Tuesday, Aug. 6, 1935

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here from Buehler’s threshing, brought some tomatoes along; to eat; they came back again, & we all went to Red Bud, to the ice cream social. Rosalia helped to wait on table. Berti won water kettle playing bluey. The quilt what we donated was raffled out & won by Mrs. Matt Frisch of Red Bud. The crowd wasn’t very large; to busy times. The timber boss came & paid out checks 2538 ft. @ 3½¢. $88.83 & Wm. Ganley $40.84. Loyd Pabst was here & we weren’t home.

Sunday, Aug. 5, 1934

Went to Red Bud; rained a little this morning & cloudy. Pinics [sic] all over today, Lords Corner, Red Bud, Ice Cream Social, we went down awhile this evening, had a very large crowd. Hy. Keorber was here this morning, invited us all to come to the club house, his threshing outfit was going to have a little pinic [sic], all the beer you want, we went, had winerer [sic – wiener] supper, it was good. Musci [sic], dancing, horseshoe pitching, yankee balls, etc. Henry & family stopped here, he wanted to go to Meng’s, thought they would hitch horse up, but Clifford isn’t at home, so they never went over.

Tuesday, July 31, 1934

Schilling’s machine finished up threshing yesterday. The paper is just full of the people who died from the heat last week, awful hot weather, always 100-112 everyday, but now it is nice again, cool, it was just to hot, everything dried up. The St. Johns Catholic Church of Red Bud is having a Ice cream Social this evening & pinic there; we gave pair pillow cases. Henry & family came up this morning, pap & went along with them looking at horses again, down at Ames; all had dinner & supper here. Rob [aka Robert] & Bill [aka Willis/Willie] stayed here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon, & then him, Henry & pap, went to Red Bud to look at Ratz’s horses, but didn’t buy any yet; they stayed for supper too. It rained, thundered tonight. Harold & Cyril Eichenseer was caught in our watermelon patch tonite, papa laid the law out to them, didn’t do no good, so he reported it to the old folks; watermelons are disappearing.

Wednesday, July 27, 1932

We all went out to Henry’s & took them along into Waterloo to Mr. Philip Freund’s funeral, he was 69 yrs. old, Monday morning he had just left going down the alley to go over to St. Louis to paint his house & dropped over dead. There where quite a few people at the funeral. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon & papa went along with them to Osbt’s sale by Red Bud but didn’t buy anything. There was such a crowd there, they said around 200 people & more. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had supper here. Then we all went to Red Bud to the ice cream social; & had a good time. Bertille had to help be table waiter. Josie Keller & her girlfriend where out too. Aunt Mary won a ham.