Tuesday, Dec. 5, 1939

Leo’s birthday. Went to Belleville with meat etc. eggs 30 [cents]. Mertz paying 20 [cents] here. They had supper here. Uncle Fred went to Waterloo & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed here this morn; beautiful weather these days.

Thursday, Nov. 30, 1939

Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came, brought her wash along & we washed cloudy & rainy a little hung it in basement, ironed some this afternoon; had dinner & supper here, took Marita along tonite, going to Smithton to Orlets, Mr. birthday, Phyliss invited them send them a card. Rose [Rosalia] hurt her back this morn. lifting heavy. Bill [Klein] came this afternoon, sold another car to Sterns. Send order to Sears for [unclear] for Leo & things. Wagners having supper 6 o’clock for guests. Thanksgiving Day. Bill came, took us along to Lester Gregsons this eve. Gregsons & Wittenauers were there, had Thanksgiving supper by them; played cards, solo & pinochle, had apples & wine.

Saturday, Nov. 18, 1939

Uncle Fred’s 64 & Uncle Joe’s birthday. Rained last nite. Pap took load wheat to Waterloo got 81 [cents]. The Kunkel place was sold on Public Auction at Court House this morn. at 10 o clock by Morrison. Uncle Pete Reheis got it $1500. rather had to take it, he had the mortgage. Bill [Klein] came took Bert [Bertille] & pap along out to Henrys this eve.

Wednesday, Nov. 15, 1939

Washed, ironed, cleaned basement, & things from butchering. Pap hauled 2 loads wheat to Waterloo – got top – 84 [cents], good wheat, it was starting to get hot; so he hauled Bill stopped, he was at Frank Birkners was fixing pump. Mrs. Mertz was around enrolling people for Red Cross, gave her a donation of $1.00 for that purpose. Went out to Uncle Freds celebrating his birthday, Orlet family & Bill were all there for chicken supper, played cards had cake & wine; had enjoyable evening.

Sunday, Nov. 12, 1939

Went to mass. Arelia [? – unclear] Pours 31 yr. birthday today. Tipton parish is having a wurstmarkt at Donahues this afternoon & evening. Uncle Fred & pap went over awhile. A. [Aunt] Mary went to church & meeting. Bert [Bertille] went to see Renneckers; they had supper here. Bill & Bert went to his mothers, her birthday; Booby & his girlfriend were also there, we popped corn, had grape juice, pie etc; played cards, pinochle & euchre.

Sunday, Nov. 5, 1939

Went to mass. Berts [Bertille] 25 yr. birthday. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, Leo & family were here for dinner; chicken & beef, for supper Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, Bill Josie Keller brother Fred; played cards this afternoon. Herman of Columbia was here, H. Wittenauer, Klein Bros. on business; looked at horses & pigs. Beautiful day.

Wednesday, Sept. 27, 1939

Leona’s birthday. 29 yrs. Pap hauled 2 loads wood. Bert [Bertille] finished cleaning upstairs. Leona was at Clevelands cooking applebutter. Virgil Eichenseer came got catalogs got a newspaper drive at Cathedral at Belleville at present. Leo & family came this eve. Bill [Klein] came & Bert [Bertille] went along home to his mother to get title for his car, they were going to go to Waterloo, so we came back home again; had watermelon, but wasn’t any good.

Monday, Sept. 4, 1939

Labor Day. Washed & ironed today. Rosalia’s birthday 28 yrs. old today. Pinics [sic] all over today Columbia, Walsh, Smithton Church pinics [sic] & pinic [sic] at Red Bud. Bill & Bert [Bertille] went to Smithton church pinic [sic], didn’t win a thing.

Saturday, Sept. 2, 1939

Sure hot this day. Pap got hair cut. Bert [Bertille] baked pumpkin pies & cake, made chicken for tomorrow. Hy. Ferner was here there is meeting all day in school hall here. Tonite is surprize [sic] shower for Mamie Eichenseer at Vic’s. Milsdadt [sic] has homecoming, parade at 6. o clock. German Band played “Beer Barrel Polka,” that A. [Aunt] Mary sent in for Rose [Rosalia], Louis Armstutz, Cletus Buehler, Joe Reheis, Willis Brand, 1 Lung [unclear] for there birthdays in Aug. & Sept. all nephews & nieces. Bill [Klein] came, went to Milsdadt Homecoming to see parade.

Friday, September 1, 1939

Awful hot. Bill [Klein] is starting in today, with Sq. Deal Motor Co. at Smithton, going in business for himself. Favre is going to open a shop at Freeburg. A customer of Bellville [sic] stopped in, bought 25 [cents] melon. Pap cutting corn. Bert [Bertille] canned 4 qt. tomatoes. Seen in paper Leroy Siefert & Eliz. Buss were married Wed; going to barn dance next Wed. nite at Brezzy Hill. He works in Kroger store in Waterloo. Al. Cleveland won medal $5. for Champion horse shoe pitching at New Hanover last Wed. at Farm Bureau pinic. John Koeinsbmork 70; died at Red Bud hospital will be buried Sat. morn. at Waterloo church & cemetery, manager of Waterloo Mill. We got card from Isd. Orlet, invitation to church wedding Thurs. morn. to Phylis Bugger of Belleville at St. Marys Parish. Went to Leo’s took watermelon along. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Henry’s family were all there celebrating Rosalia’s birthday.