Thursday, June 30, 1932

Papa went up to see Fix but he wasn’t at home. He stopped in at Scheinder’s at Smithon [sic] & told him we have horses for sale. Clifford came over at noon. Papa rode the saddle horse out to Henry’s & brought the mule back. Bobby & Floyd got there pictures taken on it; & rode him around. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening a while, to see Mr. Gambach, they aren’t going to the funeral, because they have hay to make. Jos. Schilling finished threshing 520 bu. he got. George Schilling also started today.

Wednesday, June 29, 1932

Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s to get the harness & plow, he traded his horse to Kelley for 2 horses & hay; he brought the horses yesterday & got a load of how & today he said he was coming after the rest. Emil was here & him & papa started the team out in a plow, some circus. Ed. Meng was also here. Clifford brought there horse over & took the saddle horse & went riding. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came to help make hay. They where here for lunch. They brought Mr. Gambach home this evening & will be buried Fri. afternoon at 1:30, the paper states he took cresote [sic – creosote], Mrs. found him at 7 o’clock in the barn lying face downwards.

Tuesday, June 28, 1932

We washed, ironed, patched. Clifford told us this morning that Mr. Gambach was found dead in the barn lying on sacks, like a stroke or something. Papa went down to Armstutz’s & got Hy’s team & mowed & cut the alfalfa hay. The New Athen’s cleaners & pressing factory where here with special prices on cleaning dresses, suits & such like all or each for 75¢ each article. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for lunch & supper, we helped to shell peas. Clara Wagner & the kids came over awhile. George went to the town meeting, then he came over when he got back. Mr. Gambach was 59 yrs. old, he took Lysol poisoning & had the gun lying beside him when they found him on sacks in the barn, he should off told Hy. Armstutz that yesterday was the day, but they watched him pretty close on the 27, but this morning he got away with it. They took him in to Belleville, to undertaking parlor. The paper says he took corsote [sic – creosote].

Monday, June 27, 1932

Today is Steve’s birthday. Karl Boll married a yr. & Gambach’s buried 2 yrs. It rained nearly all day. Papa went up town awhile this morning; got his check for $6.50 & sent the insurance for the Whippet $9.66. The bank paid out 10% again, so far it is 25% paid out. We all & George Wagner’s family went over to Rennecker’s. Steve was 68 yrs. old; cake, & beer where served. J Brown was here.

Sunday, June 26, 1932

We went to Red Bud. It rained a good shower here this morning, but not at Red Bud. Miss Josie Keller came she had intended going to Heyl’s but they aren’t going to be at home, so she stayed here all day & evening & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where also here, for dinner, lunch & supper. We had ice cream, cake, lemonade for lunch. Then the women folks went out to see the cemetery, when we came back we stopped by Eliza Boll about an hr. Clem Parker was here & gave us all an invitation to come to Alphonse Parker’s barn dance a birthday, we didn’t go. They say there is also one in Weber’s barn, given by the Wittenauers, Lester Gregson’s wife birthday, & also Harry Kammler has one, musci [sic] by Chas. Wagner’s Rythmn [sic] Kings, Adm. 35. Kelley was here this evening & papa & him made a trade, our horse & a stock hay & $7.00 for his 2 horses. Mr. Hill was here gathered up the news. It thundered & lighten & wind this eve. rain.

Saturday, June 25, 1932

Papa went out on a business trip. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up for the weekend. This evening they went to Armstutz’s, Mrs. birthday. There is a birthday Yvone & at Rapp’s, a surprise party, we were not invited but Uncle Fred was.

Friday, June 24, 1932

We washed clothes & canned 2 qts beans, baked bread, coffee cake. There where 2 guys here Kelley’s & looked at the horse. This evening we drove there & looked at there horses, but didn’t make no trade yet. They have a pet ground hog. We also stopped at Ambrose Doyl’s see how they all were. They were milking yet, have 10 cows.

Thursday, June 23, 1932

We went out to Uncle Freds & they looked through all there boxes that they bought yesterday. Bertille got a dress, gloves & belt,out of it that fit. We had lunch then. We painted rocking chairs today. It is awful hot at present. This afternoon Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here, she had lunch with us. eggs are 9¢.

Wednesday, June 22, 1932

We went to Belleville this afternoon to Miss Zimmlich sale, adminstrator [sic] sale, & everything cheap, we bought $2.50 worth stuff, 2 rockers, 3 chairs etc. & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary bought lots goods, chairs, tables etc. They came up this evening & brought some of ours along up, then we all went out to Chris Buehler’s Iren’s birthday 10 yrs. popcorn, beer & cake where served, Henry & Frank, Birkner family, & Papenbergs & us folks.

Tuesday, June 21, 1932

We washed the truck patch through & dug a few potatoes, there are nice. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up this afternoon. George Wagner’s got word that Mr. Merhman was pretty sick, he got another stroke, he had one Sun. they went up this evening. A man was around delivering coupons for soap & things.