Saturday, Dec. 30, 1939

Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came this afternoon took Marita along home this eve; Leo & pap went to Smithton, Leo took 29 bus. of our wheat to Freeburg got 90 [cents] he also went to dentist over there. Awful cold this morn. 10 above & tonite to be zero radio says.

Wednesday, Dec. 27, 1939

Bert [Bertille] washed, ironed. Snowing a little this afternoon. Eggs here 17 [cents] at Eichenseers. Catholic congregation at Smithton have card party in Turner Hall for public tonite. Radio reported earthquake in some places, causes death of many lives, & towns destroyed today. Made ice cream this eve. Bill [Klein] came & Bert went along to Smithton to card party, had 6 points each, out of 10 games; got glass bake dish & cake plate, sure had nice prizes.

Saturday, Dec. 23, 1939

Snowing this afternoon & heavy, sure is beautiful. Went to Smithton this afternoon to church. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] & Marita came, we killed & cleaned a goose got it from Geo. Cortners. 156 lbs. 12 lb; cleaned it this eve.

Saturday, Dec. 16, 1939

Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came down again; this afternoon went to Smithton this afternoon to clean up there. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this afternoon. Bill [Klein] brought Bert [Bertille] home.

Sunday, Dec. 3, 1939

Went to Red Bud mass with Bill [Klein], he had Walter Helfrich, Les Becker along. Leo & family came this afternoon & pap went to see Perry May & guy back at Burksville. Bill came took Bert [Bertille] along & Mr & Mrs Walter Sternan & son Roland, all went to Ridgetop Tenn. at Nashville left at 3:30, got there at 10:30, plesent [sic] trip, Mr Sternan went to see his brother Henry who is sick in a sanatorium, had flat tire on way back, left down there at 10:30 Mon. morning & got home about 6 at Smithton, then Bill & Bert & Frank Klein & wife & Louis Schoenborn went to Edwardsville, took Frank to poultry meeting there, altogether made 838 miles trip from Sun. afternoon till Mon. nite. Bert won pencil at poultry meeting, brought a few rocks, like sponge from Tenn.

Thursday, Nov. 30, 1939

Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came, brought her wash along & we washed cloudy & rainy a little hung it in basement, ironed some this afternoon; had dinner & supper here, took Marita along tonite, going to Smithton to Orlets, Mr. birthday, Phyliss invited them send them a card. Rose [Rosalia] hurt her back this morn. lifting heavy. Bill [Klein] came this afternoon, sold another car to Sterns. Send order to Sears for [unclear] for Leo & things. Wagners having supper 6 o’clock for guests. Thanksgiving Day. Bill came, took us along to Lester Gregsons this eve. Gregsons & Wittenauers were there, had Thanksgiving supper by them; played cards, solo & pinochle, had apples & wine.

Friday, Nov. 24, 1939

Leo & family came making plans for building shed had dinner & supper here. Leo & pap went to Smithton. Leo bought new V8 Truck $500 & his old car, brought it along home. Henry brought load corn. Bert [Bertille] baked cookied. Mrs. Roland Nobbe – Mildred Wild died & was buried this week at Waterloo she had been sick for some time married just a year & Walter Nobbe fell on leaves on sidewalk at his home & fractured some bones, is confined to his home.

Wednesday, Nov. 22, 1939

Bert [Bertille] washed, ironed etc. Went to Smithton got prestone put that from last year, by Bill, & got gas went to Freeburg to see Classen Lumberman. Pretty nice day. Leo Schaum 40 Cleta Stalehebers husband died at Texas & was shipped to Rock Island Ill. for burial. He formely [sic] was at Scott Field.

Saturday, Nov. 4, 1939

Bert [Bertille] baked pumpkin pie, made chicken. Henry brought pc. beef, he butchered Thurs. eve. 3 lbs; we got so much meat yet; will have it tomorrow, made steaks for supper. Was at Columbia this afternoon to see Leo Herman about selling our horses, & etc. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, were called to see Herbert Stalhebers over at Jennie Coop were her mother Mrs. Stahlbers has 1 room there, on business. Went througth Smithton paid Bill [Klein] for Whip. repair everything also the bill from accident, $12.00; altogether $37.55 in all. Mrs. Rennecker came over to get doz. eggs 25 [cents] price here in store.

Saturday, Oct. 21, 1939

Pap got haircut. We went to Smithton this afternoon, went out to see Schwal’s pigs. Bill [Klein] came this eve. he was at Ed. Cortner’s to sell him a 1938 Ford; that he traded in to Baltz banker of Smithton for 1940; first trade today. They had a fire in Smithton, weeds, had fire engine called. Geo. Parkers barn on Schilling place burned this afternoon to. also from a weed fire it started; had Hecker fire department out.