Wednesday, Feb. 10, 1937

Lent. We went to church, received the ashes. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came we went out to Henry’s, went along to St. Louis to Zeiheim [sic – Ziegenhein] funeral chapel to Frank Dudenhoefer funeral, all nephews pallbearers, has some beautiful bouquets, about 21 or 25, some nice ones. We went to J. Kellers for dinner at 1 o’clock, then went to the chapel again, met all Dudenhoefers & all, funeral was at 3 p.m. we didn’t go out to the cemetery, to far, got home here about 5:15, we got to St. Louis at 11:30 this morn; had nice drive, met Winnie Ganley. Jake & wife & Walter & wife were also over. Mrs. Wolf, that is Mrs. Jatho mother, was buried from Belleville to Village Cemetery here, this afternoon; lot of people sick & dying.

Sunday, Feb. 7, 1937

Went to Red Bud, took Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Helfrich along; [church] took a little longer, reading the rules for lenten season, starts Wed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped awhile. Leo & Rose came & we went out to Henry’s for dinner & supper; while we were eating dinner Mrs. Manier called & said that Mrs. Frank Dudenhoefer passed away this morn. This evening pap stayed here with the boys & Leo & Rose & Bert went along with Henry & Leona over to St. Louis, to our surprised we found it was Frank that was dead had a stroke this morn. slept awful good last night, was 72 yrs. old he is at the Zieneheim [sic] Funeral Chapel on Chrokee [sic] St. will be buried from there Wed. afternoon between 2 & 3 o clock, out Gravois Road to cemetery; looks good & natural, was sick 2 weeks, we also stopped at Louis Geodelle’s awhile, got home about 12:30, it was so foggy driving over, had to drive slow, seen Val’s wife & brothers & Zulaffs, Lester & Margorete, that’s all that was there. So warm.

Tuesday, Dec. 24, 1935

Pap & Rosalia went to Red Bud to John Schumacher’s funeral, so many people, the church was crowded; 11 priests with Fr. Stern. Fr. Schumacher & Harbaugh said mass; Fecklenburg sermon. Rose & Berti went out to Blackburn’s School, to see the program; It was pretty good; Alf. May’s boy was Santa. Quite a few people were there. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, she went to church, he went down to Red Bud. They went home & came back again, stayed in town all nite. Henry & family also came up awhile, got overalls, tablets, & tops etc. had candy, nuts, apples, cookies. Received Christmas card from Duddenhefers.

Sunday, Nov. 11, 1934

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped in a while; after church. Mr. Clyde Pautler of Evansville & Miss Ann Marie Parker were published first time today. Henry & family came, took us along, went over to St. Louis to Frank Dudenhoefers, got there about 4:30, had supper, & Oh Boy! was it good; played pinochle & bunco in the evening, left about 8:30 for home. Mr. & Mrs. Lester Hoeffner & Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Rohrass Gusta’ nephew; & Bill Dudenhoefer were all there. Gusta broke her right arm, some time ago, she fell. We went the old St. Louis Road Route 13, surely a nice drive; & enjoyed it immensley.

Sunday, Nov. 4, 1934

Went to Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came had dinner & supper here, Frank Dudenhoefer came her too told us that they were asked to come out to Manier’s for chicken supper, 5 families were out; he said we should come Wed. or next Sun. Mr. John Dehn was taken to Belleville hospital, operated for appendix and is pretty bad, no visitors allowed; he is 61 yrs. of age. Mr. R. D. Butler of Burksville is in Red Bud hospital, poor condition. We went to Pautler’s to a free for all dance, cowboys of Rythmn [sic], had a wonderful time. There was 260 CC camps boy’s at the Waterloo camps & about half where at the dance, some bunch, they already have some sent back & 6 in jail this morning for stealing. Aunt Mary went to church & meeting this afternoon in School hall.

Saturday, Nov. 3, 1934

Henry & family came, they went to Belleville, came back for dinner, raining all day. Got a letter from F. Dudenhoefer for us not to come Sun. because they had a date set; long time.

Sunday, April 19, 1931

We all went out to Henry’s this morning & took them along, we left about 7 o’clock to go to Frank Dudenhoeffers in St. Louis.  We went to St. Thomas Church over there, & then down to the house.  We had dinner, then we went over to see Val. Adams a little while, the men played pinochle, Henry, Ed, Jac, Irvin, Val.  Then we back again to Gusta’s had lunch & then went home we left about 3:30.  We made a short stop at Geodell’s they where going to Henry’s this eve.  Philip came out & we rode along with him to Sensel’s barn dance, there sure was a crowd there, quite a few people from Hecker where there.  There was a fight at Oak Grove Tues. – night, wedding dance, the McKoneys boys jumped on the McCarthy boys.  Gregory was stunned for a while, they had to carry water & throw it on him, his jaw was swollen the next day yet.

Tuesday, April 14, 1931

Today Wm. Curran & Julia Ruby are getting married in St. Patrick’s church Tiptown, & this evening they will have a wedding dance at Oak Grove.  Philip & Bill came out & we went to the dance.  The wedding couple marched around the hall, then they danced a waltz.  Mabel Crook & Olga Bozzay where the attendants.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went too.  We all went too Waterloo this afternoon to the car sale at Nobbe’s.  Aunt Mary won a prize a dress, cap & anklets given by Clara Siegel.  The dress she got exchanged for a larger one & Rosalia got the cap, & Bertille the socks.  Nelson Kleyer won the old ford coupe that was raffled.  There was a man here this morning selling the Daily Advocate paper.  The insurance man from Horse Prairie was also here.  Victor Eichenseer was here too.  We stopped at Henry’s when we went to Waterloo.  Frank Dudenhoeffers & Margaret & the family where at Uncle Pete’s last Sunday.  She said we should come over to St. Louis next Sunday.  Our little chicks are hatching Sat., so I don’t know if we will go or not but I guess if it don’t rain we will.

Sunday, March 29, 1931

Today we received the palms.  They were all up for every mass this morning.  Henry & family & we all ate lunch, they we left for St. Louis.  We stopped in East St. Louis & spoke with Mr. Caldwell.  Then drove on over to the bridge, we ate dinner first then we went to Sigmund Dudenhoeffer’s, there we had lunch.  Jac. Bachle was there & George came too.  He is a Aviator now.  Papa, Henry & Jac. went to over to see Val. Adam, but he was working in the Pretzel factory.  We came home by Waterloo, & then helped Henry do his work first, then came on home.  Bobby was at Aunt Mary’s all day.  This evening they all was up for church & after church we had supper.  Philip Freund was here too.

Friday, Nov. 7, 1930

Today is Frank Dudenhoefer’s birthday.  We all drove out to Aunt Mary’s this morning & from there went to Belleville.  Aunt Mary & Rosalia got new dresses for $3.85 black ones.  We had dinner out at Aunt Mary’s and also watermelons.