Saturday, Nov. 18, 1939

Uncle Fred’s 64 & Uncle Joe’s birthday. Rained last nite. Pap took load wheat to Waterloo got 81 [cents]. The Kunkel place was sold on Public Auction at Court House this morn. at 10 o clock by Morrison. Uncle Pete Reheis got it $1500. rather had to take it, he had the mortgage. Bill [Klein] came took Bert [Bertille] & pap along out to Henrys this eve.

Friday, Sept. 8, 1939

Hot again today. Bert [Bertille] baked cookies. Seen in Waterloo paper Clarence Voges & Irma Burgdorf were married at Waterloo by Rev. Kaecheim, on Wed. Aug 30 at 4 o clock Mrs. Edwin Reheis his sister & her brother attendants.

Saturday, Sept. 2, 1939

Sure hot this day. Pap got hair cut. Bert [Bertille] baked pumpkin pies & cake, made chicken for tomorrow. Hy. Ferner was here there is meeting all day in school hall here. Tonite is surprize [sic] shower for Mamie Eichenseer at Vic’s. Milsdadt [sic] has homecoming, parade at 6. o clock. German Band played “Beer Barrel Polka,” that A. [Aunt] Mary sent in for Rose [Rosalia], Louis Armstutz, Cletus Buehler, Joe Reheis, Willis Brand, 1 Lung [unclear] for there birthdays in Aug. & Sept. all nephews & nieces. Bill [Klein] came, went to Milsdadt Homecoming to see parade.

Friday, May 12, 1939

Baked cookies, worked garden etc. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped went to Buehler’s & to Red Bud. Seen in paper Wm Reheis of Burksville have baby first born. Leo & family came this eve; brought qt. milk. Marita runs all around.

Saturday, March 25, 1939

Nice day. Went to the funeral of, Tom Crowe at Waterloo, wasn’t very large. Pallbearers were Levi Ganley, Joe Mueth, Fred Reheis, Ben Schilling, Emil Geodelle, Jeff Payne. German band played for a whole bunch of Paderborn. Neff & Karban’s, Cortner’s also for me & Bill Klein, all boys & girls, & said from St. Louis. Alfred May & guy were here this afternoon. We went to Tipton to see Farago. Willie & John Braun were here again for signing & leasing oil ground again. Leo & family & Bill [Klein] came this eve. Bert [Bertille] fixed Roses [Rosalia] hair.

Tuesday, March 7, 1939

Went to Belleville took 2 hogs in 385 lbs. @ $8.05. Washed, ironed, patched; washed sacks. Harms Bros. & stranger hit cars some way in public square here; each had their car tolled in; Chev. down & Harms to Belleville. Aunt Mary & Uncle Fred got card from Manda Reheis, Norman has a radio program every day Station KXOK; send requests to him.

Friday, Feb. 3, 1939

St. Blase Day. Henry & Leona & Bert [Bertille] went to Belleville, Robert & Billy [Willis] stayed here. Floyd went to school. Rob. wasn’t feeling very good. Leo & family came to left Marita here & then went to Belleville to, she got new coat. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this afternoon, also Emil. Cold today & frozen hard, everybody out. Edwin Reheis is pretty ill with pneumonia, temperature is below normal, down to 87; the children are also pretty sick yet. Bill & Al Karban were here while, played 2 games pinochle.

Tuesday, Sept. 27, 1938

Bert [Bertille] cleaned front room took of [off] screens. Mr. Watson timber man living on Emil’s place, here on business. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Bert [Bertille] went to Belleville this afternoon. We went out to Leona’s birthday 28 yrs. old; those present were Mr. Gus Geodelle & family & Dan Geodelle & family, Kate Friedrich, Mr Cleveland & Mrs. Walter & Hilda Reheis & Armie. Adolph Klube & family, New Athens, house full; people all night, had 1/8 beer, cake, drinks, musci [sic] etc.

Saturday, April 30, 1938

Rained last nite, pretty good. Bert baked cookies, cake & pie. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came brought tomatoe plants along set out 38 in truck patch; planted pumpkins. John Reheis accessor was here. Fred Weber has a barn dance tonite, called over lines. Emil was here.

Monday, April 25, 1938

Washed, ironed etc. scrubbed brooder house, we planted out about 24 tomatoe [sic] & 30 cabbage plants also sweet potatoes & pickles; it is getting pretty dry. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary worked up here this afternoon; got well pump fixed made new screens on windows & doors. Edwin & Fritz Reheis got half of his stock hay this morn; 3 loads. Harry Wittenauer was here; pap went out to see Walter Wittenauer; Clarence came this morn. with the ball ground rent $25. – the $10 from last yr. & $15 for this year.