Sunday, May 31, 1931

Papa & Bertille went to Smithton to church this morning, it is nice there, we seen quite a few people that we knowed.  Henry & family where here for dinner.  This evening Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Henry’s family & Bill came, & we all went to the Brick House, the boy’s stayed here with papa.  The Hecker All Stars gave the dance, music from Belleville, & also Uncle Fred.  Adm. was gents 25 ladies 15¢.  Hecker ball team played Evansville today & Hecker won.  Gus Blackburn & Roy Stauenbiel played at a barn dance at Wagner’s, by Red Bud this evening.  There was also a barn dance by Joe Haudrich’s, by Rheinhardt’s musci [sic].

Saturday, May 30, 1931

Papa got crushing done.  There is School Picnic in Waterloo today, parade of the children is at 9:30.  Everything is closed today, stores, banks, barber shops, also because it is Memorial Day.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up at 10 o’clock, then we drove down to Fr. Chartres, from there we went to Polaceki sale at Fults, the May’s where there from there we came home, we hit the hard road at Parrot’s Corner, we came through a quite a few towns, & good roads, drove along the bluffs, we covered 58 miles, was back at 4 o’clock.  Harry Kammler’s is giving a dance tonight, but it ain’t so nice, cool, it rained where we were today, but not much here at home.  The Hecker ball teams played today.  The Blue Capes against the Hecker All Stars, in favor or Blue Caps, the score was 13 to 14.

Friday, May 29, 1931

It rained a little this morn.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here this afternoon for lunch.  Lucinda Eichenseer brought us some flowers from Mamie this morn.  This afternoon there where some school kids here with cards, chances to win, bed spread, quilt, tea set, gas or coal range, & other articles, 10¢ a chance, we didn’t take any.  Rosalia & Aunt Mary where by Mrs. Rennecker a while.  Bertille & Rosalia went to church to-night & took that table scarf along & gave it to Mrs. Joe Braun.  Mrs. Rennecker birthday is today, Klotz’s & G. Wagners where there, they had ice cream.

Thursday, May 28, 1931

This morning we finished our truck patch for this week, then Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & then we went to Belleville all day.  We ordered our Belleville Paper, that the lady took us through the printing shop.  We all got weighed, Aunt Mary 168 lbs., Uncle Fred 152, Papa 165, Rosalia, 149, Bertille 112.  Today is Frances Kern’s birthday.  Joseph Huber Jr. has purchased a Chrysler.  Last Thurs. night Edwin Wachtel gave a dance at the brick House.  Rev. Fr. Odillo Eichenseer off Chicago spent a day last Sat. with Anton Eichenseer,  & Sun. at Ruma he celebrated his 25th yr. priest, the relation where all present, & they had served dinner in the Hall for 200 people.  Mrs. Charles Rausch of Belleville sold her farm where Ed. Schinder lives on, a lake will be made on the farm.  Red Bud ball team played with Hecker on there grounds here, & defeated them by a score of 2 to 1.  Smithton Jr. team played Hecker Jr. team here Sun. the score was 10 to 9 in favor of Smithton.  Frances Schilling was home last Sun. visiting parents.  George Neff is on the sick list, he is my Osie’s [? last word unclear].  Ed. Parker’s barn is nearly finished now, it costs between $3 & $4,000.  John Roth sold some of his land to George Roth is son.

Wednesday, May 27, 1931

We all went to the truck patch this morning.  This afternoon we went out to Henry’s, had lunch there, Papa & Emil helped with the hay.  This evening, Henry & family, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & all of us went to Roy Stauenbiel’s on a visit, Roy had to go to Hecker for a while, but he was back before we left, & that was 12:30.  Leona cut our hair today.

Tuesday, May 26, 1931

Papa & Rosalia went to Belleville this morning with our 2 hogs.  They left about 5:30 got $6.40 a lb for them took them to Streck’s, at Belleville.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for lunch this afternoon.  Papa went out this morning to Henry’s to help him with the hay.  He was there for dinner, lunch & supper.  Johnny Krehres boy was here after school & invited us for a dance at there place.  So this evening we all went there & had a good time, the crowd was rather large. They danced in the barn, Herman Kettler furnished the musci [sic].  Today is Pearl Griffin’s birthday, she is 20 yrs. old today.

Monday, May 25, 1931

It sure did rain last night & this morning yet too.  Papa went to Hecker this morn. & he also went down & looked at our truck patch.  We had chicken pie for dinner today.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped in, on there way to Red Bud to a church Picnic there.  Papa & Rosalia went out & cleaned the cemetery, & planted some flowers out too.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped went they came back from the picnic, they had there chicken supper there.  Eggs are 13¢.  We sold 25 lbs. springers @ 24¢ a lb. $6.00.

Sunday, May 24, 1931

Leona was up for 1st mass & Henry at late, today Henry is 27 yrs. old & also there wedding anniversary.  We went out right after church.  Papa went to Belleville to church this morning.  Those that where at Henry’s for chicken dinner where Gus Geodell’s family us, & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, after dinner Henry & Frank Birkner’s family came, & Bill Freund, we made ice cream & then cake for lunch.  Oh! Boy, they had 2 gallons ice cream.  Bill was here for supper, afterwords, we went to Breezy Hill too dance, the Melody club furnished the music.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came she went to church.  Henry & Leona went to Breezy Hill too.  They got a reo light from Gus Geodell’s.

Saturday, May 23, 1931

Rosalia went to clean church on Aunt Mary’s place this morning.  We seen the balloon that left Scot field this morning at 4:30 & is going 40 miles from there, it is a 35,000 cu. ft. balloon, we seen it about 6 o’clock, it was going South.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here this afternoon for lunch.  Papa went to Waterloo.  Tonight Marcella Ettling is graduating from piano lessons, we got a written invitation.  It is over at St. Louis, she is to play two pieces on the piano.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary got an invitation to come to Belleville, Irene Reheis send them a card to come.

Friday, May 22, 1931

Rosalia & Bertille went up to Mamie’s then we went to church.  Mamie was fixing on a new dress to wear Sun. at Ruma Fr. Odillo is celebrating his 25th Jubilee.  He was here at Eichenseer’s too.  The Catholic ball team of Waterloo motored to Hecker last Sun. & defeated the boys by a score of 3 to 2.