Thursday, July 31, 1930

Today is Ike Napier’s sale.  We all went to Napier’s this afternoon.  There was a large crowd there & things brought a pretty fair price.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary got an invitation to come back tonight again.  So I guess they will go.  We got an invitation to come to Wiegand’s on Aug. 12 & to Blackburns Aug. 13 & to Clevelands next Sat. night.  Hurrah! for a good time.  Mary May was buried this morning at Tipton Church and cemetery.  We had a little rain this morning.  We fixed a tire & tube.  Ed Ming bought most of his stuff today from Ike.  He got 2 horses & wagon, brooder house and many other articles.  Today is Robinson’s Circus in Belleville.  Emil Brand went up to see the parade.  Bertille went and got the mail this evening, our paper come in the evening now.

Wednesday, July 30, 1930

Today is John Limbach’s sale.  Papa went out to Henry’s and got a load of wheat, then he went to Waterloo to the mill & then went out to John Limbach’s sale.  We get our daily paper in the evening from now on with the buss.  Instead of morning mail carrier.  Papa never bought nothing at the sale, everything high priced.  Albert Rittemyer was here this afternoon trying to sell brushes of all kinds.  But we didn’t buy any.  Margaret McDermott call up & told us that our cousin Mary May, Martin May’s oldest daughter died & will be buried tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock at the Tipton church.  She was to get operated on appendicitis and tonsils, they gave her ether & she never came too anymore.  They say she had a sweetheart Joe McArthy.  She is 18 years old.  Wheat is .78¢ this morning.

Tuesday, July 29, 1930

Uncle Fred came up & helped Papa haul straw this morning.  He was here for lunch.  Before noon he went home & got Aunt Mary & then they both was here for dinner.  We had chicken dinner.  After dinner we went down to George Vonderveil sale.  Papa bought 400 worth of stuff, a shovel & a spring buggy.  Everything went cheap there too.  Henry Birkner bought a horse for $7.00.  This evening Jac. Anderson & his son were here and looked at the mare and colt.  He thought maybe he would take her.  He is going to let us know tomorrow morning.  Today is Catholic Church picnic at Red Bud.

Monday, July 28, 1930

Today is Henry Eichelmann’s sale, 3 miles east of Waterloo.  Uncle Fred came up this morning and Papa took the horses & went down & got Henry Armstutz’s wagon to haul the lumber home & kindling what they bought by the new school house.  Rosalia & Uncle Fred hauled it with the Whippet.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for dinner.  After dinner they went home & dressed & came back again.  Then we all went to Henry Eichelmann’s sale.  It was late till we got back again.  Everything went pretty cheap back there.

Sunday, July 27, 1930

They were all up for church this morning.  This afternoon we went to Millstadt to hear the singers.  It was Saengerfest Picnic.  We met Frank Dudenhoeffer, his wife & George, Peter Reheis & Jas. Reheis, Oscar Birkners, Adam Eckerts.  From Millstadt we went to the Club House, there we had chicken supper.  They had a tarpaulin laid to dance on.  There were a lot of people there.  When we came home Henry just came out from our house.  But he came back again, he wanted to know where that club house was, but they went back home again.  Last Sunday the Millstadt ball team played with Hecker here.  The score was 19 to 2 in favor of Hecker.  Rex Rapp made a home run.  Today they are playing with a St. Louis team.  I seen in the paper that Henry S. Braun threshed 1800 bus. of wheat & 1500 bus. of oats.

Saturday, July 26, 1930

Today is sales all over again.  We all went to the church sale.  Papa bought some lumber.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary got the range for $65.00.  Henry went to Peter Mulhauser sale at Burksville, they say everything went cheap.  Tonight is a dance at Kammler’s Hall.  We went up to Eichenseer’s corner to listen to the music.  Uncle Fred & Papa hauled a load of kindling out to their place this evening.  They were both here for supper.  They sure were loud at Kammler’s tonight, they were just yelling.

Friday, July 25, 1930

Today is Peter Melhauser’s sale by Burksville, Ill.  Papa thought he was going.  Today is also Clarence Pabsts birthday.  The way they say there is a bunch going to surprise him tonight.  Uncle Fred helped at the school today and Aunt Mary was here all day.  Uncle Fred came down here for dinner then afterwards Papa went along up & worked at the school too all afternoon.  We went out to Henry’s this morning.  Rosalia & Bertille got a hair cut.  We took some plums along too for jelly.  This evening Wm. C. Heyl came & wanted his money for lime dust.  Papa paid him $117.65 by check.  Mamie & Clarence Eichenseer was down a little while this evening.  Mamie said there was a big bunch went down to Clarence Pabst birthday.  He is 22 years old today.

Thursday, July 24, 1930

It is raining this morning.  This afternoon Papa went out and started discing again.  Clifford Stahlber was here nearly all afternoon playing with the colt.  Wilford & Clarence Eichenseer were also here.  Papa went over to Ed. Meng’s this evening with the mare, and we had to hold the Blindy & Queeny the colt.  We all went out to Henry’s this evening but when we got there they wasn’t home.  So Papa took a sample of sweet clover along to see how it was.  If it was fit for seed.

Wednesday, July 23, 1930

Today is Mrs. Cleveland’s birthday.  Leona called up this morning & said “that Olivia called up & invited us all to go to Clevelands tonight.”  So we all went out there, there was a big crowd there.  Beer & cake were served.  We washed, ironed, patched, baked bread, coffee cake, cakes today.  Mrs. Reinecker came home this afternoon from Dehn’s, Perter is the same yet she said, I guess she is going back tomorrow afternoon.  Tomorrow morning she wants to can tomatoes and cabbage.

Tuesday, July 22, 1930

Papa made a patch ready to sew turnip seed this morning.  Steve Rennecker came over to him a little while.  We planted some more pickle & beet seed this morning.  The ground goes nice working.  Papa sowed the turnip seed this evening.  Henry & family were all here this evening, they brought 3 sacks of potatoes up here.  Last Monday Valentine Fritche was hit by an automobile.  He was going towards St. Louis with a coop of chickens & other things, & not one of his chickens were alive any more.  He was thrown 20 ft. from the wagon & his horses were hurt so bad that he had to kill one of them.  He is Belleville in the hospital.  It happened on the Belleville road by Jake Buehler’s place.  His wife wasn’t along because she is in E. St. Louis paralysis.  The way we was told.  I guess we will hear more about it later on.