Tuesday, Oct. 10, 1939

Rained last nite & morning. Went to Belleville with 2 hogs; left Whip. by Bill [Klein] to fix he took us home in his truck, & fixed our pump, had dinner here. We got sweet potatoes & turnip ready to take to Belleville tomorrow. Dorothy Pautler – Phil Pautler’s daughter of Evansville & Jerome Harbaugh of Boxtown are being married this morn, dance at Boxtown tonite. Ben Heyl was here looked at heifers. Oll. Englerth & Bill [Klein] came this eve. Bill & Bert [Bertille] & Al. Karban & girl friend went to St. Louis to see Veil Prophet parade, “Gay Nineties” it was beautiful.

Thursday, Aug. 3, 1939

Nice cool day. Canned peaches, pickles. Evansville have there pinic [sic] today; nicer day then yesterday, also sales today. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came pap went along to sale by Millsdadt [sic] & Ritzel at Waterloo didn’t buy nothing. Henry Wittenauer was here, getting land ready to start plowing. J. [Josie] Keller & Mr. Neimey Jr stopped here got eggs & chicken; were also at Lizzie Bolls while. The couple that had triplets born at Belleville hospitiel [sic], only the girl is living, other 2 died, girl 5 lb. still living. August Mueth 59 formerly of Smithton was buried there this morn.

Wednesday, July 5, 1939

Went to Leo’s, canned apples, prepared for threshing, so hot today. We took Marita along home; they came this eve. going to thresh tomorrow, have them for dinner. Bill [Klein] came Henry brought wheat money, so far $65.45 for 134 bus. only got for some 48 * 53-45-50-52[cents]. to Waterloo & E. St. Louis; he got about 580 bus. wheat don’t weigh out; & no price. Lewis Kumke was buried at Evansville this morning.

Tuesday, July 4, 1939

Rain this morn. stops threshing today. Went to Red Bud to Waterloo this afternoon. McKonky [editor’s note – I believe she means Kumke here since she had crossed out McKonky and wrote in Kumke in yesterday’s post]. is at Evansville parlor, will also be buried there tomorrow morn. Mueth was on wrong side of slap & no lights they thing. Awful hot this afternoon 80 [degrees]. Everything closed at Waterloo. Leo & family came, went to Red Bud to Dr. Pautler with Marita, she has sores on her arm, gave her salve to put on. Emil came over, wasn’t much fire works put on in town. Ed Brand & wife are here from Alb. [Alabama] at Heyl’s at Waterloo, stop over at Emils, on way home from a trip to river, also at Levi’s.

Saturday, May 6, 1939

Cut lawn etc. Went to Waterloo to Opac [? – unclear] Crooks sale, everything cheap; kitchen range $1.50. Mrs. Geodelle bought table for Leona $1; we got flour barrel for Rose [Rosalia]. Admiral Eichelmann Waterloo & Margaret Reneicker of near Red Bud were married Apr. 30. at E. St. Louis in St. Patricks parsonage. by Fr. Byre; at present making there home with grooms parents Rud Eichelmann. Clyde Pautler of Evansville have baby boy since Apr. 10 now have boy & girl; Robert [Brand] took central Ex. at Waterloo today. We got 15 1/2 [cents] for shipping coop chickens for 23. – 115 lbs @ 15 1/2 & for 1.4 lbs. @ 6 [cents] from McLain Bros. at St. Louis.

Thursday, Aug. 25, 1938

Pap cut 7 schocks [sic] corn, this morn. this afternoon getting 2 load wood. Cool this morn. had heavy rain in Arizonia [sic] places. John Kessler’s boy fell backward of [sic – off] a horse yesterday, wasn’t hurt bad. Ed Coop & family of Belleville moved on a farm by Evansville bought all new implements to start farming, moved last week.

Tuesday, Aug. 10, 1937

Painter is here. Pautler from Red Bud brought oil here for H. Wittenauer, going to start plowing today, going to put all our ground in wheat. Yesterday afternoon it was 94° little cooler this morn. canned 1 qt. tomatoes. Mr. Joe Kunkel of Tipton was buried last Sat. morn. there; been ailing for quite some time, weak heart. Last week Thurs. nite J. Hellmer & May had a collision between Oak Grove & Donahue’s as May turned of. Mr. Hellmer had his arm broke & splintered, & she is in hospital. Mr. & Mrs. Hahn were with them but unespacd [sic – unescaped?] injuries, Mr. Hahn even flew through windshield, never hurt; glass safety. There is a sale by Valmeyer & Mondanaville [sic] pinic [sic] Catholic Fr. Duehren in charge, raffling a oven ware set & silver tray. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, went to the meeting in school hall, for the pinic [sic] next Tues. Evansville band to play. 25 pc. $30.

Thursday, Aug. 5, 1937

Rained this morn; stops threshing, for those that ain’t finished yet; still quite a few machines that ain’t done yet. Chris Buehler has sale this afternoon, Starr Auction, just called over lines, all around, had no poster printed, don’t come as high, just to call on lines, Red Bud, Waterlo & all over. Evansville has Catholic Church pinic [sic] today. We went to Buehlers sale, this afternoon pretty nice crowd. Leo & Rose came eve.

Friday, Feb. 26, 1937

Went to Smithton, on business this morn, then went to Leo, pap helped saw wood, also Jake, Isd. & Chas. Mueth Joe Krebs sawed it; had dinner there, sawed about 12 loads. Pretty nice day. It was in the paper that the will of Omer’s was filed last Fri. H. M. Hill, Vic & Odillo Eichenseer as witness, Geo. Schilling executor; there was also a nice memoriam piece in paper put in by friends. Aunt Mary got her pattern that I send for last week. The late Geo. Gregson farm was sold $30. acre, Waldman of Evansville bought the farm; That is Walter & Geo & rest father place.

Monday, Oct. 5, 1936

We washed, ironed; Baked. Geo. Boll got his disk. A fellow here selling electric Singer sewing machines. Emil Schilling’s wife stopped in last nite on there way to St. Louis, they were at Pautlers at Evansville, come to see Omer. Lena Meng got some flower slips. We had a little shower rain this afternoon.