Tuesday, June 20, 1939

Lot cars passing with priests & Bischoff [sic – Bishop] to celebrate 50th Golden Jubilee of Fr. Van Dieft at Praire [sic] Du Rocher today; being 50 yrs. in priesthood. Raining mostly all day. Bill [Klein] stopped in on way going to Belleville. Man here cleaning out wells & cisterns, wanted $3. clean well so we didn’t have it done yet. Cleaned basement & garden. Rita Braun while coming home from work at Vera’s Tavern & riding with another girl, stepped from car while going & was injured face & shoulder was taken to East St. Louis Hospital. German Band played no. for Wagner Twins, he said. Charles & Melvin birthday.

Sunday, June 18, 1939

Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped awhile. Orlets came & Bill [Klein] this afternoon, & we took a drive in V8 to Fort Chartres & Renault, Waterloo home; had nice drive & hot. all had supper here. John Schaefer’s new home, that is going up in Waterloo was boombed [sic] by chimney $200 damage had just gotten roof on same day. Crook boys had accident at Leohr Station but reported getting along well, were taken to hospital.

Tuesday, April 4, 1939

Nice day. Bert [Bertille] baked cookies, fixed chicken nests. Mrs. Jansen was here again today. Road election all over today & also in E. St. Louis & St. Louis. Leo & family came this eve, got truck, left Marita here all nite, they want to take calf 9 [cents] to Belleville tomorrow. Pap & Leo went to Kammlers hall to oil meeting, but it was 8:15 & nothing doing yet; was suppose to start at 7 o’clock, they didn’t stay. There was an accident at creek between Red Bud & Hecker, ambulance went down.

Saturday, Feb. 18, 1939

Went to Waterloo, got feed etc; was going to Neubarth Sale, but that was 3 miles out on mud roads so we didn’t go. Ivo Rapp was taken to Red Bud hospital yesterday eve; got piece wood in his leg. Alma Klotz is taken treatments at Belleville hospital every day. Geo Wagner’s family came this eve we played cards, ladies lost but 1.

Thursday, Aug. 25, 1938

Pap cut 7 schocks [sic] corn, this morn. this afternoon getting 2 load wood. Cool this morn. had heavy rain in Arizonia [sic] places. John Kessler’s boy fell backward of [sic – off] a horse yesterday, wasn’t hurt bad. Ed Coop & family of Belleville moved on a farm by Evansville bought all new implements to start farming, moved last week.

Friday, July 1, 1938

Pap went out to Henry’s. We cut cabbage in. Leo Kern stopped here, went out to Uncle Freds got his wagon. Leo & family came this eve. & Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came from Eckerts threshing. Mrs. Martin Zauzek died, buried Mon. morning at Paderborn. Walter Stahl died, was out threshing. Clem Schlotmann coming home from threshing was hit by truck, is in Red Bud hospital in serious condition.

Monday, Dec. 13, 1937

Put chains on Whip. went out butchering at Henry’s started 9 o clock; finished 2:30. everything went alright; Put cinders over the walks this morn. Heard on radio Bill Divian of Waterloo bus driver was arrested for reckless driving about 7 in St. Mary Hospital injured. So many accidents last nite & today, several people injured & some dead; roads terrible.

Saturday, Aug. 14, 1937

Made catsup, canned 3 qts. tomatoes. Went to Red Bud to Beckers Mill got check cashed, got new fan belt put in Chev. $1. went to Paul Crook looking for pigs, but were just delivered this morn. went through Tipton to Pluegers, but he moved last Sat; doesn’t live there any more, moved 10 miles away; went to Waterloo to church. Henry & boys were up this afternoon got wagon; last nite they were at Waterloo big W.L.S. Show at Pautlers Hall; I had forgotten all about it. Send bu. peaches small ones with Henry; pap picked 2 bu. little more. got in mushmellons & 1 watermellon [sic]. Hugo Probst is building new house on his lot, tore the old one away; also J. Kreher’s, Siedle is building that, contract job; but Probst just day labor. J. Reheis, Klein etc. We went over to Geo. Wagners awhile. Mary & Anita were out to. Clif Stahleber had a accident with his motorcycle at Pautlers, back wheel locked through [sic – threw] him quite a distance; hurt pretty bad.

Sunday, May 16, 1937

Pentecost. Went to mass. Henry & family & Leo & Rose were here for dinner & supper; & Uncle Fred & A. Mary came this afternoon for supper, we took pictures over across the street by A. Mary’s. bridal wreath bush, that is blooming so nice. There is a concert in the Evangical [sic] church tonite, Lipperts children is in the band. Carl Armbruster of Smithton is again in Belleville hospital, had motorcycle accident Sat. nite on Waterloo road; broke his leg. Staheleber was also riding with his motorcycle but was farther ahead when it happened ran into truck or something.

Sunday, April 25, 1937

Pretty cool today, with some showers, went to Red Bud mass, went with Henry & family to Uncle Fred’s for dinner & supper. Leo & Rose were also over. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came. Bert [Bertille] went along to Floraville to Boeker’s Wedding dance, Boy! what a crowd; Girls played. Rained a little. We got in the ditch coming home, he drove along the side of the road on account of holes & oil, got in rut & went right in the ditch. Lee Gregson & Isd. Helfrich came along Lee took his tire chains & hooked on bumper & pulled it out backwards, Leo & Lee pushed, Isd. drove; would of never got out if he wouldn’t of pulled it out. Uncle put his chains on also.