Saturday, Aug. 12, 1939

Raining showers on & off today, some pretty heavy ones; 3 houses were on fire in Waterloo this morn. electric wire, ran from one house to the other. Canning peaches so many fell of [sic] from wind. Pap went along with Emil out to Joe Schillings sale; things that Hess had bought on the other sale; Kettler has moved in there alreadys Hess lives on Uncle Adam’s place now; things went cheap at the sale. Ray Schmierbach & Luella Koerber are getting married in St. Louis today; dance tonite at Turners Hall in Smithton. Everybody welcome. Wagners left this afternoon, for supper. Hillsheim painted Wagners car blue & black; looks pretty good. Plenty rain for Wedding; Koerber boy & Verita Muhrmann & 2 from his side attendants; they had Favres V.8 Demonstrator, & Elmer Schmierbach turned it over, on slab near Smithton, car was damaged, but no one hurt.

Monday, July 31, 1939

Washed, ironed. Mauff was here took some small peaches for 25 [cents]. & sold bu. to Clara Wagner 80 [cents] clings, she & boys came over & got them this afternoon. We went out to Uncle Freds this eve; took almost bu. along puled them & canned them this eve there; they were threshing oats, Schillings threshing Clem Parkers oats.

Saturday, July 29, 1939

Pap cutting weeds. Went to barber this morn. Smithton got homecoming today, parade 6 ‘ clock. Threshing some places today. Nice cool. Wagner boys went with Eichenseers to see ball game in St. Louis this afternoon. Went to Smithton Homecoming, got to late for parade; awful crowd present. The Pontiac went to Belleville.

Thursday, July 20, 1939

Nice cloudy cool. Went to Waterloo, sold some chances for Red Bud Church Pinic [sic]. Dr. N. B. Pautler 67 died will be buried tomorrow morn; mass & cemetery at Waterloo, was sick for 3 yrs; Bert [Bertille] went down to Wagner’s Funeral Parlor to see him, so many flowers. looks good, 2 sons were there just then. Steve & Ray. Feruer brought sack pullets for chixs down. Bill [Klein] stopped in want to go to St. Louis Sun. to Forest Park.

Tuesday, June 20, 1939

Lot cars passing with priests & Bischoff [sic – Bishop] to celebrate 50th Golden Jubilee of Fr. Van Dieft at Praire [sic] Du Rocher today; being 50 yrs. in priesthood. Raining mostly all day. Bill [Klein] stopped in on way going to Belleville. Man here cleaning out wells & cisterns, wanted $3. clean well so we didn’t have it done yet. Cleaned basement & garden. Rita Braun while coming home from work at Vera’s Tavern & riding with another girl, stepped from car while going & was injured face & shoulder was taken to East St. Louis Hospital. German Band played no. for Wagner Twins, he said. Charles & Melvin birthday.

Wednesday, May 17, 1939

Cleaned, baked; patched. Pap went to Waterloo to get 25 lbs. purina feed see if we can help our chicks, from dying, they at least eat now, crapo [? – unclear] got something in them, he also attended the funeral of Miss Hattie Grosse & seen Wetzlers also, he was buried at Maeystown & she was at Waterloo church & cemetery, an awful crowd people couldn’t all get in church. Wagners has Buettner, at his parlor now. Pap got mower parts from Eichenseer & fix the mower & cut grass around place & in front of house. Cloudy this eve.

Sunday, March 26, 1939

Ex. for confirmation in Evangical [sic] church today, girls have to wear all white. Berniece Wagner, Wilma Birkner, Myrtle Neff & Jeneate [sic] Geoddel. Went to mass. Mrs. Mauer asked for the bake sale to be on Apr. 8, we gave 50 [cents]. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, she went to church. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to Henry’s. they weren’t at home; took ride pass club houses & over to Leo’s awhile. Tonite they came here & we went to Henry’s; celebrating birthdays.

Wednesday, Feb. 22, 1939

Ash. Lent begins. Cold. 19 [degrees]. Went to Red Bud mass received ashes. Ironed, patched. Baked pie etc. Wagners boys got ice from pond to make ice cream. Joe Mauer got attendance prize at euchre, pillow slips.

Monday, Feb. 20, 1939

Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came we butchered 130 lb. hog. J. [Josie] Keller & Mrs. Neimeier came had supper here, took sausage & 16 doz. eggs along. Melvin Wagner brought the receipt here for Firemen’s dues.

Saturday, Feb. 18, 1939

Went to Waterloo, got feed etc; was going to Neubarth Sale, but that was 3 miles out on mud roads so we didn’t go. Ivo Rapp was taken to Red Bud hospital yesterday eve; got piece wood in his leg. Alma Klotz is taken treatments at Belleville hospital every day. Geo Wagner’s family came this eve we played cards, ladies lost but 1.