Thursday, Nov. 30, 1939

Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came, brought her wash along & we washed cloudy & rainy a little hung it in basement, ironed some this afternoon; had dinner & supper here, took Marita along tonite, going to Smithton to Orlets, Mr. birthday, Phyliss invited them send them a card. Rose [Rosalia] hurt her back this morn. lifting heavy. Bill [Klein] came this afternoon, sold another car to Sterns. Send order to Sears for [unclear] for Leo & things. Wagners having supper 6 o’clock for guests. Thanksgiving Day. Bill came, took us along to Lester Gregsons this eve. Gregsons & Wittenauers were there, had Thanksgiving supper by them; played cards, solo & pinochle, had apples & wine.

Friday, Nov. 24, 1939

Leo & family came making plans for building shed had dinner & supper here. Leo & pap went to Smithton. Leo bought new V8 Truck $500 & his old car, brought it along home. Henry brought load corn. Bert [Bertille] baked cookied. Mrs. Roland Nobbe – Mildred Wild died & was buried this week at Waterloo she had been sick for some time married just a year & Walter Nobbe fell on leaves on sidewalk at his home & fractured some bones, is confined to his home.

Sunday, May 7, 1939

Went to Red Bud mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped awhile. Conner of Paderborn was here wants an old horse. Miss Reickert of Waterloo came, Bert [Bertille] went along showed her where Uncle Freds live; she bought the piece of furniture with drawers from them for $2.50 they paid 10 [cents] at Crook’s sale. Bill [Klein] came this afternoon. There was an accident by John Krehers, cars from Lebanon turned around & Geo. Parker & Muskoff driving Clarence Wittenauers car, smashed into them people from other car were taken to Belleville in Dashners ambulance, Parker & Muskoff never got hurt, but car was pulled to Red Bud to Schrieber’s for repairs; claim was the Lebanon car fault.

Friday, Feb. 24, 1939

Beautiful day; not cold. Starting smoking our summer sausage today. Ivo Rapp came home from hospital today, but can’t walk around yet; he had operation on his leg, had piece still in it. Alma Klotz isn’t very good, so weak & backache.

Wednesday, Oct. 26, 1938

Cleaned garden. Went to Leo’s this afternoon helped put up stove, then went to Smithton. There is a Democratic meeting at Kammlers Hall tonite; Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came up for the Halloween party in School Hall given by Young People of parish, he had to bring his accordion along & also Irene Buehler had to bring hers. There is also a euchre at Paderborn, all in one nite. Ray Braun is in St. Louis Hospital, had a rock in the pupil of his eye, is very dangerous operation, but they got it out but he can sees alright, only pupil isn’t round.

Wednesday, April 20, 1938

Raining a little. Bert [Bertille] planted house flowers, from the basement out, cut lawn etc; planted 48 sweet potatoe [sic] plants out. Roy Staufenbiel has sore foot, horse stoped [sic] on it, bruised pretty bad. Lester Gregson’s boy, Virgil has diptheria, sign up. Lester stays by Emil, he don’t go in the house. John Kessler from Alba. is here, going to start farming at Kesslers. The Mueth property that was sold last week, or rather Euler ground brought $5.50 acre, bought by Phi Mueth. Hy. Koerber stoped [sic] on business, for Uncle Fred; till about 10:30 eve.

Sunday, June 27, 1937

Bert [Bertille] went to Mamie’s went to ballgame awhile. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came took Bert along to Breezy Hill to Simon Miller’s & Buettner Wedding dance, Dream Time Trio furnished musci [sic]; large crowd & nice time. Vic Papenberg & car from New Athens had collision at the corner, the other car passed on wrong side, damaged the truck & car, no one hurt; Joe McCarthy, deputy Marshall, was at Boxton Sat. nite; camp guys started in fighting, he wanted to part then & keep peace, fellow pulled out a revolver & shot him at the shoulder, came out below the shoulder blade, he is at home, getting along well if no blood poison will set in; pretty hard for the guy, that did the shooting he is in the pen; at present time. There is also 4 boys from Red Bud in Chester pen for stealing by Jac. Erle’s. South of Red Bud. Mr. Erle caught them in the house, stealing money out of a dresser drawer.

Sunday, May 16, 1937

Pentecost. Went to mass. Henry & family & Leo & Rose were here for dinner & supper; & Uncle Fred & A. Mary came this afternoon for supper, we took pictures over across the street by A. Mary’s. bridal wreath bush, that is blooming so nice. There is a concert in the Evangical [sic] church tonite, Lipperts children is in the band. Carl Armbruster of Smithton is again in Belleville hospital, had motorcycle accident Sat. nite on Waterloo road; broke his leg. Staheleber was also riding with his motorcycle but was farther ahead when it happened ran into truck or something.

Wednesday, May 5, 1937

Another day of showers & hail, sure awful. Our chicks are hatching now these days. Radio say shower again. Mrs. Chas. Wagner broke her wrist & one of Ed. Parkers boy’s his hip; we heard. Henry had an exray [sic] taken of Floyd’s; it is set right, now they are sure; Dr. won’t change the bandage till 6 weeks he said; he is getting along alright now.

Friday, April 30, 1937

Cleaned bedroom; nice warm. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came this afternoon. We went out to Henry’s this eve; They had school pinic [sic] out there, last for this term; after they got home, Floyd fell on ground rail, & broke his arm, same one were he cut his finger of yr. ago now; they took him to Dr. Werth, he set it now, but wants them to go to Stallmann & have an exray [sic] taken of it. he says he didn’t fall hard just stumble, broke both bones, a piece up from the wrist. Geodelle’s were also out this eve; it pains quite a bit he says. After we got home Leo & Rose came yet, also Jake & Fred Schaefer, stayed a little while; they brought there eggs to store.