Washed ironed. Pap went to Smithton to Ed. Heap. traded pigs & 2 bu. potatoes $30 boath [sic – unclear]] for 2 horses from him, brought them this afternoon. Pap went to H. Wittenauer bought 10 shoats from him. Went out helping U. [Uncle] Fred saw wood at 2 o clock had supper there. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] & Henry & family came here this eve; they were up at Orlets, & they were down here so came here.
Sunday, Feb. 27, 1938
Beautiful weather. Went to mass. Henry & family were here for dinner. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this afternoon.
Saturday, Feb. 26, 1938
Pap got crushing done. Uncle Fred & pap went to Waterloo A. Wiehl wanted to see Uncle on business. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & papa went to Mrs. Stahleber’s sale this afternoon, household goods & farm implements. Percy Stav [unclear] Ave. Auto license came today & what No. so long. Eggs are down 13 [cents] today. Wm. Birkner is fixing Harry Kammlers chimney today, an awful cold northwest wind. Mrs. Whiel sale by Waterloo last Sat. things also brought good price, for conditions of the weather, cows average $100. sow & pigs $77.00 chickens $12.50 doz. paper says. Henry stopped in.
Friday, Feb. 25, 1938
Went out to Henrys got load oats, also corn. A fellow here wanted something to eat. Chas. Helfrich got 20 bu. oats 40 [cents] paid $5 today. At 3:30 fire alarm was sound, fire at Harry Kammlers saloon house, chimney, starting in side; not so much damage done. Bert [Bertille] paid electric bill – 18 hrs. $1.39. this mon. Colder this eve. 28 [degrees]
Thursday, Feb. 24, 1938
Snowing this morn. Bert [Bertille] washed, ironed a few pieces. Pap went to Smithton to see Ed. Heap, but he wasn’t at home, had gone to sale at New Athens. The St. Michael’s Dramatic Club of Paderborn are giving a play tonite there, the name is “Always in Trouble.” players are Bill Klein, Louis & John Schoenborn, Sly. Neff, Ed. Kabureck; Bud. Karban, Irene & Esther Helfrich, Opp. Rheinhardt, & Clara; Viola Kabureck, Cecila Watchel. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary took Bert [Bertille] along to play, boy what a crowd, over 300 tickets sold; dance after play music by Schoenborn, Schilling, Boeker, between acts, & also 4 selections on guitar by Oliver Skaer.
Wednesday, Feb. 23, 1938
Sent out butchering at Henry’s, took Emil along, Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary helped to, had lunch & beef soup dinner; made 69 summer saussage [sic]; 1 hog killed. Pretty nice day, wasn’t so very cold; he sold all the beef.
Tuesday, Feb. 22, 1938
Holiday. Went to Leo’s, Pap put there meat away, Bert [Bertille] went along to church with them, to wedding mass. Aloys Roth & Gertie Cortner; best was Hy. Roth & Viola Cortner. Gertie was dressed all white satin & lace set in, veil long. L. Kaiser flower girl, in white carring [sic] basket flowers; Viola with a red dress, silver slippers; had Ford garage men’s Dealers car. We had dinner by Leo’s. Chris Buehler got a hide here that Henry brought up yesterday, he butchered beef yesterday. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came took Bert [Bertille] along to Wedding dance at Daab’s, large crowd & lot presents received. Jac Schoeneborn, Ron Schilling, Laf. Geodelle furnished music, we also stopped in Smithton at Orlets. Mrs. is sitting up, but is weak.
Monday, Feb. 21, 1938
Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came here, went along with us to Leo’s butchering, had lunch & dinner. Jake helped to, made summer sausage 30; got beef from Mertz there. Jake Erle was here left his card we weren’t home.
Sunday, Feb. 20, 1938
Went to church. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed awhile after church. Steve Stiffler came on business. This afternoon Mamie & Clarence, were here, had supper here, we played pinochle all afternoon. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] this eve. Harold [last name unclear] came for news for H. M. Hill who has a cold.
Saturday, Feb. 19, 1938
Raining all morn. getting colder. Henry stoped [sic] in got crushing done. Bert [Bertille] baked 3 cream pies. this morning. Bus company employees of Waterloo haveing [sic] free dance tonite at Pautler’s, musci [sic] by Leroy’s Swing Band. Elmer Kabureck won the attendance prize, case beer at Floraville Masquerade Ball.
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