Wednesday, July 26, 1939

Sun shining nice this morn; awful wind last nite. Henry came brought potatoes. Emil was over. Bert [Bertille] baked pie etc. send peaches along with Henry home. Leo & family came this eve; might thresh oats tomorrow. Wittenauers finished threshing here today 5 20 1/2 bu. from 23 acres; we got 174 bus. finished about 6:30 threshing.

Saturday, April 29, 1939

Nice today. Went to sale Marquardts this afternoon & to church at Waterloo. Wittenauers are working ground here for corn; plowing & harrowing. Floyd had blood poison last week; alright again now.

Thursday, March 2, 1939

Pap sewed clover seed. Emil came got bu. [bushel] potatos [sic]. Went to Belleville this afternoon; lot of people in town.

Wednesday, July 20, 1938

Cleaned chicken house. Pap went to Henry’s, threshing clover seed with combine, he had lunch & dinner. Bert [Bertille] canned 5 1/2 qts. beets & 1 1/2 tomatoe. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, went to see Armstutz’s on a visit. Henry Spalt have another baby boy, July 18. this makes 2 boys in family, born at Belleville hospital. Sieberts called there girl Delores Norma Lena Siebert born July 8; sponsor Norma Siebert; sister of Leslie Siebert.

Wednesday, April 20, 1938

Raining a little. Bert [Bertille] planted house flowers, from the basement out, cut lawn etc; planted 48 sweet potatoe [sic] plants out. Roy Staufenbiel has sore foot, horse stoped [sic] on it, bruised pretty bad. Lester Gregson’s boy, Virgil has diptheria, sign up. Lester stays by Emil, he don’t go in the house. John Kessler from Alba. is here, going to start farming at Kesslers. The Mueth property that was sold last week, or rather Euler ground brought $5.50 acre, bought by Phi Mueth. Hy. Koerber stoped [sic] on business, for Uncle Fred; till about 10:30 eve.

Wednesday, April 6, 1938

Windy, cloudy, this afternoon. Leona & Billy [Willis] came, we stretched curtains etc. blanket had dinner here. Emil was over awhile, pap caught 6 fish for supper, boy! were they good. Karl Boll plowed a piece of a lot for Rob. Laut, planted some potatoes. They finally got Kammler’s barn moved to Werners lot this morn. accross [sic] hard road, stopped traffic for short awhile. Bert [Bertille] worked garden this evening. Radio says cold with snow tonite & rain, had a light shower this eve.

Monday, Jan. 3, 1938

Went out butchering at Henry’s had dinner. Oliver Ruhel was here, working on agricultural problems. Nice day.

Wednesday, Oct. 27, 1937

Beautiful day. Pap sewed timothy seed in truck patch. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up this afternoon, also Emil was up. They came this eve. again & Bert [Bertille] went along to Paderborn to euchre, & dance. Bert got water pitcher had 8-12 games. Uncle & A. [Aunt] got nothing had 4 points each. Rheinhardts Hossier Hot Shots furnished musci [sic] for dance.

Thursday, Sept. 30, 1937

Bert [Bertille] cleaned 2 rooms upstairs. Pap cooked beef soup dinner; Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, had dinner here, finished papering & cleaned his truck patch, pap helped him this afternoon worked it up with horse; had lunch with them, stayed for eve. awhile. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came brought cream down, going to ship it over with Buehler, then going to start hauling milk again, only not getting best price. Schmidt brought sack wagone [sic] laying mash started feeding it today. Leo & Rose also down last nite.

Friday, Sept. 10, 1937

Cut in cabbage 13 qts; got pumpkins & watermelons in. Baked bread & coffee cake. Hy. Kessler wanted hogs, ours were sold. Pap went out & found 7 pigs from Bozzay $6.75. then took them to Hy. Kesslers sold them to him; he was well satisfied with them. Harbaugh Moorman’s Mineral Feed man was here; asking pap to be agent in Prairie du Long Township, he is promoted to higher degree. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came, we ate watermelons.