Thursday, Dec. 7, 1939

Baked cookies. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came, they finished concrete block foundation. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, she went to church, he brought a load wood, for butchering. Emil was over awhile. Marita went along home this eve. Jos. Braun was buried this morn. formerly ex. banker of Hecker, had been sick awhile.

Wednesday, Dec. 6, 1939

Leo & Rosalia came down, brought her wash along, we washed together, & ironed patched etc. Bill [Klein] came helped put concrete posts down; Marita stayed here all nite. Jos. Braun died will be buried tomorrow morn. at Fateyville Church & Mt. Carmell cemetery at Belleville. Berrings had free coon lunch & horse peffer [hasenpfeffer?] last nite called over lines. Louis Schoenborn got tickets for wrestling match at E. St. Louis; Bill [Klein] got Bert [Bertille] & went.

Wednesday, Aug. 23, 1939

Nice day. Uncle Fred’s Wedd. Ann.; also the weddingt today of Orville Schmidt & Loretta Braun church at 9 o clock here; wedding dance at Log Cabin; Uncle & Aunt Mary stopped in, then went down. Written cards invitation. Bill [Klein] brought 3 heifers down this morn, pap bought from Mrs. Klein $40.00. Walsh Student for priesthood was here taking order for Ex. Magzaine [sic], will be his last yr. ordered it for 2 yrs. now. for $5.00; he had dinner here with us chicken soup. They were 2 ladies here from Belleville Antique buyers. sold fruit bowl for $1. & milk pitcher corn. for 25 [cents]. Cooked catsup made carrot relish, pumpkin pie, applesauce cookies. etc. Henry was up got bu. fallen peaches for preserves & catsup tomatos [sic]. Schmidts received so many presents; cakes were served by Katzler bakery of St. Louis. Schmidt Och. played for dance. attendants were Mary Braun a sister & Dorthy Peiffer friend & Schmidt brother & Clarence Dashner of Red Bud a friend, a new home is being erected in Red Bud near Gregson’s Filling Station.

Sunday, Aug. 20, 1939

Went to mass. Martin Fahey was buried last day, he was in church on holiday 15. died suddenly. Mr. Geo Braun, of Hecker is getting buried this afternoon at Red Bud 1:30. Orville Schmidt & Lorreta Braun were published last time today, wedding Wed. morn. here at 9 o clock mass; Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, Henrys family & Gregsons are all invited with special cards, of invitation to Log Cabin Wed eve. that is also Uncle Freds wedding day. Mr Clem Parker & Mamie Eichenseer were published 1st time here morn. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went down Miss. bottoms this afternooon. Rained again little shower. Freeburg have Homecoming.

Wednesday, Aug. 9, 1939

Nice cool day. Made pepper relish, perserves [sic], cooked catsup, canned peaches. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came for pinic [sic], nice isn’t so hot. Bert [Bertille] got Sears order shoes, all O.K.; also got letter from Cowell’s Clo. Store at Red Bud to get $2.50 in trade prize I [Bertille] won at Red Bud Church pinic [sic] on Aug. 2. Surprize [sic]. Pap picked 3 bus. peaches this morn. they are for sale. Leo & family came for pinic [sic]. Bill [Klein] came all went to pinic [sic], sure had crowd for supper. Smithton band furnished musci [sic], prizes were won bycicle [sic] girl from St. Louis; set dishes, Frank Oxener. quilt – Minnie Staufenbiel; ice cream freezer Ray Braun; blanket Jake Klein. Fr. Aydt won something also Jung from Waterloo. A. [Aunt] Mary won quilt playing bluey. Flossie Kammler won 2 quilts

Sunday, Aug. 6, 1939

Went to mass. Pap went over to Emils, Levi Gregson was there also this morn. Cloudy today. Firemens pinic [sic] in Red Bud last nite & today; parade at 1:30 today. Orville Schmidt & Lorreta Braun were published 1st. time at Red Bud & Hecker today. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Bill [Klein] came, went to Red Bud Firemen’s pinic [sic] & parade at 1:30. Mrs Staufenbiel also went along she went to church. Had supper here had chicken today. Totsch’s have free dance.

Tuesday, July 11, 1939

Cut in 12 qts kraut, canned 3 1/2 plums baked cookies, etc. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary worked up here. Braun & stoff guy man stoped [sic] this morn, wanted lumber for make stoff.

Wednesday, June 28, 1939

Nice day. cloudy & little rain this afternoon. Ed Helfrich & Leona Horcher are being married at Columbia today, wedding dance at Pautler’s tonite. Wm Braun was here, signing oil leases for another 3 mons $1. Pap signed again. cut lawn, cut in 16 qts. kraut this morn. Pap went to meeting at Kammlers. Leo & family & Bill [Klein] was here this eve. Leo’s they had heavy rain.

Tuesday, June 20, 1939

Lot cars passing with priests & Bischoff [sic – Bishop] to celebrate 50th Golden Jubilee of Fr. Van Dieft at Praire [sic] Du Rocher today; being 50 yrs. in priesthood. Raining mostly all day. Bill [Klein] stopped in on way going to Belleville. Man here cleaning out wells & cisterns, wanted $3. clean well so we didn’t have it done yet. Cleaned basement & garden. Rita Braun while coming home from work at Vera’s Tavern & riding with another girl, stepped from car while going & was injured face & shoulder was taken to East St. Louis Hospital. German Band played no. for Wagner Twins, he said. Charles & Melvin birthday.

Saturday, March 25, 1939

Nice day. Went to the funeral of, Tom Crowe at Waterloo, wasn’t very large. Pallbearers were Levi Ganley, Joe Mueth, Fred Reheis, Ben Schilling, Emil Geodelle, Jeff Payne. German band played for a whole bunch of Paderborn. Neff & Karban’s, Cortner’s also for me & Bill Klein, all boys & girls, & said from St. Louis. Alfred May & guy were here this afternoon. We went to Tipton to see Farago. Willie & John Braun were here again for signing & leasing oil ground again. Leo & family & Bill [Klein] came this eve. Bert [Bertille] fixed Roses [Rosalia] hair.