We took a pair pillow cases to Red Bud, gave them to Emma Gregson for the euchre. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner, this afternoon we all went down to Schlotmanns, had supper there, seen the houses & places rabbits & bees, & everything.
Saturday, April 29, 1933
Papa got crushing done. George Wagner came & borrowed a fork to help Clifford straw potatoes. Mr. Louis & Bill Reisfshender was here looked at our pigs. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we papa & Berdel [sic – Bertille?] went to Miss Lizzie Parkinson’s sales everything went cheap, it was a cash sale. It rained awful this evening, we didn’t get to Omer Schilling dance at Oak Groves Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where going to the Rod & Gun Club House, but didn’t get there, either, they posponed [sic] it till Sun. nite.
Friday, April 28, 1933
We baked bread & coffee cake. Papa & Rosalia finished strawing potatoes this morn. We went to Waterloo round the hard road, eggs are 11¢ by Connor’s; came home by the way of Paderborn, stopped at John Kruse, & looked at a mower, but he wants to much for it. Wm. Ganley was here brought Int. $25.00.
Thursday, April 27, 1933
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & got there potatoe [sic] plow then went home this morning. Papa & Rosalia are strawing potatoes this morn. A man here from Belleville that has a store bought 36 doz. eggs here at 10¢. We went to Belleville this afternoon, met Joe Hilpert there. Two ladies of Red Bud where here yesterday soliciting for euchre prizes for next Thurs. nite the Swing Circle has a euchre; we got a pair of pillow cases & stamped & worked them out as a prize. We went out to George Boll’s & then out to Henry’s, awhile, Mrs. Cleveland, Grover, & Miss Miles the teacher came up to, awhile. Henry shipped a calf over to St. Louis with Eichenseer, & it only brought $1.40 @ 2½¢; it is awful.
Wednesday, April 26, 1933
We cleaned the kitchen stove & pipes. Rosalia went out to Uncle Freds & got the potatoe [sic] plow. Broad Hollow Grange is giving a play “Civil Service” tonite & dance after it. We planted 2 bus potatoes. Papa planted a patch of corn. Rosa & Bert went out to Henry’s, had lunch there, washed & worked the garden. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening, stayed in Hecker over nite, she brought 90 cabbage plants & few tomatoe [sic] plants along. The road worker are working by Kammler’s & Scheinders today.
Tuesday, April 25, 1933
We washed & ironed, it rain a little this morning & a good shower this afternoon. Frank Buehler was here brought a sack of tankage for $1.80. Berdel [sic – Bertille?] cooked a glass of corn cob syrup, & it tastes good.
Sunday, April 23, 1933
We went out to Uncle Freds for dinner & supper. In the afternoon we all went over to the cemetery, Ed Scheinder family & some relation & Phil & Henry Braun where there they went all through the house & barn, so did we. Scheinder is going to rent the place. We went to Uncle Adam’s & Aunt Mary & Uncle Fred rode along with us there this evening. Jonny Kreher’s sure must of had some dance the other night. Frank Birkner was so drunk. Isadore Helfrich was going to take them home she was no better, he run up the lumber pile; so Henry Spalt took them home. Last Sat, Krehres [sic] & Kemp where cutting a tree down between the hills & it fell the wrong way & smashed the top in on George Wiegands machine & another one yet.
Saturday, April 22, 1933
We went to Waterloo this afternoon, eggs are 10¢ today. We got 2 new tires & tubes from John Horn; for $12.60 & was allowed $3.30 for our old tire & tubes. We went through Red Bud. Henry was in too. We were at Bill Reischfueder’s & looked at a horse, but didn’t make any business.
Friday, April 21, 1933
Jonny Krehre’s [sic- Kreher] had a dance last night, celebrating Authur [sic] Schaefer’s birthday which was yesterday & Mrs. John Krehers last Mon; we have no invititation [sic]. Mr. George Boll & Karl where here got a fat hog, to butcher today; it weighed 242 lbs. & $3.50, $8.45 all cash. Papa went to Red Bud & bought lumber for corn crib, & coal 4 bus. 2@17½¢. & dried skim milk. Rosalia & Bert went out to Henry’s got some oats & helped in the garden. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Goessling of Waterloo have a little baby girl, they just have a pair. Omer Schilling has a birthday dance advertised, for Apr. 29 Sat. at Oak Grove. There was a diregible [sic] flew over this morning right low. The other day there was an airplane landed near Valeymeyer [sic] on Schaefer’s farm, & burned up. completely, 4 persons all from Arksasas [sic – Arkansas], the remains where taken to Wagner & Herman funerl [sic] home. Miss Alberta Heyl, Albert’s daughter is switch board operator in Waterloo now, taking the place of Miss Marie Gentsh who is taking the place of Ruth Olendorph, who recently on Easter Sun. got married to Morris Binder also working at the switch board. A Sign was put up in West end Hecker today saying “Road Closed.” It rained all night.
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