Friday, Jan. 21, 1938

Pap went to Red Bud took 443 lbs. clover seed to Schrieber’s. for 8 1/2 [cents]. Melvin Wagner has the measles, got a sign up, Osies Neff’s, Weigands, Geodelle’s, Klotz’s kids all have them now. Bert [Bertille] send an order to Chicago Mail Or; one to Si & Freckles at Quincy, describing Hecker; one to Ohio to a Oxydol Advertisment [sic]. A fellow here to see about clover seed again. Myrtle Neff is pretty sick.

Wednesday, Dec. 22, 1937

Send cards, etc. Beautiful day. Decorated etc. scrubbed front porch. Arlene Klotz is sick in bed with cold as Renneckers, quite few people have measles they say at Red Bed & Mayben Picketts school will be closed, on that account. The Catholic school children have there program & Santa Claus tonite. There is no school Picketss girls have the measles at present.

Friday, Feb. 22, 1935

Papa hauled wood. Washington birthday. Yesterday it was so hot & today it is just the opposite, north wind & cold; real sickening weather, quite a few people at Waterloo have chicken pox & measles. Mrs. Christ Buehler’s & Martha Bell’s birthday. Transfer of George Purtle to Chas. Minneman was quoted in the times $3,000.00.

Saturday, May 6, 1933

Uncle Adam is 84 yrs. old today. Bertille is all broken out with the measles or the 48 hr. Freezels as they call them. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner, then we all went to Snook by Waterloo to a sales forclosures [sic] sale by Mr. Metzger, he forclosed [sic] him & sold out. The Hecker All Stars rented a piece of land from us & are working on it today, getting ball ground in order. An Inquest was held at Blackburn’s this afternoon. The Birkner boys where called as jurors, Uncle Fred was called to, but wasn’t at home anymore when they called for him. It is a real nice day & evening. Eggs are only 10¢ at Connor’s today.

Monday, April 24, 1933

It looked cloudy, so we didn’t wash, papa plowed the orchard. Steve came over & told us that Abe Heyl was here yesterday & looked at our pigs, Ab came this morning again, but they was to small for him, so he got some from Bill Geodell. Knappe stopp [sic] a little while this morning. Mrs. Hosto of Smithon [sic] is getting buried this afternoon at 1 o clock, to the church & from there to Summerfield; quite a few from here attended the funeral. Papa altered our 5 little pigs. Bert took 6 doz. egg off got 9¢. Clem Parker & Papenberg where here invited us to come to George Parker’s barn dance, Elmer’s birthday 19 yr. old; cake & water where served. Henry brought a calf up this evening, he said Floyd has the measles.

Monday, April 3, 1933

We washed, ironed, scrubbed basement, this morn. Papa & Rosalia went to Waterloo took load wheat along & eggs are 9¢, wheat 48¢. Bertille stayed at Henry’s, made a little garden, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where there too, they brought seed potatoes up. Robert was in bed, had a few pimples, thought it might be measles. Wilma Reheis has them. Papa took chickens to the store 54 lbs. 8¢ lb. & had to pay tax on the things what he bought. It is terrible windy this afternoon.

Thursday, April 23, 1931

Papa went down to Dr. Eckerts to pay for medicine.  $4.25 for the time when we had the measles.  Papa & Rosalia went out in the woods this morning & got a load of black ground to put around the house for flowers, & also filled up the holes in the lawn.  We had white frost this morning.  This afternoon we went down in our truck patch & set out 66 cabbage plants.  Hy. Armstutz came & talked a few words with us.  Steve Rennecker was over a little while while we where cutting the lawn.  Rosalia took the eggs to the store, they are 13¢ a doz.  We cooped 5 roosters this evening for fattening.  Today a year ago Mrs. Hirst was buried.

Friday, March 20, 1931

Today is the starting of 40 hour Adoration in Waterloo.  Papa went up to the store this morning.  Henry came up with the team today, he phoned a piece, & sowed oats, & plowed some, for us to plant potatoes, it was 3 rows, & he also plowed Uncle Fred’s patch for potatoes, so we planted them too.  Henry was here for dinner.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for supper, then Aunt Mary, Rosalia, Bertille went to church.  Martha Boll has the measles now.  Elgin Eidman died & was buried this afternoon, & also that Janssen in Belleville that killed his wife & himself was buried this afternoon at Freeburg.  Rosalia had cleaning day upstairs.

Saturday, March 14, 1931

Papa got crushing done this morning, & then he left for Waterloo, & then to Scheiders Sale.  Tonight is a party at Stonall’s.  Mrs. Ettling was by Henry’s yesterday evening & told them & us & we should let, Uncle Fred know, & also Emil.  Perry Laut has the measles now.  Papa bought 3 boards, at the sale today for 5¢.  He said there was such a crowd there, & lot of people from around here.  Frank Birkner is going to start in farming now.  Today he bought harrows, & at McCarthy’s sale he bought 2 mules, frame wagon, drill.

Sunday, March 8, 1931

It is snowing & awful cold this morn.  Papa didn’t go to church today.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for dinner today.  Henry was up & got medicine for Floyd, he has the measles now.  Papa paid Uncle Fred for the seed potatoes today.  2 bu for $1.80.  Today is August Blackburn’s birthday.  Fr. Grootens went down to the Evangelical Church between our masses, & before there service & preached a sermon about the bank.  They should do as he says & everything will be allright.  Fred Schaefer brought Rome Meng home this evening, he was snowed under he couldn’t hardly hold him up.  Philip & Bill Freund were here this evening & we all went to church.