Wednesday, March 9, 1938

Raining again. Pap went to barber; Joe Freund & guy here looked at pigs, to high price they said. Chas. Wagner was here, quilting for fire co. – put in 2 quilts this morn; 1 a marked of & the other fan quilt. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came here & Bert [Bertille] went to fire house, quilting this afternoon. Emil was over awhile. Chas. Helfrich got oats & potatoes today. Started in to dig basement at Lauts; only 2 carpenters & Karl Boll & Geo. Parker with team; its a contract job; Emil don’t even get chance to work there; suppose to be $1400 house including furnace.

Wednesday, Jan. 16, 1935

We washed, ironed; fried in sausage & ribs etc. Rose got a letter from Margaret McDermott, stating that there will be a card party tomorrow nite at Donahue’s, given by Tiptown Parish. George Wagner got doz. eggs @ 24¢. Renneckers boarder is leaving tomorrow for St. Louis, Mr. Smith, he has a higher position with St. Louis Diary [sic – Dairy]. Saymenger of below Red Bud, has his job at the station here now, has been working for last 4 days. The Fire House & City Hall is nearly completed now, except the roofing yet.