Sunday, Nov. 19, 1939

Raining all morn. Went to Red Bud mass, took chances on turkey from Mauers boy for Cathedral. Bill [Klein] came got Bert [Bertille]. Orlets were down this afternoon had supper here.

Tuesday, Aug. 16, 1938

Rained heavy last nite cloudy didn’t wash. Canned 7 qts. peaches. Red Bud Catholic church pinic [sic] today, plate lunch served from 11 till 1:30 for 35 [cents] plate, supper 50. card game in afternoon. Pap went down this afternoon. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary went down for supper; we all ate supper there; wasn’t much till later in evening. None of us received the 41 prizes that were raffled, had no been on ground. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] & baby [Marita] came, pap brought them along done [sic – down], to picnic.

Saturday, July 30, 1938

Pap got crushing done. Emil got the truck went out to Henry’s hulling sweet clover for Emil Ganley now. Bert [Bertille] went to Levi Gregsons to get Emil, there telephone doesn’t report. Cloudy all day. Smithton has home coming, parade 6:15. raffling out a lawn mower, byicile [sic – bicycle]. Ford Coach – for 25 [cents]. Went to Smithton, but parade was posponed [sic] till tomorrow on account of rain, streets would be to muddy, dance & pinic [sic] was held.

Saturday, Sept. 4, 1937

Rose 26 birthday. Pap went to Waterloo this afternoon, then to W. Wittenauer’s bought 4 pigs $20.00. Rained this morn & afternoon. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came. Bert [Bertille] went along to Milsdadt [sic – Millstadt] homecoming seen parade, beautiful. Leo & Rose were there to. We took chances to win automobile, 10¢ & harness 5. such crowd.

Tuesday, Aug. 10, 1937

Painter is here. Pautler from Red Bud brought oil here for H. Wittenauer, going to start plowing today, going to put all our ground in wheat. Yesterday afternoon it was 94° little cooler this morn. canned 1 qt. tomatoes. Mr. Joe Kunkel of Tipton was buried last Sat. morn. there; been ailing for quite some time, weak heart. Last week Thurs. nite J. Hellmer & May had a collision between Oak Grove & Donahue’s as May turned of. Mr. Hellmer had his arm broke & splintered, & she is in hospital. Mr. & Mrs. Hahn were with them but unespacd [sic – unescaped?] injuries, Mr. Hahn even flew through windshield, never hurt; glass safety. There is a sale by Valmeyer & Mondanaville [sic] pinic [sic] Catholic Fr. Duehren in charge, raffling a oven ware set & silver tray. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, went to the meeting in school hall, for the pinic [sic] next Tues. Evansville band to play. 25 pc. $30.

Thursday, April 8, 1937

Ironed curtains, patched. Roman Meng the acessor [sic] was here. Steve Rennecker brought the boards back what he got for papering. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came Bert went along to Waterloo to Wihelm’s sale, bought flower pots, got free can paint at Hamacher’s, advertising, also got chance to win 3 articles to be raffled tonite there. Received the benefit check – $102.03. Raining & colder this eve. Literary in Public School tonite; speaking by H. Hill, Sup of Schools of Belleville. Birkners Och. & Dor. & Osc. Lippert. Eggs .20¢ today. Wheat $1.39.

Sunday, Dec. 20, 1936

Went to mass, took Helfrichs along, pretty windy, & cold. Helfrichs lost a horse last week. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped awhile, went home, we made apple pie. A fellow here from close to Belleville, looking for shoats for a neighbor who is sick. Leo & Isd. & Helfrich girls came, & Rose & Bert went along to Belleville to Lincoln, to register also to win the Nash to be given away Thurs. nite. The Thealtre [sic] was just crowded. Beautiful day.

Tuesday, May 26, 1936

Beautiful day, warm. We baked bread & cherry coffee cake, we picked about ½ gal. cherries; some are green yet, birds help themselves also; so we might get a few more yet. Eggs are 16¢ now. We sent a book ticket to Dupo, that we received from there, for the benefit of Sacred Heart Church there; on a Ford V.8 .25¢ or 5 chances for $1. Henry was up at Meng’s; with the mares.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this afternoon, him & Rosalia took 18 bus. wheat to Waterloo got 87¢. Mrs. Renneker has a coffee demonstration at her place this afternoon, Mrs. A. Braun & Erna, Alma & Katie Klotz, Lena Meng, Clara Wagner, Mrs. Hugo Probst; lady doing the work, also Olive Laut is there. Clara Wagner came here & invited us to come to her place on today a week, June 2, she is going to have it, she won a dish, now by giving it at her place also, she gets a pyrex set. We planted the rest of sweet potatoe [sic] plants out, got the row & filled, 360 plants. Send for tennis shoes for Aunt Mary. Mr. Will Rhul & daughter was here, he looked at the rake, but said he couldn’t use it, also talked about the signing of Clover contracts this year.

Tuesday, May 12, 1936

Celestine Neff came selling chances for a quilt, to be raffled at there play. Josie Keller visited at the hospital tonite. Lester Gregson & Cora Armstutz called there this afternoon where we were there, Bert came along home, Rose stayed tonite. Henry was over at Mengs with the team, called here a while.

Tuesday, Nov. 26, 1935

We all went up in the woods, took dinner along, but it started in to rain, came home at 12’o clock, rained all afternoon. Berti baked cookies; & we put quilts together; have the “Goose Track” all set together & border on; now started the stitched one. Bernice Wagner came, selling chances on a turkey to be raffled out on Dec 24. at the Public School House, we took 1, 10¢ each kid has 20 chances to sell – 3 – 25¢. Pierre Laut was also here, but we can’t take chances from all of them. Mr. Geo Dehn of Ellis Grove died at 3:20 this afternoon, he was ailing for quite awhile, had 3 pralatic [sic – paralytic] strokes. Mrs Rennecker’s brother.