Wednesday, Dec. 28, 1938

Not so cold today, 16 [degrees] this morn. Pap went out & got load wood for Emil; this afternoon got wheat at Henry’s, & got crushing done. Fire engine went down to Joe Hempe’s; machine shed burning implements burned; that is on Mrs. Albert Gregsons farm. The Officer that won at election day of Monroe Co. are giving a free dance at Pautler’s tonite. The Young People of Parish here are having a party also tonite.

Friday, Dec. 16, 1938

Raining this eve. Pap went to see J. Hempe, & to Waterloo got egg mash. Wm. Ganley was here on business. Perry May & the hacker guy was here; still didn’t sell our timber yet; they went up in woods & came back here again. J. Keller wrote a letter, putting in an order for sausage & meat, when we butcher next Mon; she is coming out in afternoon.

Tuesday, Aug. 3, 1937

Pap went to Waterloo, get crushing done. Painters are here again; Canned 1 qt. pt. tomatoes, cooked catsup. Cloudy and awful warm. Tipton has there church pinic [sic] at Donahue’s now today instead of Paulter’s park at Waterloo, chicken supper 4-8. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary are helping Oscar Birkner’s move today. Grahlerrs moved out Sun; rest of stock yesterday. Hy Birkner moves tomorrow, down at Oscar’s, & Clem Parkers going to move were [where] Henry lives, & also rent the ground there. Henry rents ground from Uncle Fred; he & A. Mary came, we went along to Donahues to church pinic [sic], didn’t win a thing. A. Mary got set of 12 knives & forks, playing bluey. They had to raffle $100 – 1st prize & $35 – 2 prize, selling 5¢ chance & book tickets & $1., & some times sack flour & sugar & beer, Hamacher won case beer at one time; pretty nice crowd. A. Mary bought bowl chicken 25¢, back & necks & wing; we ate it when we got home. They had dance, starting about 10 ‘ o clock, charging 10¢ from gents, ladies free. Hempe musci [sic].

Wednesday, Oct. 2, 1935

Pap & Rose fixed fence. Henry is up again harrowing. had lunch & dinner & finished about 3 o clock. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & took Rose & Bert along to Donahue’s. Tipton Parish gave a lotto & euchre party, good crowd. Uncle had 9 points got coffee percolator, had mostly pillow slip prizes; none us got any; Rose had 4 & Bert 5 & Aunt Mary 6, no luck; attendance prize was a bedspread; they also raffled a chair; it went to St. Louis; had a dance after the euchre, Keller & Hempe playing, also had a lot of fried chicken, each family had to donate one.

Friday, Aug. 3, 1934

Papa & Rosalia dug bucket potatoes. Went to to Waterloo took a load wheat in, 87¢ went to the bank. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, she helped to clean dishes for pinic [sic], in the school house; had dinner, & watermelons here. Henry was here for dinner & supper, he started plowing after dinner, with tractor. Papa got the money from Hempe’s $1400.00 & he paid $1700.00 of to Uncle Fred; & $17.00 interest. Leona & kids came up to get Henry.

Wednesday, July 18, 1934

A beautiful rainbow in the west this morning, thunder, looks awful like rain. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came had dinner here. Mr. Wm. & Aug. Hempe came to paid notes of. Buehler’s threshed again this afternoon. Papa went to Hecker, went up to see Bill Gregson, looked at his horses, there are for sale. Went down to Chas. Helfrich, then drove out to Henry’s awhile. Mailed a letter to Chicago Mail Order for each pr. sleeves [?].

Saturday, June 23, 1934

Papa got crushing done. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, him & papa went to Waterloo on business, met Heme Bros. Aug. Will. had lunch here, Uncle bought some ice cream, & Oh Boy was it good. We went to free dance at Donahu’s tonight, musci [sic] by the Okaw Valley Ramblers, from Evansville; & my what a crowd was there.

Friday, June 15, 1934

Papa hauled load posts home, he & Rosalia went out to Henry’s this afternoon, had lunch, there. They didn’t get started cutting till 3 o’clock, till they had the new binder set up works fine. papa helped shock. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening; they got a letter today from postmaster Loehr of Waterloo, to come to Waterloo tomorrow afternoon, that Wm. & John Hempe, received the paper from the government, & will pay up everything. Mr. Loehr came out this evening to talk things over; the bonds aren’t in yet, come in a few day’s. Mr. Louis Dehn, was here for eggs, we only had a few; he is going to buy dewberries from Gus Blackburn 75¢ bucket.

Tuesday, May 1, 1934

Linus Buehler’s birthday; 13 yrs. old. Renneckers are papering dining room & kitchen. Papa got a letter from Mrs. Leohr to meet Hempe’s this afternoon, 2 o clock in Waterloo. The transfer is in the paper of Christian Bestmann & wife to Peter Reheis, $3,000. Steve Rennecker was here to borrow some planks, so he can paper. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, we all went to Waterloo, they met the Hempe Bros. at the post office. We got some free flower seed at Hamscher’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt had lunch here, went home, came back, went to Red Bud to Buehler’s. We planted 36 cabbage plants out. Papa got his watch repaired $2.50 Bersche’s.

Sunday, April 22, 1934

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary called from church. We all went there for dinner & supper. It rained this morning early; then turned out to be a nice day. Nic Loehr was here & also at Henry’s but found no one at home, he wants to buy a horse. We got another business letter from Aug. Hempe. Tonight the St. John’s Church at Red Bud, given by the Dramtic [sic] Club, will give a play; 3 acts entitled “Spooky Tavern;” we went to see it, awful good, the hall was crowded, not enough seats. Songs & Au Buchon’s Band; kids tap dancing between acts. Good many people from Hecker, was down. Mr. & Mrs. Ben Heyl stop on there way home from Berkel’s funeral, at Smithon [sic], he wants to buy small pigs.