Friday, Oct. 14, 1938

We went to funeral of Mr. Frisch 80 yrs. old, Fr. Aydt made a very good sermon; pretty large, funeral, Garedener. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Bert [Bertille] went to Belleville this afternoon. Olive Laut came this eve. paid ground rent $8.00 there truck patch.

Wednesday, Oct. 12, 1938

Columbus Day. We wormed our pullets this morn. John Frish – Gus dad was found in chair, pulling potatoes & died was found that way when Gus came home last nite. Bert [Bertille] made some more Mince Meat. Besse of Millsdadt [sic] bought 4 bu. & 20 lbs. potatoes & 75 [cents] hundred. $1.96.

Friday, Aug. 12, 1938

Pap hauled 2 loads gravel with team. Gus Frisch stopped in, he put some coal hat in drive way; took chance Red Bud prize. Leo & family came brought truck back. Emil was over awhile.

Tuesday, April 5, 1938

Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt Mary] & Bert [Bertille] went to Mrs. Griffins funeral she was 31 yrs. old. pallbearers were Noel Roscow, Gus Frisch, Wm. Harbaugh; 3 fellows from her side, from Freeburg. Had a Solemn Requeim [sic] Mass; by Aydt, Orlet, & Shoemaker, who gave her the Catholic Instructions. Fr. Aydt had a very nice sermon, church was crowded, buried her at Waterloo cemetery were the twins are also buried; 2 girls. Henry came brought the truck & got his car; got $9.25 for his calf. Steve Stiffler came this eve.

Monday, Sept. 27, 1937

Bert [Bertille] went to mass funeral of Kroll; rather large, all girls pallbearers, Pearl Griffin, Mary Arns, Alvera Braun, 2 ladies of Waterloo, Theresa Frisch. Mrs. Francis Eichenseer is being buried at St. Louis this afternoon, that is his second wife she formerly Ziebold girl of Red Bud but had married before; she has been ailing for 3 yrs. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came Bert [Bertille] helped them paper there kitchen ceiling across the street. One of our horses Barney is sick, had Doc. Miller out for him, he had supper also Uncle & Aunt Mary stayed Leona’s birthday but he didn’t get out, had company & sick horse.

Saturday, Aug. 7, 1937

Pap went to barber shop. Stoeckel painter is out all day. Pap went to Burksville sale; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came Bert [Bertille] went along to Fr. Feldmann & brothers sale at Red Bud. bought box jars etc. for Rose [Rosalia] for 20¢; wasn’t much of a sale. Nic Frisch has sale to, that is over near New Athens. R. Besher & Fern Gully; family are moving on that place. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came Bert wasn’t along to Log cabin, supposed to be a wedding dance, couple from E. St. Louis, but they never came at all, Webers Bro. playing & no crowd, we came home ten o’clock.

Friday, March 19, 1937

Raining a little Pap went out with buggy & horse on a trip down to Bert Thompson’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came took Bert along, went up to see Leo & Rose awhile, Hennrick of Walsh was there & got a cow, & brought a different one, but they didn’t like it. One of the Divian’s twin babies died at the Red Bud hospital; I seen in the paper, isn’t so much news this week, Winnie Ganley & husband transfer of $1. to Geo Schilling. Mr. Jerome Meng is be sow accessor this year & Ed. Frisch at Henry’s. Thunder tonite & raining.

Wednesday, March 3, 1937

Beautiful day. Pap hauled 2 loads wood. Frisch came & got 17 bus. 17 lbs. oats @ 60¢, that is all we are going to sale for awhile. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, he went to L. Birkners, she helped quilt all afternoon, had supper here, she went to church this eve. Fr. Rattermann has the services on Wed. nite. Leo & Rose came down this eve.; she helped quilt. Geo Orlets girl Cecilia was rushed to the Belleville hospital Sun. was operated within half hr. time, had appendix; she isn’t so good wouldn’t let no one in yesterday. Mr. Orlet is out at Leo’s now, helping with the work; last nite Martin Karban, Geo & Emil Helfrich, Jake’s family & Mr. & Mrs. Orlet & Isidore, were all by them; played card; Mr. Orlet stayed out.

Thursday, Feb. 25, 1937

Cold, 12 above this morn. Frisch came got load oats, got 90 bus. 20 lbs. @ 60¢. Wm. Doyle got 43 bus. this afternoon. Ed. Weber looked at horses & implements, wants to start Ross out on his farm, he is not living on the farm. Sly. Doyle is in Red Bud hospital pretty sick was operated on appendix, went in Fri. Leo & Rose came took us along, went to see Uncle Fred, he isn’t so bad today, didn’t cough so much anymore.

Saturday, Feb. 20, 1937

Cloudy, raining a little. We went to church at Red Bud. Henry got crushing done & came here awhile. Levi Ganley came wants 25 bu. oats, Al. Geodelle was 25 also, to get them out at Henry’s. Frish wants 100 bu. he was here this afternoon, Wm. Doyle wants 40 bus. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped, came from L. Birkners all afternoon going home this eve; he isn’t just so, bad at present; Wm & Lena is there tonite & tomorrow nite Frank & Emma. Adam Eckert is still the same yet; has pretty bad cold. Eggs are still 20¢ here.