Wednesday, Oct. 27, 1937

Beautiful day. Pap sewed timothy seed in truck patch. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up this afternoon, also Emil was up. They came this eve. again & Bert [Bertille] went along to Paderborn to euchre, & dance. Bert got water pitcher had 8-12 games. Uncle & A. [Aunt] got nothing had 4 points each. Rheinhardts Hossier Hot Shots furnished musci [sic] for dance.

Sunday, Oct. 10, 1937

Went to mass, 7:30 from now on. Ettling from Floraville looked at horses. Leo & Rose came, had dinner & supper here. Gusta Dudenhoeffer & Margaret were here short while, out at Maniers dropped down see how we all were. Pete Matzenbacher had shooting match this afternoon. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came Bert [Bertille] went along to Paderborn Totsch’s free dance & fish fry, Rheinhardt & Schoenborn, Geodelle & Bocker musci [sic] Och. large crowd. there is free opening dance at Brezzy [sic] Hill by A. Josten of Valmeyer who now has charge, Mr. & Mrs. Maul moved back to St. Louis. KMOX Radio Stars playing at Oak Grove.

Saturday, Aug. 7, 1937

Pap went to barber shop. Stoeckel painter is out all day. Pap went to Burksville sale; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came Bert [Bertille] went along to Fr. Feldmann & brothers sale at Red Bud. bought box jars etc. for Rose [Rosalia] for 20¢; wasn’t much of a sale. Nic Frisch has sale to, that is over near New Athens. R. Besher & Fern Gully; family are moving on that place. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came Bert wasn’t along to Log cabin, supposed to be a wedding dance, couple from E. St. Louis, but they never came at all, Webers Bro. playing & no crowd, we came home ten o’clock.

Sunday, May 9, 1937

Mothers Day. Went to Red Bud mass. We received a 2 books chances yesterday from Dupo, 1st prize $700.00 & 2nd. $300.00, pinic [sic] on May 31; we get them every year. Went out to A. [Aunt] Mary’s for dinner Josie Keller was out & this afternoon all went to Leo’s had supper there. Leo & Rose came down to milk station this morn, put in complain about getting there milk back all the time; they brought some sour milk along here to make cheese with. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came up this eve.; we went to the firemens dance at Manier’s Hall nice crowd, Skaer’s played; cleared $40. at the door. Adm. 25¢.

Wednesday, Dec. 30, 1936

Raining all morning heavy. This afternoon sun shining nice, radio says cold weather tonite. Eggs 26¢ today. A fellow here, wanted to buy timber. Lohmann on Ben Schilling farm is going to make wood; hauled it up, 40¢ load, going to start soon. Mauff vegatable [sic] man was around. The St. Libory players are giving a play at Paderborn tonite. Leo came & we went to the play & dance, sure was nice. “A Hill Billy Courtship” was the name; pretty good crowd. Schoenborn & Skaer played for the dance. It is getting somewhat colder, high wind.

Sunday, June 14, 1936

Beautiful day. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, awhile before mass. Mrs. Emma Eckert brought the veil back, had it borrowed for Emmie Solemn Coummioun [sic – Communion]. We went to Red Bud for 7:30 mass, but it is changed now to 6:30 & 8:30 masses, so we came to late, so stayed for high mass & benediction. The Evangical [sic] Church Ladies Aid got cold supper & pinic [sic] today, at church grounds. The Hecker Baseball Club has a dance at Kammler’s Hall musci [sic] by Schmidts. We went to pinic [sic] awhile. Pap went for supper, also Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary. Birkner’s Orch. played musci [sic]. Mrs. Milton Wagner won the free game of bluey, & also the quilt in lotto, & Mrs. Frieda Koreber won 1 quilt in bluey & 1 that was raffled out; sure luck. Edgar Wittenauer was stabbed with a knife last nite by Maniers, isn’t so bad; fellow from Athens; sheriff came out & took him to Waterloo Jail.

Sunday, Aug. 25, 1935

Went to Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon, we went along with them to Columbia to the Homecoming, had a wonderful time seen the parade, was interntained [sic] by Jimmie & Dick Radio stars, boy! they were good; danced free in afternoon. came home, ate supper, then went to Totch’s at Paderborn. Boy! what a time fish & chicken fry; free dancing day & nite Schoenborn & Schaefer playing ; & large crowd; Hillsheim & Gus Frish were there advertising, the church pinic [sic] for Wed. Goe Griffin & Tillie Hafley were published 1st time.

Sunday, May 19, 1935

Raining all morning. We went to church. Spirtas was here & went out to Aunt Mary’s. Hecker is playing the first ball game today, here with Waterloo, & Hecker lost, the game & Boy some yelling they did, & terrible noise. Miss Melba Hepp & Leifer are being married this afternoon at Belleville, double bredismaids [sic]. Mildred & Erma, sisters of the bride, dressed in pink & blue, bride in white; all relatives that is Uncle & Aunts invited for supper & this evening 200 guests invited to Daab’s Club house for dance. We went out to Henry’s stopped a little while, then went to Waterloo to Mary Matthews birthday dance, Sunset Synodabt playing, but went we go there, it lightened & thundered, we went home again, it rained during the night; there were quite a few cars there.

Saturday, Sept. 15, 1934

Papa went up to Wm. Fritsche to get some repairs done for the grass mower. There were 3 people from St. Louis Walsh’s & Mr. Ducan [? – illegible] the latter fixing a truck at the home of J. Kraft near Waterloo, they skidded hit a passing truck, & were all three killed, Mrs. Walsh was a Kraft. Raining again this morning & colder. Alice & Lucille are visiting at Mrs. Staufenbiel’s now, then they want to go to Joe Gregson’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, we all went out to Al. Cleveland’s to a party; had a most wonderful time, Oh! Boy, old time & modern musci [sic], furnished by Miss Miles & her band, & Uncle Fred; Papenberg & Parker; beer & cake were served, to people from far & near.

Saturday, July 28, 1934

Papa went to Rall’s sale by Red Bud this afternoon – everything brought a good price. People here selling vanilla extract. We planted beans & pickles yesterday. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to New Athens Homecoming this afternoon. We went out to Birkner’s, then to Hy. Ronnenberg’s farewell party, half barrel beer was the refreshments; the men chipped together & Hillheims got the beer from Hecker; danced in the barn, musci [sic] by I. Helfrich Sheonborn; not a very large crowd.