Tuesday, Sept. 26, 1939

Went to Belleville with things, all sold but 2 pumpkins. Uncle Fred working up here this morn; brought bucket of peas this afternoon she [Aunt Mary] came along up. We got 25 [cents] for eggs today. Frank Kroll’s have baby girl born Sat. eve. & Dominic Roth girl Sun. at Belleville Hospital. Reports are that Aaron Papenberg is going to build a house, on Kessler’s ground next to Kammler. Hy. Fereuer brought the 3rd of potatoes this eve. 15 bus. The war business is still going strong. Warsaw is nearly cleaned out, paper says, half burning, churches were bombed Sun. during services.

Thursday, Aug. 3, 1939

Nice cool day. Canned peaches, pickles. Evansville have there pinic [sic] today; nicer day then yesterday, also sales today. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came pap went along to sale by Millsdadt [sic] & Ritzel at Waterloo didn’t buy nothing. Henry Wittenauer was here, getting land ready to start plowing. J. [Josie] Keller & Mr. Neimey Jr stopped here got eggs & chicken; were also at Lizzie Bolls while. The couple that had triplets born at Belleville hospitiel [sic], only the girl is living, other 2 died, girl 5 lb. still living. August Mueth 59 formerly of Smithton was buried there this morn.

Wednesday, June 7, 1939

Went to Leo’s helped plant patch corn & make hay this afternoon; had lunch & chicken dinner there. We also had first cabbage of season of ours today. Rained this afternoon, but not so much, we need it alwful [sic] bad day. Mrs. Willing Kreher came home from Belleville Hospital yesterday, after giving birth to a 3 lb. baby, which is still in hospital in incubator. Planted out tomatoes & pepper plant last for season, sprayed potatoes. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, she went to Mrs. Staufenbiels, to see about her dress. Mrs. Agnes Kroll died of a stroke this morn; while Kate was at mass; she has been blind for good many years.

Saturday, Feb. 18, 1939

Went to Waterloo, got feed etc; was going to Neubarth Sale, but that was 3 miles out on mud roads so we didn’t go. Ivo Rapp was taken to Red Bud hospital yesterday eve; got piece wood in his leg. Alma Klotz is taken treatments at Belleville hospital every day. Geo Wagner’s family came this eve we played cards, ladies lost but 1.

Thursday, Jan. 26, 1939

Nice day warm. A. [Aunt] Mary’s birthday 62 yrs. old. We went out this afternoon, had supper. Went with Whip. roads aren’t so nice. Pap went to Larsons by Burksville bought 8 pigs $34.00. Leo & family, Bill [Klein], came this eve; we quilted & played cards. Red Bud church has euchre tonite. Frank Birkners have a baby girl since Tues. also Oliver Quirins a girl Belleville hospital since Jan 21. Billy [Willis] has got pink eye now. Floyd arm is sore.

Sunday, Nov. 6, 1938

Went to Red Bud, mass was longer from 7:30 till 9:00. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, pap went along to Donahue’s, turkey supper, & shooting match; they also went to Phil Mueths shooting match, but didn’t win nothing; Clarence Pabst of Belleville was granted a divorce, Sat. from his wife nee -Irene Voges. Geo. Wihelms. Mrs. Mertz brother died in Belleville hospital of pneumonia. Raining this eve.; a little.

Friday, Oct. 28, 1938

Pap went up in woods stopped at Henry’s. He brought load corn, this afternoon, & told us about the fire at Jerome Cortner’s house burned to ground not much saved we didn’t no [sic] nothing about it, happened 12:30. Lorena was at Belleville, at hospital where her mother is a patient, when Jerome got to the house flames were coming out the window they say. Hecker fire department was out.

Wednesday, Aug. 24, 1938

Another hot day, last two days it reached 100 [degrees] at 4 p.m. Wittenauers cutting weeds; here with the mowers. Hy Sauer 88 the old wagon maker died at the home of his daughter Mrs. Chas. Minmaman will be buried this afternoon from Dashner’s funeral parlor, to Hecker Village cemetery. The Dougherty twins were called by James Joseph – Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Haudrich sponsors, & girl Doris Lorretta, a lady of St. Louis & Celeste Haudrich of Paderborn. The German Band played at no. yesterday for Uncle [Fred] & Aunts [Mary] Wed. Anni. Bert [Bertille] send in. Walter Stahl’s Jr. have baby girl born hospital at Belleville about 2 week ago. We cut lawn this eve; then went out to see Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary once.

Sunday, July 24, 1938

Hot. Went to first mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped awhile. Becker Ins. agent came brought policy title back for our car. Henry & family came had supper here. Bill Klein & Bobby & Al, Bertha, Elsie Karban & Marcella Schilling & 2 brothers all came wanted to go to Fort Chartres, but we were getting company so Bill stayed rest left, took his car anyway. When they got to Fort Chartres. Fr. Wishkamp from Paderborn & Buddy Karban & Jerome Haudrich caught them, they all went to Ferry crossed it went to Kaskaskia to church pinic [sic], were Fr. came from; he paid all expenses 10 in all, had supper there; payed $1 a car & 15 [cents] a piece to cross ferry, they all had a wonderful time. We went to Karbans this eve. ate watermelons. Joe Schilling’s threshing run had free beer at Kaburecks to nite & lawn party. Walter Gregsons celebrating 25 yr. silver Wedding inn at Log Cabin tonite. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary went. Fr. Spors was there made a speech. Schmidt Orchestra, playing musci [sic]. Renneker’s, Emil were all down. Nic Cortner died Belleville hospital this morn. sometime buried at Hecker.

Wednesday, July 20, 1938

Cleaned chicken house. Pap went to Henry’s, threshing clover seed with combine, he had lunch & dinner. Bert [Bertille] canned 5 1/2 qts. beets & 1 1/2 tomatoe. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, went to see Armstutz’s on a visit. Henry Spalt have another baby boy, July 18. this makes 2 boys in family, born at Belleville hospital. Sieberts called there girl Delores Norma Lena Siebert born July 8; sponsor Norma Siebert; sister of Leslie Siebert.