Saturday, Oct. 15, 1938

Such nice weather. Chris Buehler moving from Red Bud to his farm north of town. Pap went to Smithton.

Friday, Sept. 9, 1938

Bert [Bertille] baked cookies, pumpkin pie & cake this morn. patched. Its hot again yesterday it was 98. Seen in paper that Joe Lengyl of St. Louis, she being Ethel May have a baby boy second boy now, also seen that Mrs. Eugene Fahey is going to teach Oak Grove School this term; she didn’t teach last yr. living in St. Louis. Mr. & Mrs. Otto Stadel nee Miss Norman Geodelle have moved household articles & 8 head horses by train to Waterloo, going to move with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Jac Geodelle in Geodelletown, came from South Dakota. Hy Burckardt of Waterloo is going to start the Oak Grove Tavern now. Clifford Stahelheber wrecked his roadster last Sat. nite near Marrissa, hit into another car, he has a scratch on his chin; but now another car driving around already. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came awhile & Emil; It rained a little & thunder.

Thursday, Aug. 25, 1938

Pap cut 7 schocks [sic] corn, this morn. this afternoon getting 2 load wood. Cool this morn. had heavy rain in Arizonia [sic] places. John Kessler’s boy fell backward of [sic – off] a horse yesterday, wasn’t hurt bad. Ed Coop & family of Belleville moved on a farm by Evansville bought all new implements to start farming, moved last week.

Wednesday, April 6, 1938

Windy, cloudy, this afternoon. Leona & Billy [Willis] came, we stretched curtains etc. blanket had dinner here. Emil was over awhile, pap caught 6 fish for supper, boy! were they good. Karl Boll plowed a piece of a lot for Rob. Laut, planted some potatoes. They finally got Kammler’s barn moved to Werners lot this morn. accross [sic] hard road, stopped traffic for short awhile. Bert [Bertille] worked garden this evening. Radio says cold with snow tonite & rain, had a light shower this eve.

Sunday, March 6, 1938

Nice day. Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in awhile after church. Leo came down to the doctor to get medicine, Rose [Rosalia] is in bed, bad cold, otherwise O.K. We went up there this afternoon; had supper there, she is up, coughs once in awhile. Lauts moved piano to Wagners.

Friday, Feb. 11, 1938

Pap went to Waterloo & Red Bud put ad in Saxmeyer news for sale ad. Showers today. Bert [Bertille] cleaned & quilted. Annie Jaeger of Waterloo sold her property to Sparwasser of Waterburg who will move in soon; Rahn’s will have to move, it is the next place to Geodells. Quernheim’s gave pencils away as souvenirs last Sun. at there opening; were 1600 people visited there.

Monday, Nov. 8, 1937

Rained last nite, cloudy this morn. Ed Pabst had shooting match yesterday, also gave attendance prize. We cleaned hen house, etc. Burdgorgf looked at the sow, bought it for $8.50 lb; got it his eve. weighed 470 lbs; went to Hy. Hepps to get heifers also, he is going to move to Red Bud tomorrow. Pap went to Red Bud got the money & seen hog weighed. Rained today, showers. Eggs 28¢.

Thursday, Oct. 28, 1937

Sure some nice weather. to warm. Pap went out in woods, hauled home some butchering wood. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came up this morning, had dinner here; fixing pumps etc. Bert [Bertille] fixed curtains. Emil moved in this afternoon, Joe & Levi Gregson helping. Mehrmann got 8 doz. eggs @ 25¢. took bu. turnips along again. Schmidt brought egg mash down, & settled the lard, we sold 6 gals. The Catholics have euchre in Red Bud tonite. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary had 10 got house slippers & U. [Uncle] Fred – 11 – dress goods; not much of a crowd, Seifert got quilt that was raffled; prizes were all seperated. [sic]

Wednesday, Aug. 11, 1937

Canned 12 qt. peaches, 1 green gage, cooked catsup. Painter finished this morn.; this afternoon working out at Henrys pap went out to filling in the outside cracks & spaces; took basket peaches along out. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped, moving Christ Buehler to Red Bud – his truck, Jake Klein’s & Werner Kammlers, them, Elmer Parker, Adam Eckerts helping to move. Ruma Catholic church has pinic [sic] today. Wm Wiegand was here going to move down on his farm, thought he could run his cows passed here. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came from Buehlers here.

Saturday, Aug. 7, 1937

Pap went to barber shop. Stoeckel painter is out all day. Pap went to Burksville sale; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came Bert [Bertille] went along to Fr. Feldmann & brothers sale at Red Bud. bought box jars etc. for Rose [Rosalia] for 20¢; wasn’t much of a sale. Nic Frisch has sale to, that is over near New Athens. R. Besher & Fern Gully; family are moving on that place. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came Bert wasn’t along to Log cabin, supposed to be a wedding dance, couple from E. St. Louis, but they never came at all, Webers Bro. playing & no crowd, we came home ten o’clock.