Cloudy. We went to Red Bud to Ford Dealer & Chev. & there we got 1938 Chev. Coupe with heater & froster, 6 sets chains for $580 & old Chev. 1926 model $164.00. Black coupe pretty good trade. We canned 2 qts pickles & tomatoes; fixed garage for new car. Kleins got about 2 [cents] bu. for our onions & 50 [cents] bu. potatoes. last Thurs. at St. Louis. Bill [Klein] started working there today in store. Jac. Erle was here to Ins. [insure] car; also Ms. Becker, we insured with Becker for liability & property damage $16.65 yr. Henry & family came brought potatoes, quite a few bushels, & nice ones they got this year. Emil came over to look at the car; same as Uncle Fred’s.
Thursday, July 15, 1937
Bert [Bertille] went to Henry’s got jugs; he isn’t feeling well, stomache [sic] trouble. Jac Erle came on business, we canceled the Whip Ins. Sally Neff came this eve. Pap went over to Geo Napier’s, she & kids were at Chas. Wagners threshing. Sally Neff was at Probst’s.
Sunday, June 27, 1937
Bert [Bertille] went to Mamie’s went to ballgame awhile. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came took Bert along to Breezy Hill to Simon Miller’s & Buettner Wedding dance, Dream Time Trio furnished musci [sic]; large crowd & nice time. Vic Papenberg & car from New Athens had collision at the corner, the other car passed on wrong side, damaged the truck & car, no one hurt; Joe McCarthy, deputy Marshall, was at Boxton Sat. nite; camp guys started in fighting, he wanted to part then & keep peace, fellow pulled out a revolver & shot him at the shoulder, came out below the shoulder blade, he is at home, getting along well if no blood poison will set in; pretty hard for the guy, that did the shooting he is in the pen; at present time. There is also 4 boys from Red Bud in Chester pen for stealing by Jac. Erle’s. South of Red Bud. Mr. Erle caught them in the house, stealing money out of a dresser drawer.
Friday, April 2, 1937
The soap got nice. Bert finished cleaning upstairs, all but washing curtains yet. Pap took dinner along went out in woods with wagon. Sewed some more lettuce, radish & tomatoe [sic] seed, the garden is rather wet. Some guys here from Valmeyer looking for old iron. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, he bought ½ bu. timothy seed 10¢ lb. Mertz has a new electric refrigator [sic] in store, its a dandy. Wheat $1.40. Mrs. Caroline Deueker sold some ground to Geo. Erle seen in paper. also Dr. Pautler bought Kropp land & Chas. Lenhardt place that was sold public auction last Sat. brought $4,986 – 100 acres by Geo. Biffar. Leo & Rose & Mr. Orlet came this evening, also Henry & family. Mertz gave Leo a dripolator for wedding present, its nice; 8 cup size.
Saturday, July 25, 1936
Pretty warm & windy. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came him & papa went to Nobbe’s at Waterloo & got the new 1936 Chev. coupe, then went out to the sale, we also went took Aunt Mary along to Joe Schilling’s sale, had such a crowd & all bought a good price. Ed. Parker got the piano $25. C. Myerscough the radio $5. Uncle Fred & pap went to see Jac Erle, about Ins. on his new car; green all modern, very pretty car. Manier has a fish fry.
Monday, July 20, 1936
We washed, ironed. Uncle Fred & pap went to Waterloo, made a trade with Nobbe, his 1934 chev; & $195. for a 1936 Chev. coupe, will get it by next week; They had dinner, here chicken. Pap went out to help Henry plowing, he got stuck with the tractor this afternoon; from there he went to G. Schillings paid lumber sawing, $7.30 – 815 ft @ 90. Jac. Erle came, we paid him $19.60 Ins. now we are house insured in there co. not with Rapp anymore. Watchels & Lauts put there electric wires up again; today.
Tuesday, June 9, 1936
The Wedding of Clements Schlotmann & Helen Krou at 8 o’clock mass at Red Bud; we & Aunt Mary went down, Joe Gregson’s & Olivi & Agnes. Mrs. Starr all from Hecker; The Wedding was pretty, short veil, & white ensemble dress; took pictures at the church. Mrs. Schlotmann was crying; having the dinner at Kern’s. Berti went along with Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary home, helped clean the big room, washed, ironed etc. had dinner & supper; they came up this eve. again, & pap went along with them to Pautler’s, we went also. It was a Columbia couple wedding dance, big crowd & so hot it was. Jac. Erle was here, insured our house. Pap & Rose went to Belleville.
Monday, June 8, 1936
We washed ironed. Pap went to Waterloo, to Farm Bureau Meeting. Emil was here & Jac. Erle. Brand’s family came this evening. Mrs. Ed. Moffit won the Ford V.8 at Dupo. Sure hot 93 at 4:30 over the radio. Eggs 17¢ spring chix 19.
Tuesday, April 28, 1936
Strawed potatoes. Pap took Henry’s mare home again. Cloudy weather. Jan Erle & guy were here, to look at the Ins. rate. on our house, with there Co. it would be $5.00 cheaper same thing. The Ladies Aid have euchre & lotto for a quilt tonite, we didn’t go. We planted out some more cabbage plants; cut lawn, made flower bed.
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