Friday, Oct. 30, 1931

It is cold out today. The fellows that left there truck here yesterday got it again today. I seen in the paper that Ervin Boo & Vera Kropp are married now, he had his one leg taken off. The School children of the Public School is Hecker had apple picking last Sat. they picked 25 bu. one bu for every child & stored them in the School to be aten [sic] this winter. Irvin [?] Reheis was awarded $50 for selling tickets for the Lincoln Teathre [sic- theatre]. The Blackburn School is having a big Hallo’wen party tonight for the children.

Thursday, Oct. 29, 1931

We fried down a ham & a qt. saussage [sic].  Henry sold everything in Waterloo last eve, all but a piece backbone, 2 bacons, shoulder, for 20 & 15¢.  Henry & Leona went to Belleville this afternoon, & the kids stayed here.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up took some more turnips out, sold 1 bu. to Hy. Meng in trade with a bu. of sweet potatoes, for 50¢ bus. both of them.  There was a man here from Et. St. Louis & asked permission to leave his truck & a load of posts here, he had a flat tire & couldn’t get none at the store, so they unloaded the posts & left the truck here.  The egg man paid us 24¢.  We sold 63# Sprs. for 13¢ lb, Rosalia took them up.  She bought a lb. butter olea & got a towel along free, butter was 20¢.  This evening we all went up town, Rosalia & Bertille went to Kammler’s Hall to the dance given by the baseball club.  There wasn’t many there left them in free, then afterwords started charging 25¢ so we left.  Where home at 9 o’clock.  Bill Herzog & orchestra played.  Sure nice musci [sic].

Tuesday, Oct. 27, 1931

It is raining this morn.  Henry & family was here & brought the little meat grinder along, they brought a calf up to ship with Eichenseer.  We washed, ironed & patched today.  There where 4 men going around today selling a book “Delinator” for 7¢ mo. & receive a cook book or a dress making book.  We didn’t take it.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up to pump the water out of the cellar this afternoon.  Papa got a Int. check from Hempe, part of it $40.00 pay the rest next week.  Louis Armstutz helped out in “Staggy” Helfrich’s barber shop a few days, “Staggy” has a sore finger.  We went out to Uncle Fred’s & had a pinochle game.  Papa & Aunt Mary against Uncle Fred & Rosalia & Bertille in favor of Pap & Aunt Mary 2 games.  We ate Watermelons, there a 35 lb. one.

Monday, Oct. 26, 1931

It rained a little this morning, a little.  Ralph Etling was here after dinner a while he paid papa $100 Int, still $98 due yet.  He said ain’t much work in St. Louis, he works 3 days week.  Today is Buddy’s birthday he is going to celebrate it Sat. night dance at the brick house.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up brought 2 doz. eggs along.  The egg man came, he got 8 doz. from us & 2 of there’s, pays 25¢.  Henry & the boys where here brought a load of corn up.  He took our kettle along, he is talking about butchering Wed. & peddle out the saussage [sic].  Our egg man say’s he will take 2 lbs.

Sunday, Oct. 25, 1931

We went to Waterloo church this morning to hear the new organ, & they have 2 weeks mission starting today.  This week for the women & next for the men.  We went to George Boll’s shooting match but didn’t win a thing, there wasn’t much of a crowd there, he had 11 geese & a few ducks to raffle.  Fred Schaefer was here this morn. to collect his threshing bill, papa paid him $1.85, for Henry.  Harry Kammler has a dance tonight, Peter Bros. playing Thurs. night.  The Hecker baseball club is giving a dance in Kammler’s Hall, Herzog Orchestra.

Saturday, Oct. 24, 1931

Papa got crushing done this morning.  We all went to Waterloo this afternoon, Rosalia got a pair shoes, $3.85, & stockings 10¢ pr.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here stayed all night.  Schmidt the tinner got buried this afternoon.  Querheim undertaker, tomorrow afternoon is Albert Heyl’s mother in law, he told us to tell George Reheis, he went to school with her.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up this evening we played 4 handed pinochle, Papa & Bertille against Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary in favor of Pap.  Bertille held 1500 pinochle, in hearts & Aunt Mary 150 in hearts in the same deal.

Friday, Oct. 23, 1931

Papa & Rosalia went down & cleaned our truck patch this morning, we have our green tomatoes all picked.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up all day & pulled there turnips up, some of them, they tried to deliver some around town, but couldn’t sell many, some to Mrs. Dueker & Mrs. Ahrens, that all they sold.  The egg man came this afternoon he got our 8 doz. eggs & 1 bu. pears, from Uncle Fred, & they took 14¾ lbs. of springs along for 194, that’s the price at Lipperts.  Eggs came down a ¢ in the paper, they are 25¢ today.  We pulled our turnips out & put them in the cellar, what we had by the roadside.  They rung over the lines last night that John Schmidt the tinner, he used to be at Waterloo died & would be buried Sat. afternoon, & also that Geo. Boll has shooting match Sun. for ducks & geese.  Carl Quathmer also has shooting match Sun. Willie Reagean’s, quite a few Sunday.  They worked at the cemetery agan today, Braun, Grossheim, Schaefer had the teams.

Thursday, Oct. 22, 1931

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up all day, cleaned there garden.  They had chicken soup dinner with us.  Papa shocked the last of our popcorn today.  There where 2 ladies here this afternoon wanted to buy some White Rock hens, but we won’t sell any of ours now.  George Emery when coming home from the dance at Brezzy [sic] hill the other night ran in the ditch by Parker’s, he was sleeping, he smashed his car, the radiator especially.  Henry & family came up this evening after there a dance in Kammler’s Hall, Herzog Orchestra.

Wednesday, Oct. 21, 1931

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & then we all went up to George Neff’s funeral, his brother’s & sister’s weren’t all here.  It was a large funeral.  Querheim had the burial.  During the Show week last, they had baby & lady contests.  Bill Fristch’s baby got first prize a ring & Pete Watchel’s second a ring.  The ladies first Lucille Rausch & second Eunice Scheinder both a ring.  Henry & the boy’s where here with the wagon, he brought a sow pig up here.  Papa went down to the Molasses Factory & got the 2 gal. crock, this evening Steve stopped & said he could fill the 4 gals. so papa took it & him down in the car, & brought it back again.  Tonight is a dance at the brick house, the baseball team is giving it.

Tuesday, Oct. 20, 1931

Leona & the kids where up we washed, all her quilts & ours.  She took a basket green tomatoes & some ripe ones, along home.  They & Bertille went down to the molasses factory, she left at 2 gal. jar there to get filled with foam.  They told us down there about Bug Schaefer getting married & a wedding dance at Brezzy [sic] Hill tonight.  We all went & had a good time, the Melody Club furnished the musci [sic].  They had double bridesmaids, & a crowd, the hall was packed.