Thursday, June 30, 1938

Pap went to Henrys. Alsace Eckert – living back in Hecker again, moved to Sparta after they were married, have a baby girl now. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up. Bert [Bertille] took onions out over 1 bu. for sale.

Wednesday, June 29, 1938

Pap went to Henry’s, all day. Wittenauer made hay here. Leona came after sacks this afternoon. Wheat is 65 [cents]. Nearly everybody started threshing today. Geo. Schillings, Nic Hess; Cortners run. Frischkorns. Klotz starts Sat.

Tuesday, June 28, 1938

Pap & Emil went out to Henry’s. Bert [Bertille] washed ironed etc. Emil came over this eve. waiting for telephone call from Henry.

Monday, June 27, 1938

Bert [Bertille] went to Leo’s with truck, he hauled coal Bert helped wash; they & Bert all went out to Henry’s, combining again 126 bus. afternoon. Chas. Helfrich came got oats. Emil & Steve Rennecker came over awhile.

Sunday, June 26, 1938

Leo & family & pap went to Henry’s for dinner & supper. Bill [Klein] & Bertille & Bertha Karban went to St. Louis to see Forest Park zoo Highlands; went to Totsches tonite. Raining a little this morning.

Saturday, June 25, 1938

Pap went out to Henry’s. Martha Boll is getting married this afternoon in St. Louis to a divorced man, supper out here at Boll’s for sisters & brothers. Myrtle Whiteside her bridesmaid. We went to Smithton to church & went to Leo’s, awhile, rained this eve.

Friday, June 24, 1938

Heard Chas. Stookey’s program on KMOX a record of Millsdadt [sic] fire engine on a imaginiary [sic] fire. on radio at 6:30. We Went out to Henry’s starting combining at 10 ‘ o clock stopped at 5 laid over awhile at dinner; got out 100 bus; so many people there to see it work; we had lunch dinner & supper. Leona & Bert [Bertille] took 18 bus. to Waterloo got 67 [cents] docked 3. top is 69 [cents] today. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up this afternoon her left little while after we got home. So hot today.

Thursday, June 23, 1938

Rained a little. Canned 2 qts beans. Henry came; were going to start combining, this afternoon, but can’t now.

Wednesday, June 22, 1938

Washed ironed baked cookies, canned 2 qt beans etc. Went to Smithton looking for used cards, so far haven’t got any yet. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were here working there plow up here. she brought bean along for me [Bertille] to can. Hy. has got a combine outfit.

Tuesday, June 21, 1938

Leo & family brought Bert [Bertille] home this eve. listened to Waterloo band play on radio; were at Waterloo on band stand broadcasting over WTMV. sure nice, it sounded.