones that eat together were Angela & Fr. the rest all left for a Smithton dance.
Wednesday, Nov. 26, 1930
We all went out to Henry’s butchering today. Uncle Fred’s & Emil were all there helping, he butchered 1 sow – it weighed 275 lbs. dressed. That was the first one this year. It started snowing today, for a little while & cold 28 above zero. Today Papa & Rosalia shoes came, they fit alright could have been better. Last Sunday, Mr. & Mrs. August Voges celebrated their silver wedding down at Lords Corner.
Tuesday, Nov. 25, 1930
We washed this morning & hung it in the basement. It is awful cold. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here this afternoon. Tonight the Y.P.L. is to have their play in Kammler’s Hall, the name is “Dangerous Waters.” It was pretty nice, the characters were: Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hepp, Henry Spalt, Henry Keorber, Milton Wagner, Ralph & Clarence Rausch, Flossie Kammler, Katy Keorber, Alvera Jatho, Marcella Ettling. Karl Boll made it thunder & lightnin’ & rain. The reserved seats were all taken. Henry Wiedeman & Woods furnished the music, accordion & violin. Henry came up this evening, he is going to butcher tomorrow.
Monday, Nov. 24, 1930
Rosalia went to church this morning & then Papa & her went to Belleville with the eggs & turkey. Henry bought one of them pigs, what Papa brought along last Sat. for $4.00. It is snowing this morning. We heard this morn. that Albert Thompson had a little baby born dead, they tolled the bell yesterday morning, & it was buried Sunday. Eggs are .40-.38¢ a doz. We got .25¢ a lb. for our turkey in Belleville. We got some skimmed milk this afternoon for the pigs & the cat for .2¢ a gal.
Sunday, Nov. 23, 1930
Henry & family were here for dinner today. After dinner they went home & then they was to get company from New Athens, the Klube family. So Henry came up after some dishes and things from the store this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon. This evening Frieda Keim of Waterloo is celebrating her birthday at Oak Grove. We were there.
Saturday, Nov. 22, 1930
Papa went to Waterloo this afternoon to get his watch fixed. Henry & Leona went to Belleville this afternoon & got the kids new shoes. The kids stayed here. The Democrat candidates gave a free dance & lunch in the Odd Fellow’s Hall tonight, Henry & Leona went there, it was so crowded in the basement & also on the second floor. Hugo Radan furnished the latest music & Crooks Ramblers the old time music. We were out at George Boll’s celebrating Karl’s 20 birthday. Cake, Lemonade, Beer, wine, sandwiches were the refreshments served. Papa bought 2 little pigs this afternoon from a man by Burksville. He also brought a little kitten along too.
Friday, Nov. 21, 1930
Rosalia went to church this morning. Papa is fixing fence. We put clean straw in the chicken houses this afternoon. There was a boy here this morning, he was deaf & dumb & couldn’t speak a thing. He had a card and on there it said “he was deaf & should help him out by buying a package of needles for .25¢, so we bought one from him. I seen in the paper that Jake Frierdichs moved into there new house on the Waterloo & Hecker road this week, & Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Payne moved into the Frierdich’s residence on Morrison Ave. Tuesday and are citizens of Waterloo now. Mr. & Mrs. O. J. Maul moved from Waterloo to Breezy Hill Wednesday to take charge of the service station there. A little baby girl arrived at the home of “Bill” Heubner, they now have a boy and a girl. The two McCarthy’s boys Greg & Kevin & John Cody captured two coons & two opossums for the start of the hunting season. Joe Watchel is building chicken house & garage on his premises. The Orbon Stove Works in Belleville are laying quite a few men off from work at present.
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