Saturday, July 29, 1939

Pap cutting weeds. Went to barber this morn. Smithton got homecoming today, parade 6 ‘ clock. Threshing some places today. Nice cool. Wagner boys went with Eichenseers to see ball game in St. Louis this afternoon. Went to Smithton Homecoming, got to late for parade; awful crowd present. The Pontiac went to Belleville.

Saturday, March 11, 1939

Rained last nite. Pap went to barber. We went to Belleville, stopped at Smithton, also at Reisfsneiders farm. Leo & family were also at Belleville, all went to church. A fellow here looking at heifer & horses. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up last eve. for lent service.

Friday, Oct. 7, 1938

Bert [Bertille] cleaned wood work in kitchen & painted chairs. Pap went to barber, then took chev. to Red Bud, got it fixed, have the bumbers [sic] & defroster fan put in all comes with the car, also the hook and chains. Uncle Fred & A. Mary were up this afternoon; working across the street.

Wednesday, March 9, 1938

Raining again. Pap went to barber; Joe Freund & guy here looked at pigs, to high price they said. Chas. Wagner was here, quilting for fire co. – put in 2 quilts this morn; 1 a marked of & the other fan quilt. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came here & Bert [Bertille] went to fire house, quilting this afternoon. Emil was over awhile. Chas. Helfrich got oats & potatoes today. Started in to dig basement at Lauts; only 2 carpenters & Karl Boll & Geo. Parker with team; its a contract job; Emil don’t even get chance to work there; suppose to be $1400 house including furnace.

Friday, Dec. 13, 1935

Pap went to the barber, got haircut. Mrs. Hill called up for some sour milk, so Berti took a qt. over & gave it to her. We went to Columbia shopping, Weilbachers gave a shopping bag & nice calendar. Papa got the wheat checks, that is Pabsts $7.13. together. Some people from Mascotah [sic], 3 men looked at the mare, but it was to small they said; Wm. Doyle & Frances Huslasch, was here & got the harrow this evening $6.00. Literary Meeting at the Public school tonite, 4 speakers, talk on bachelors have to pay tax, we didn’t go, the neighbors went. Geo. Orell’s have a baby girl. he is a barber at Waterloo; now has 4 girls.

Friday, April 20, 1934

Papa & Rose, strawing the rest of the potatoes. Went out to Henrys got load wheat to feed pigs; then got one took too Red Bud got 58¢. Went to Waterloo & got 57¢, & took another load to Red Bud 58¢. W. Luhr came to look at our chicks, sick; got some medicine to spray with, & tablets for drinking water. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, made little garden. Hy. Keorber was by them all day yesterday. They were at Belleville this morn. Mr. & Mrs. Joe Sunmer barber have a little baby girl is now 3 girls. Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Olendorph had there boy christened last Sun. Jackie Otto. Mr. Lawrence Berkel of Smithon [sic] shot & killed himself last nite, he was a implement dealer; funeral Sun. his wife nee Siebert.

Saturday, March 18, 1933

Papa went to the barber shop this morn. We killed a rooster & going to make soup tomorrow. Henry came up, brought, corn, & crushing, & to get whey. he was here for dinner. Bertille washed the machine. We all went to Red Bud to church this afternoon.

Friday, Feb. 17, 1933

Papa hauled wood. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here & from here they went out to watch the men work on the bridge. Jake Neff came this evening & paid for his hog. Mr. Frank Metzger died Wed. & buried tomorrow afternoon. Father Moneghan of Tiptown was trafered [sic] to Carmi Ill. & Rev. Traynor from there was sent to Tiptown. Harold Krumpke celebrated his birthday by giving a dance last Sun. night, at Burksville Station. The dance at Fahey residence last Sat. nite was fairly well attended. Hugo Probst was surprised last Thurs. nite & his friends gathered to celebrate his 27th birthday. John Herman suffereed a light stroke last Sun. morning. Mrs. William Koch of Coxeyville fell & fractured her hip & was taken to Clements Hospital at Red Bud. Dr. N. B. Paulter purchased the Chester Knitting Mill property in Waterloo for $5,000, to pack & storage quarters for the fruit rasied [sic – raised] on the Pautlert farms. Joe Sommer’s called there baby girl Laverne Francis, & A. R. E. Gaven got the free hair cut for selecting the right name.

Friday, Feb. 3, 1933

Rosalia & Bertille went to church this morning. Robert Laut was here & bought that little spring chicken 2 lbs. 25¢. It is a pretty nice day. Bertille got the mail. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s, he wants to take the fence out along the road. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary wasn’t at the wake last night, Jerome Cortner had invited them to a birthday party some place; so they are going to the wake tonite. Joe Sommer’s the barber have another little baby girl born Jan. 29 at St. Clement’s Hospital at Red Bud. Joe is giving a free haircut to the one that selects the right name to be given to the child. Mr. Erwin Eichelmann, son of Mr. & Mrs. Eichelmann & Mrs. Olga Hauptfleisch of Columbia were quitely [sic] married at Springfield Ill. on Wed. Jan. 25. They are making there home with the groom’s parents, east of Waterloo. Walter Monike of Lords Corner motored to Prairie Du Rocher last Wed. evening & received 3 prize on playing violin. John Hepp who has been down for the past 3 weeks with kidney trouble is reported about in the same condition. Mrs. Walter Hecke is employed as nurse. Wm. Laut is no better, he is troubled with Rheumatism. There was a man here wanted to sell the St. Louis Globe & one here wanted boarding place, he is the constructor for building the bridge west of Hecker, he says, going to start next Mon. & wanted a room. Rosalia & Bertille went to see Angela Eichenseer this evening, it was also Mrs. Vic birthday, Clarence Wittenauer was also there, we played pinochle, papa came over & got us when the store was closed.

Wednesday, Jan. 25, 1933

Papa got a hair cut & shave at the Barbers this morning. Bertille baked cookies. Dr. Isselhardt Dentist moved from Manier down to Harry Kammler’s upstairs.