Tuesday, Dec. 26, 1939

Uncle Fred stoped [sic] in, he went to Red Bud to bank. Nice this morn, little cloudy. Pap went to see Fr. Aydt; about renting pew here. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to Belleville this eve; came back pap went along, went to Henry’s. Leo & family were also out there; sure bad weather, snowing heavy; again tonite, not very nice driving on highway.

Thursday, Dec. 21, 1939

Shortest day. Winter begins. Went to Waterloo. Bert [Bertille] got permanent at Colonial Beauty Shop $3.00. Pap bought new radio from Bersche, gave $3.00 for our old radio, trade in on push button zenith stub $15.00. We got Christmas cards from Mr & Mrs Geo. Shecan [?] Emil Schilling & Josie Keller. Awful cold to be 20 tonite. Bill [Klein] came got Bert went to Belleville to Lincoln Theatre to see Jones Family in “Busy to Work,” giving a Ford V8 away.

Tuesday, Dec. 19, 1939

Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, cured the meat etc. Wm. Ganley came on business. We went to Belleville shopping; took our eggs along 6 doz. – 28 [cents] did shopping.

Sunday, Dec. 17, 1939

Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped awhile; Bill [Klein] & Brpicle [? – unclear] of Belleville look at Chev. We went to Burksville to see Williams this afternoon.

Tuesday, Dec. 12, 1939

Went to Belleville got 30 [cents] for eggs. Marita stayed here all nite again. Snowed a little this afternoon.

Saturday, Dec. 9, 1939

Henry brought load corn. We went out this afternoon helped him with his hog; Bert [Bertille] baked pies & chicken for tomorrow, they are coming up here to see us. Carlisle Morrison of Waterloo 52 & Wihelmina Zeneiss a nurse of Springfield, 53, who was a Co. nurse here in 1930 were married recently. Stolze of Belleville 73 yr. old man that married 27 yr old girl of St. Louis, she has left for 2nd time.

Friday, Dec. 8, 1939

Holiday. Went to 6 o’clock mass at Red Bud. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped awhile after church, they have 13 hr. Devotion today. Bill [Klein] & Bertille went to Belleville, ordered wall of paper & went to E. St. Louis & St. Louis on business, stopped a few min’s at Uncle Ed’s shop. got a tarpaulin at Child’s for Leo 14 x 20 – $9.13 with tax. Dr. Werth have a baby girl. Orlin Skaer’s have a boy at Red Bud hospital; Ethel Prediger is home again from Belleville hospital, going to call there girl Madeline.

Tuesday, Dec. 5, 1939

Leo’s birthday. Went to Belleville with meat etc. eggs 30 [cents]. Mertz paying 20 [cents] here. They had supper here. Uncle Fred went to Waterloo & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed here this morn; beautiful weather these days.

Friday, December 1, 1939

Pap went to Red Bud to lumber yard. this afternoon we went to Freeburg got tiling, cement, nails. Bill [Klein] & Louis stopped this morn, were out selling cars. Belleville has big parade today, Santa Claus is coming.

Tuesday, Nov. 28, 1939

Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came, went to Belleville, didn’t sell out on everything; had supper here, also Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary. The Ladies Aid have euchre tonite in hall.