Wednesday, Oct. 25, 1939

Raining this morn. still warm yet. Pap went to Red Bud paid Fr. Spors $12.00 pew rent, got shoes. etc. Bert [Bertille] cleaned fruit cellar this afternoon. Mrs. Rudy Helfrich nee Otillia [Ottilia] Rheinhardt, was taken to Belleville hospital in ambulance yesterday morn; baby born at home, awful sick after. Bill [Klein] came brought Whip. Mrs. Favre came to get him.

Saturday, Oct. 8, 1938

Pap hauled load wheat to Waterloo it starting to get hot, got 60 [cents] a bu. We took another load in the afternoon, then went to Burksville to Zimmer’s sale, bought nothing. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were also there she bought few articles. Bert [Bertille] varnished kitchen floor this eve. after supper. Chas. McDermott, Luke’s son & Austin’s [? – unclear] brother passed away false report – he is in hospital from a fatal accident, falling of a truck several day ago. Pap went to Emil’s awhile. Bert [Bertille] listened to radio & fix curtains.

Monday, May 9, 1938

Leona came, went along to Red Bud with us, went to Mass then to hospital Rose [Rosalia] is pretty good. Pap stayed rest of us went home; had dinner here. Bert [Bertille] took Leo home his dad is out there. Bert washed, this afternoon. We took Rose some flowers along. Leo & Rose went to Red Bud, Bert stayed all nite & Leo & pap went home.

Friday, Jan. 8, 1937

Raining again all day. Pap went to Probst’s paid for repairs on Whip. Eichenseer’s have a new clerk Hy. Huelsmann is working there now they say. Berti got the mail, The ex post master Leohr died & buried last week; he had been ailing for quite a long time. Mrs. Walter Jauger was to taken to St. Mary Hospital for treatment, Pete Hoffmann is back at home again, but still unable to work.

Sunday, Sept. 27, 1936

Raining all day. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile. Leona’s birthday, they went to Waterloo, Geodells cleaned there cistern. Ray Wittenauer is still the same yet, unconscious. Frank Kroll’s have a baby girl since last Thurs. the paper says.

Friday, Sept. 25, 1936

Pap went out to see some people on business. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon, he lawned. We went out to Waterloo this eve. to see Seila Sterling Circus, was the same as last year, out by Breezy Hill, & a crowd; horses danced, girl turned somersault 2 times. Mr. Ettling came paid Int. etc. this evening. Jonny Mueth is crippled a little fell from a wagon. Wm. Keorber’s by Paderborn, his barn burned down last nite about 12 o clock, wheat from last yr. & all of it this year, they thought it must of started from light plant or some how, they came home at 11 o clock & in 1 hr, the barn was all ablaze. Ambrose Doyle’s child is in hospital got operated for appendix, 4th one now.

Tuesday, Sept. 22, 1936

Ironed, & patched. Picked the last peaches. Mr. Louis Widemann, Roy Staufenbiels wifes father shot himself in a wagon in shed, was buried this afternoon at 3 o’clock, found him last nite, don’t know how long he was dead, thought about 14 hrs. Henry & Leona & pap went out to the funeral. Billy stayed with us. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this eve. we had watermelon. Adam Eckert came, got pickles that Aunt brought along for him & Freida. It is Chris Buehlers 22nd Wedding Ann. today. Ray Wittenauer is still unconsious [sic]. Lester said, he didn’t know his mother.