Sunday, July 31, 1932

We went to Red Bud. We had lunch by Uncle Fred’s this afternoon. Last night Weber’s had a birthday dance in the barn & Joe Herzog’s have a floor dance tonite, Floraville floor, at there place. Mr. Cox the egg man didn’t come today, we had 36 doz. here.

Saturday, July 30, 1932

Ed Meng was here this morn, him & George Wagner are going to a sale in the bottom today. Papa went to Matt Frisch’s sale by Oak Grove, bought chicken coop feeder for $1.10, lot of people & everything brought a good price. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary Henry & family where all at Marquadt’s sale in Waterloo & bought lots of junk. George Wagners’ family where here this evening.

Friday, July 29, 1932

We cut the wings of our chickens this morn, so they stay in. Sowed turnip seed today. There was a man round selling muskmellons [sic] & watermellons [sic] & from New Athens. Henry was here this afternoon, he got whey. Hy. Armstutz got the hayrake this afternoon. Walter Pour’s have a baby boy since last Thurs. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening. Henry & family came up after the mule.

Thursday, July 28, 1932

Papa is harrowing. We caned [sic] 1 qt. pickles & tomatoes today & cooked 4 bottles catsup. Mr. Hoffman from Milstadt [sic – Millstadt] was here & looked at our horses. There was a man a round selling magzines [sic]. The Woman’s World, we didn’t subscribe. We washed our dining room curtains.

Wednesday, July 27, 1932

We all went out to Henry’s & took them along into Waterloo to Mr. Philip Freund’s funeral, he was 69 yrs. old, Monday morning he had just left going down the alley to go over to St. Louis to paint his house & dropped over dead. There where quite a few people at the funeral. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon & papa went along with them to Osbt’s sale by Red Bud but didn’t buy anything. There was such a crowd there, they said around 200 people & more. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had supper here. Then we all went to Red Bud to the ice cream social; & had a good time. Bertille had to help be table waiter. Josie Keller & her girlfriend where out too. Aunt Mary won a ham.

Tuesday, July 26, 1932

The weather looks awful bad this morn. Rosalia is supposed to go to the dentist, but didn’t on account it rained pretty much. Papa & Ed. Meng went to a sale John Fauss by St. Joe, papa bought a rake, & a few articles. This evening we went out to Uncle Fred’s & brought there victrola up here for them, & they came up to & got flour. It looks like rain, but it all passed over. Henry & the boy’s where up & got some whey.

Monday, July 25, 1932

We washed, ironed. Papa is disking. Wm. Ganley was here this afternoon. We had a nice shower rain this afternoon but not enough. Bertille took 2 doz. eggs up for Aunt Mary got 20¢. They told her that Mr. Philip Freund of Waterloo fell over dead this morning.

Sunday, July 24, 1932

We went to Red Bud, but the Chev. didn’t work so we took the Whippet & pulled the Chev. home when we came back. Joe Mueth was here on business to talk to papa, about the telephone lines. Henry was here this morning, he came up to get some whey & came down here. Martin May & daughter Rau & Ed McDermott & girlfriend Beal [?] Friel of St. Louis where stop to say “Hello” they where on there way home from Hecker. Mr. Cox an egg man got 15 doz eggs from us today for 12½¢. Miss Josie Keller & Miss Isabel McKuen of St. Louis stopped & “Hello” on there way back, they came out to the pinic [sic] of St. Mark’s church at Round Prairie, had there chicken supper there. We all had lunch at Aunt Mary’s this afternoon. George Wagner & family came over a little this morn. & look at car.

Saturday, July 23, 1932

Papa went to get crushing done. Today is Mrs. Cleveland’s birthday. We all went to Wm. Sharpe’s sale on the Ritzel farm east of Waterloo, but didn’t get nothing, good sale, it was supposed to start in the morning, we took our dinner along. It rain a little this evening. Mr. & Mrs. Rennecker, & Henry & family where here this eve. Henry went to milk meeting in the school hall.

Friday, July 22, 1932

We cleaned & baked today. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s this afternoon & got oats, she got her hair cut. It started in to rain a little this evening but not much, & got cold, this morn. it was over a 100 in the shade, & this eve. we had to put sweaters on to sit on the front porch.