Wednesday, Aug. 9, 1939

Nice cool day. Made pepper relish, perserves [sic], cooked catsup, canned peaches. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came for pinic [sic], nice isn’t so hot. Bert [Bertille] got Sears order shoes, all O.K.; also got letter from Cowell’s Clo. Store at Red Bud to get $2.50 in trade prize I [Bertille] won at Red Bud Church pinic [sic] on Aug. 2. Surprize [sic]. Pap picked 3 bus. peaches this morn. they are for sale. Leo & family came for pinic [sic]. Bill [Klein] came all went to pinic [sic], sure had crowd for supper. Smithton band furnished musci [sic], prizes were won bycicle [sic] girl from St. Louis; set dishes, Frank Oxener. quilt – Minnie Staufenbiel; ice cream freezer Ray Braun; blanket Jake Klein. Fr. Aydt won something also Jung from Waterloo. A. [Aunt] Mary won quilt playing bluey. Flossie Kammler won 2 quilts

Sunday, Aug. 14, 1938

Went to mass. Went to Orlets for dinner & supper. Brand’s & Bill were all there, took pictures, played horsehoes [sic – horseshoes]. The Evangical [sic] have pinic [sic] today, went awhile this eve; quilt was won by Dorthy Miller; had no dance. Floraville band played. Totschs had dance in Paderborn. Girls played; large crowd.

Wednesday, Aug. 4, 1937

Washed, ironed, patched, canned 5 qts peaches. Its awful hot this afternoon. Hy Birkner’s – Glenn had a song sung for him today, birthday is Sat; was requested by a friend from Belleville, on Gypsy Joes program. At Oscar’s moving yesterday they had 2 kegs beer & case root beer. At the Tipton pinic [sic], $100 – went to a fellow from Joulit [Joliet?] $35 to Dorthy Burkhardt, at Red Bud. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came we went along to Red Bud church pinic [sic], had supper there – 50¢; lots chicken, was pretty good supper, nice crowd. The quilt that was raffled was won by Norbert Seifert, pillow slips to Perryville Mo; center piece to Kaffoi. Stella Roscow won a beautiful quilt playing bluey, & Ben Mudd, from St. Louis, won 2 at bluey stand, sure some luck, they also played for cash, & pillow slips; we didn’t win a thing.

Tuesday, Jan. 5, 1936

We washed, ironed, patched; cleaned upstairs took the tree & decorations down. Some guys here this afternoon wanted to use our sheet [? – unclear] to unload some mules, 1 had been lying down in there, they were afraid it would get killed; & they got stuck in the yard, before they even got that far; some time, cut tracks over the whole place, & didn’t even say as much as thank you, came from way down in Mo. some place. Ed. Meng came yet to & Clarence Wagner. The St. Augustine School, they have lotto & euchre tonite given by the Young Ladies Sodality. Geo. Wagner butchered today. Found 3 doz. eggs. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here, & pap & Bert went along up to the euchre party, the quilt by playing 1 game lotto was won by Joe Watchel, we didn’t get a thing. Pap had 7 & Bert 4 & A. Mary 2 & Uncle Fred 12 he got a table cloth, the prizes were nice, but not very many & hall was filled, all the tables, surely nice crowd lot of N. Athens & Paderborn. Fr. Teonnies was also down. Leo & Rose went to see Geo. Orlet by Floraville.

Tuesday, Oct. 20, 1936

Cleaned house, planted out flowers & papered pots. Sure beautiful day, windy but nice and warmer. The Evangicals [sic] have euchre at Kammlers tonite. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, & they & Rose & Berti went to the euchre. Berti got cook pot. 9 points the rest got nothing. Edwin Watchel got attendance prize blanket; quilt by lotto was won by Freida Koerber again that is the 3rd one she got at Hecker, now, blanket by Mrs. Pickett, & table cloth, Josie Kaiser; not much of a crowd & not many prizes either.

Tuesday, Feb. 18, 1936

Berti ironed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up had dinner here; Joe Griffin was here talking radios, Uncle Freds, going to get one like ours now, getting tomorrow, from J. Griffin $21.- there old radio. Nun from Marrisa was here wanted to buy oats. The Farm Bureau has euchre in Red Bud tonite in the school hall there. Clara Wagner has a quilt in for the firemen’s, Rose helped this afternoon. Cecelia Pour & Harold Eichenseer have the mumps; now.

Monday, Feb. 25, 1935

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had dinner here, him & papa went to Waterloo this morning on business; this afternoon Uncle went home, got wheat, took it to Red Bud; Eggs here are 18 & 20½¢. Rob. Laut took a chance on a quilt to be raffled at the Euchre on Mar. 5, Catholic. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Wittenauer have a baby girl Alice. Fire man euchre Sun.

Saturday, May 26, 1934

It is in the Waterloo paper that infant son of Mr. John Eshmann Jr. nee Schaefer died on May 19 aged 2 mos. 13 das. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hoffman nee Bozzay have a little baby girl born May 16 Wed; at there home near Tiptown. Alias Siedle have a girl born last Fri. 18 May. Twenty years ago eggs were quoted at 17½¢, wheat 90¢ & corn 82¢. Miss Ruth Collier who is attending school in St. Louis spent the weekend with her parents in Waterloo, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Collier. Ed. Wittenauer purchased the home place were he lives from the late Margaret Wittenauer estate heirs, for $3600.00. Henry Acker purchased the old Acker farm last week & is now liming it. Hecker baseball team won last Sun at Floraville 11 to 4 next Sun play New Athens here. Elmer Kammler & local barber went to Hoyleton Ill. to cut the orphan children’s hair. The quilt that was raffled at the childrens program, Thurs. nite was won by Cecelia Pour; store clerk; at Eichenseers. We went to Donahue’s free dance, musci [sic] by Blossom City boys; Henry had dinner & lunch here, he cut his hay & weeds here.

Friday, Dec. 8, 1933

Holiday. Went to 6 o clock mass at Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner; she bought soup beef & bread had dinner here. We took a chance on a stitched quilt at Red Bud, this morn. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kelley & cousins & neighbor where here on business with regard to Uncle Fred’s. Frank Emery was here bought 20 lbs. popcorn at 4¢ lb; ears & all. We all & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary visited Uncle Adam & Emil this evening.

Wednesday, Feb. 22, 1933

Washington’s birthday, Frieda Buehler’s, Martha Boll’s birthdays. Freida called this morn, wanted to know if Aunt Mary was here, but they ain’t up here, she has a quilt in the frame, what she got from Mrs. Birkner. The paper is just full of stuff where one man tried to shoot the president elect, but missed him, on account of such a crowd, but he shot the mayor of Chicago, but, he is on the road to recover. Papa took Mr. Ed. Meng to Smithon this morn. Mamie came down awhile to get her hair curled. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here, then we all went up to the euchre except papa. Rosalia had 11 points & got pair pillow cases. Uncle Fred had 9, got a silver cake or bread plate. The beautiful quilt was won by Louisa Braun, the spread Dr. Isselhardt of Belleville, & Infant set, Harold Eichenseer & a pair pillow cases, for attendance prize by Mrs. Fred Riselmier of Red Bud, such a crowd from all over, Red Bud, Evansville, Paderborn, 44 tables, 34 euchre & 10 pinochle. Adm. 25¢. Huber & Jonny McDermott was also at the euchre. There where so many prizes, lot of 7! got a prize, 100 prizes; a cake with Washington as a prize, Paul Parker won it, & all other kind of prizes.