Thursday, Dec. 28, 1939

Cloudy again all day. Leo & family came this afternoon, brought load corn down, coming back tonite again to catch chickens & ship them of; Lengylon on Milsdadt was at Mertz’s at time, so sold them to him; heavy 11 1/2 & light 9 1/2 – 1/2 [cents] lower then market price, had 290 lbs. heavy & 122 light. We had ice cream this eve.

Thursday, Dec. 14, 1939

Marita is still here. They are hauling hay in at home today, so just left her here; coming back tomorrow again. Bert [Bertille] baked cookies, cakes, washed windows. Beautiful day was 24 this morn, early. eggs came down awful Mertz paids 19 [cents]. L. Dehn got doz. here yesterday for 19 [cents].

Tuesday, Dec. 5, 1939

Leo’s birthday. Went to Belleville with meat etc. eggs 30 [cents]. Mertz paying 20 [cents] here. They had supper here. Uncle Fred went to Waterloo & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed here this morn; beautiful weather these days.

Wednesday, Nov. 15, 1939

Washed, ironed, cleaned basement, & things from butchering. Pap hauled 2 loads wheat to Waterloo – got top – 84 [cents], good wheat, it was starting to get hot; so he hauled Bill stopped, he was at Frank Birkners was fixing pump. Mrs. Mertz was around enrolling people for Red Cross, gave her a donation of $1.00 for that purpose. Went out to Uncle Freds celebrating his birthday, Orlet family & Bill were all there for chicken supper, played cards had cake & wine; had enjoyable evening.

Tuesday, Nov. 14, 1939

Leo & family came went to Belleville, sold out pretty much, 2 bacon & liver sausage was left. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were here all day. Merz fixed sprouting at there place over there, had dinner & supper here, also did Leo’s. Bert [Bertille] brought doll along for Marita. Freebug has 3 day pinic [sic], starting today, with barbecue.

Monday, Oct. 23, 1939

Washed, ironed. Mertz from Waterloo was here. Christophe & his brother were here, he paid $12.02 damage done on the Whip. in accident, we had to sign paper that we got it.

Monday, Sept. 25, 1939

Bert [Bertille] washed ironed. All on sick list. Bert got some ice cream & soda; neither of us can keep anything in stomach. Mertz delivered sack hog pellets $3.20 feed sure went up.

Friday, Aug. 18, 1939

Raining this eve. canning again today. Walter Jaeger of Waterloo sold his home, & going to build a house on his mothers lot, on Morrison Ave. The barn & building that burned on Freund place was about $5000 damages, Joe & his wife not being home at the time, happened 10 ‘oclock. Smithton priest Fr. Jansen will be changed next week to Lively Grove & Fr. Kunkil of there will be at Smithton. There will be women on jury this yr. Luella Wiegand Hilda Mertz.

Monday, July 24, 1939

Washed ironed, canned pickles, apples, peaches; made peach preserve. Mauff bought bu. peaches for $1. No threshing today. Hy Wiegand was down by tractor. Pautler oil man delivered 5 gal here for Wittenauers. Awful hot this afternoon. Bill [Klein] came pap went along out to Walter Wittenauers, trying to sell him a tractor, he just bought one on Sat. from Mertz don’t think it works very good; the way they said.

Monday, May 15, 1939

Had Mertz to look at our chicks, dying, terrible. Pap went to Waterloo took 11 bus. wheat along @ 71 [cents] & paid tax $270.94. Terrible thing happened last nite, Waterloo talking this morn. Gus Buettner of Waterloo shot & killed Miss Hattie Grosse & boyfriend Wetzler all of Waterloo, at a lonely spot on Boxtown road, Wetzler & girlfriend & Mr & Mrs. Mitchell were enroute to Boxtown to a dance, when Buettner crowded them of road & shot & killed the couple & didn’t harm Mitchells so far they haven’t got Buettner yet, he wanted to go with Grosse. All police are on look out for him, he was seen driving south through Boxtown after it happened at 10 o clock. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in went to Red Bud & worked there gardens today. Went to Leo’s this eve. took them plants & we got cabbage plants from her.