Saturday, Aug. 31, 1935

Tom & Simon Havey, were here to get papa to sign petition to get all weather roads through the blackjacks; all the land owners have to sign; they did have the farmers to sign, but now it has to be owners. Rain a little this morning, light sprinkle. We went to Belleville. Rose got new shoes $2.05 black. Awful cool nights.

Wednesday, Aug. 23, 1933

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary 35 Wedding Anniversary. We requested “Mountain Musci [sic],” over the radio for them. Monadville [sic- Madonnaville] have church pinic [sic]. Miss Evelyn Roscow is visting [sic] folks & realatives [sic] of hers, around here now, she is going to leave soon for school in New Haven Conn. Papa & Bertille dug potatoes. Levi Gregson stopped to get drink water. Schaws the brewery man was around to see some people about taking up stock for the big building they want to put up at Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, we all went to Red Bud to Waterloo. Bert got a pair shoe $1.95 from Helbers at Red Bud. Henry was at Belleville, stopped in on his way home. George Wagner came over.

Tuesday, April 4, 1933

We all went to Belleville this morn, got our dresser, Rosalia & Bert [Bertille] got shoes from Smalls, dress slippers $1.98 R & B work shoes $1.50. Steve Rennecker came over, him & Osie Neff was here when we weren’t at home Osie is going to buy Edwin Walcthels shares on the line. Steve & Osie are running trustee’s on town board. We worked in the garden, cleaned little chick house; Mrs. Bievenue was buried this morn. We went to Strecks butcher & slaughter house, seen them chain, stick & clean hogs, so fast.

Friday, March 11, 1932

We put the brooder stove up & put the little chicks out there now, 44 of them so far. Bertille’s shoes came today. Ed Pabst was here this afternoon, he wanted papa to buy the clover seed, but Papa won’t do that.

Monday, March 7, 1932

It is awful cold. We worked on our quilt all day. Papa got a letter from Archie Weihl, it was the contract for the road for Ettlings, they wouldn’t close the gates no more on the old road, so that one will be shut after the other one is finished, supposed to to Apr. 1. Bertille sent to Chicago Mail Order today for a pr. shoes $1.95. The paper says 12 above for tonight.

Wednesday, Nov. 26, 1930

We all went out to Henry’s butchering today.  Uncle Fred’s & Emil were all there helping, he butchered 1 sow – it weighed 275 lbs. dressed.  That was the first one this year.  It started snowing today, for a little while & cold 28 above zero.  Today Papa & Rosalia shoes came, they fit alright could have been better.  Last Sunday, Mr. & Mrs. August Voges celebrated their silver wedding down at Lords Corner.

Thursday, Nov. 20, 1930

Bertille went to church this morning.  It rained last night & today too.  Bertille send an order to Chicago Mail Order this morning for Papa & Rosalia’s shoes.  $6.29.  I seen in the paper that Mrs. Jake Helfrich of Belleville is in St. Elizabeth’s Hospital.  Henry Kern & family moved into Henry Braun’s place on Goose Alley this week.  George Reheis hurt his wrist with the hatchet while out carpeting, he now carries his arm in a sling.  It is getting awful cold again.