Wednesday, Oct. 25, 1939

Raining this morn. still warm yet. Pap went to Red Bud paid Fr. Spors $12.00 pew rent, got shoes. etc. Bert [Bertille] cleaned fruit cellar this afternoon. Mrs. Rudy Helfrich nee Otillia [Ottilia] Rheinhardt, was taken to Belleville hospital in ambulance yesterday morn; baby born at home, awful sick after. Bill [Klein] came brought Whip. Mrs. Favre came to get him.

Monday, April 24, 1939

Washed, ironed, cleaned front room put up screens. Pap cut lawn. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, worked in garden. Paderborn school children have there play tonite. Bill [Klein] came & Leo & family, brought Marita here to stayed all nite, & rest of us went to play, sure was good; had dance after musci [sic] by Rheinhardts, Schoenborn band; had awful crowd.

Saturday, April 15, 1939

Rain in showers this morning. Went to funeral, while at cemetery it rained heavy. We had to go to there place for dinner, had all relatives there. Father Weskhamp made such nice sermon; church was full, couldn’t all get in. Pallbearers were newphews, 2 Englerth Boys & 2 Klien & John Mueth & Dominic Rheinhardt. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary had been here went to sale by Waterloo. Emil came got step ladder to fix garage door.

Thursday, Dec. 8, 1938

Raining today. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] brought baby [Marita] here & Bert [Bertille] went along to Belleville, had dinner here, Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary also at Belleville, Caming was here again. Emil came this afternoon awhile. Hecker church have 13 hr. Devotion today. Bill [Klein] & Bert went to Paderborn Sodality of Young boys & girls had banquet, given by Father Weskamp others playing cards, eating & drinking, & followed by dancing, musci [sic] by Jac. Schoenborn, new accordion & also Rheinhardt.

Tuesday, Sept. 13, 1938

Raining all day, starting at 8:30. Bert [Bertille] washed, had to hang it in basement on account of the rain, Josie Keller came out had dinner & supper here; had chicken for supper, she took eggs, chicken & potatoes along back. Birkners couldn’t came up, on account of the weather, roads being to muddy. Joe Schaefer & Loretta Biffar were married at Waterloo this morn. real rainy day; had wedding dance at Paulter’s pavilion we went; attendants were here [sic] sister Priscilla with rust color dress, & Mildred Rheinhardt blue; boys I don’t know; had nice big crowd, served cake to all. Schoenborns Orc. played.

Wednesday, Aug. 17, 1938

Washed, ironed. pap hauled load gravel. Went to Orlets this afternoon, got grapes for wine & juice. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were here. H. Wittenauer was here on business. Mr. Rudy Helfrich 25 & Otillia Rheinhardt 25 were married at Paderborn this morn. by Fr. Weskamp, attendants were Emil Helfrich & Virginia Helfrich, Oppertunia Rheinhardt & Wm. Helfrich boy of Belleville, dance at Kammlers, nice crowd had cake. Schoenborn’s Orch. Beautiful day.

Thursday, Feb. 24, 1938

Snowing this morn. Bert [Bertille] washed, ironed a few pieces. Pap went to Smithton to see Ed. Heap, but he wasn’t at home, had gone to sale at New Athens. The St. Michael’s Dramatic Club of Paderborn are giving a play tonite there, the name is “Always in Trouble.” players are Bill Klein, Louis & John Schoenborn, Sly. Neff, Ed. Kabureck; Bud. Karban, Irene & Esther Helfrich, Opp. Rheinhardt, & Clara; Viola Kabureck, Cecila Watchel. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary took Bert [Bertille] along to play, boy what a crowd, over 300 tickets sold; dance after play music by Schoenborn, Schilling, Boeker, between acts, & also 4 selections on guitar by Oliver Skaer.

Monday, Jan. 10, 1938

Cloudy all day, we went out to Henry’s butchering, had dinner, finished up about 2 o clock brought load oats along. Went out again for supper; Geoddels also came out, we made gal. ice cream we took the ice & bannanas [sic] along out, played musci [sic]. Ray brought his guitar along. He said Pautlers had big crowd, Neff & Probst’s birthday dance, couple fights he said. Rhenhardts quite [sic – quit] playing musci [sic] now, Ray joined Keim’s Och. now, played first time with them Sat. nite; at Dreamland Palace; have several jobs.

Wednesday, Oct. 27, 1937

Beautiful day. Pap sewed timothy seed in truck patch. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up this afternoon, also Emil was up. They came this eve. again & Bert [Bertille] went along to Paderborn to euchre, & dance. Bert got water pitcher had 8-12 games. Uncle & A. [Aunt] got nothing had 4 points each. Rheinhardts Hossier Hot Shots furnished musci [sic] for dance.

Sunday, Oct. 10, 1937

Went to mass, 7:30 from now on. Ettling from Floraville looked at horses. Leo & Rose came, had dinner & supper here. Gusta Dudenhoeffer & Margaret were here short while, out at Maniers dropped down see how we all were. Pete Matzenbacher had shooting match this afternoon. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came Bert [Bertille] went along to Paderborn Totsch’s free dance & fish fry, Rheinhardt & Schoenborn, Geodelle & Bocker musci [sic] Och. large crowd. there is free opening dance at Brezzy [sic] Hill by A. Josten of Valmeyer who now has charge, Mr. & Mrs. Maul moved back to St. Louis. KMOX Radio Stars playing at Oak Grove.