Saturday, July 8, 1939

So hot, this morn. again yesterday 99 in shade. 109 on street, Chas Stookey said. Pap went to Red Bud got oil changed 4040 miles, nearly got year now. Everybody busy threshing now. Thurs. they were 500 men in bunch came to W.P.A. Quarry made fellows stop working, got 40 hr., guys from E. St. Louis were getting 80 [cents] were cut to 40 [cents], they want it back to 80 again going around stopping all W.P.A. jobs; after that 300 more men came to see if they were working closed down. Rained this eve. & pretty heavy up north at Belleville.

Monday, March 27, 1939

Cold this morn. Pap took 17 bu. wheat to Waterloo 63 [cents]; went to Odd Fellows Hall electric show. Chas. Stookey & Nichobaun sisters of KMOX were there. Aunt Mary & Bert [Bertille] went to Red Bud to Raffte for permanents Bert got $2. & A. [Aunt] Marys wouldn’t take, color came back again; so she cut them up short. Eggs 15 [cents]. A hair dryer & electric clock was given away at Waterloo today. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Bert [Bertille] went Waterloo to show. Marie Kolmer won percolator & Mitchell Electric toaster & hair dryer as attendance prize, large crowd.

Friday, June 24, 1938

Heard Chas. Stookey’s program on KMOX a record of Millsdadt [sic] fire engine on a imaginiary [sic] fire. on radio at 6:30. We Went out to Henry’s starting combining at 10 ‘ o clock stopped at 5 laid over awhile at dinner; got out 100 bus; so many people there to see it work; we had lunch dinner & supper. Leona & Bert [Bertille] took 18 bus. to Waterloo got 67 [cents] docked 3. top is 69 [cents] today. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up this afternoon her left little while after we got home. So hot today.

Saturday, August 1, 1936

Beautiful day. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, had dinner here, him & pap went to Waterloo, Geo. Reheis place got sold at the court house, by Morrison for $4,055. to Amanda Reheis; just her & Hugo Probst bidding, it was 185 acres, awful cheap farm. We all went to Lambkin’s sale by Burksville, came home with Uncle Fred pap. stayed till it was over, wasn’t much of a crowd, but things went pretty good. John Wiegand by Smithon [sic] has sale too. There is two dances at Floraville tonite, both places for young & old. The KWK – Early Birds Chas. Stookey are to be at Dreamland tonite. There was an airplane crash 2 miles north of Smithon [sic] this morn. they were stunt flying & wing broke, the men got in parchutte [sic] & landed just were the wing & airplane fell & took his head off & broke the other ones leg, both are dead they say, terrible accident.

Tuesday, June 30, 1936

Still hot. 90. Stookey says at St. Louis; cloudy but so far hasn’t rain, radio says rain, & cooler today. Mrs. Randolph Parrot is being buried at Red Bud this morning at 9’o clock; Omer’s aunt. We went out to Henry’s had dinner, they were going to thresher, but it started raining at 9:30, & Levi Ganley didn’t get finished. Boy! It sure was a nice rain. We had a few chicks soaked, made fire & brought them by the stove, & they were soon alright again, 1 dead.