Rained this morn. & heavy & little hail, no threshing here today. Bill [Klein] stopped in this morn. We went to Waterloo this afternoon to church & Farm Bureau Office. Barney Kaiser & Joe got Matt Crowe’s place through forclosure [sic]. Went out to Uncle Freds & A. [Aunt] Marys this eve. awhile.
Friday, June 23, 1939
Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came. Bert [Bertille] went along sold all berrie, potatoes & apples; finished at 9:30; went good. Had dinner here, & took Marita along home again. Uncle Fred went to Athens after so more boxes, A. [Aunt] Mary stayed here. Bert [Bertille] cut lawn & cleaned; Notice of foreclosure of Mat Crowe by Barney Kaiser was in paper today. Waterloo is putting up $5.00 reward for capture of guy that bombed Schaefer House last week, causing $750 damage.
Friday, July 20, 1934
Hauled water out for pigs. J. Wittenauers selling pickles in town $1.50 bus. Mrs. Scheinder $1.25. Clevelands $1.40. Jake Reheis he got $2.00. John Reheis sell there’s in Red Bud. People stopped bought 5 roosters 10½ lbs. @ 18¢; about 2 lbs. apiece. A man here selling apples 75¢ bu. George Wagner’s family were here a little while. The settlement of Pete Reheis & Fritsche was in the paper for the last time, will be on July 28 at Belleville Court House; he foreclose him. The assesed [sic] valuation was in the Times; we are the highest in Hecker & around. Joe Watchel & Robert Laut dug a 2o ft. well on Watchel lot.
Tuesday, April 3, 1934
Papa & Rosalia went in the woods again this morn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up to pay tax; were here for dinner & supper. Papa & Uncle Fred went up to the woods this afternoon with the mule & Henry’s mare, worked fine. Aunt Mary went up to see Louise Birkner awhile, she is worse again, they quit Dr. Eckert now & Pautler from Red Bud. Louie was there today. It was in the Bellville [sic] paper tonite, that suit to foreclose a $4100 mortgage on real estate in East St. Louis was filed in court by Peter Reheis against Louisa Fritsche & Joe Herzog.
Sunday, Oct. 15, 1933
Went out to Uncle Freds had dinner there, then left the car stand by church lanes & walked down the hard road to where they are working by Cleveland’s House, we walked up to Henry’s but no one home there, so went back home again, it started in raining. Harry Kammler has a dance tonite musci [sic] furnished by Mac Ocr. [sic] of Red Bud. Ed Neff traded his old car in for a new one, also Joe Wacthel, R. Stauenfbiel. Ed is building a new garage, wrecked his old one, & putting it up modern. Mr. Peter Reheis got the place from Ralph Collier, known as Whiteside farm, sold on forclosure [sic] sale $7500.00. Mrs. Collier & children are in St. Louis. Mr. Jo. Neff 45 yrs. passed away was buried Fri., sick 2 days in hospital. Mrs. Joe Schilling brother, Smithon [sic] Church, Green Mount Cemetery. Mrs. Neff 86 yrs, his mother lives in Old Folds [sic – Folks] Home, Belleville; he married Lavin Buehler, and have 3 children, all living on farm near Smithon [sic].
Saturday, Aug. 19, 1933
Jung was here & paid his debts. A lady around selling vanilla, 3 bottles $1.00, we sent her of [sic – off]. Uncle Joe was here paid Rosalia for threshing $1.50. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we went to Wm. Gregson’s sale, didn’t buy anything; big sale. Ralph Collier was to have his property sold, to but it wasn’t today, Uncle Pete is going to forclose [sic] the mortage [sic – mortgage]. Ralph’s wife is in St. Louis, she is suing him for divorce, it comes of in Sept. court.
Thursday, May 11, 1933
It sure rained & hail, wind this morn about 2 oclock, lots of rain, every day this week. Today is court again in Waterloo, cases of J. Brauer, Kaisers forclosure [sic] & all that; & Annie Schiender divorce. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up to story over nite in Hecker again, we planted our house flowers out; they look pretty. Cyril brought some flowers, to, cosmos. Clara Wagner & kids came while we where planting; eggs are 10¢ today. We washed both cars, & fixed them up.
Saturday, May 6, 1933
Uncle Adam is 84 yrs. old today. Bertille is all broken out with the measles or the 48 hr. Freezels as they call them. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner, then we all went to Snook by Waterloo to a sales forclosures [sic] sale by Mr. Metzger, he forclosed [sic] him & sold out. The Hecker All Stars rented a piece of land from us & are working on it today, getting ball ground in order. An Inquest was held at Blackburn’s this afternoon. The Birkner boys where called as jurors, Uncle Fred was called to, but wasn’t at home anymore when they called for him. It is a real nice day & evening. Eggs are only 10¢ at Connor’s today.
Friday, March 31, 1933
We waxed the dinning [sic] room floor. Mr. Metzger came & paid $65.00 for the mule. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came then went to Belleville, & came back here again for supper & brought our glass along what belongs to the dresser. It rained nearly all day, colder this evening. Seen in the paper that on Kaiser & Wittenauer foreclosure, H.M. Hill is appointed as reciever [sic]. Miss Marie Krack was taken to the hospital again in St. Louis. It was in the Belleville paper that Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Hepp & Melba & Mildred attened [sic] a miscellanoues [sic] shower given in honor of Miss Lela Deucker of East St. Louis. A boam [sic – bomb?] was sent to Fr. Coughlin & Pres. Roosvelt [sic] again.
Friday, March 17, 1933
We baked bread, coffe [sic] cake. Papa & Rosalia went to Waterloo with a load of wheat, but didn’t receive no money only a slip of paper, for 14 bus. wheat @ 49¢ $6.86. They got 50 cabbage plants from Jungs for 13¢, they are nice too we planted them out this afternoon. St. Patrick’s Day, but we didn’t plant any potatoes, ground is to wet. It is in the paper for court week this week. Jos. Brauns, business & Hy Armstutz, Gambacher’s, Stifflers, all cases coming on, Philip Meuth & Max Schelibe, foreclosoure [sic]. Barney Kaiser & Elnora Wittenauer & a good many others.
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