Bert [Bertille] cleaned 2 rooms upstairs. Pap cooked beef soup dinner; Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, had dinner here, finished papering & cleaned his truck patch, pap helped him this afternoon worked it up with horse; had lunch with them, stayed for eve. awhile. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came brought cream down, going to ship it over with Buehler, then going to start hauling milk again, only not getting best price. Schmidt brought sack wagone [sic] laying mash started feeding it today. Leo & Rose also down last nite.
Monday, Sept. 27, 1937
Bert [Bertille] went to mass funeral of Kroll; rather large, all girls pallbearers, Pearl Griffin, Mary Arns, Alvera Braun, 2 ladies of Waterloo, Theresa Frisch. Mrs. Francis Eichenseer is being buried at St. Louis this afternoon, that is his second wife she formerly Ziebold girl of Red Bud but had married before; she has been ailing for 3 yrs. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came Bert [Bertille] helped them paper there kitchen ceiling across the street. One of our horses Barney is sick, had Doc. Miller out for him, he had supper also Uncle & Aunt Mary stayed Leona’s birthday but he didn’t get out, had company & sick horse.
Sunday, Sept. 26, 1937
Went to Red Bud took Roscow’s along to church, have 2 collections every Sun. during mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed awhile, they went in to Waterloo see Milly Kroll also Mrs. Schrader. Mrs. Nick Welzbacher’s mother; was also laid out. Totsches have free dance.
Saturday, Sept. 25, 1937
Rained last nite, pretty nice shower. Henry stopped in, got crushing done. H. Wittenauer working on the land. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were here. We went to Waterloo church, & Columbia to see Hermann. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] were also at Waterloo, bought second hand sewing machine from Bersche for $18.50 delivered in good condition Singer, it doesn’t make a bit noise, runs smooth. Miss Amelia Kroll died Thurs. eve. at hospital from operation on gall stones, will be buried Mon. morning at Hecker church, & Waterloo cemetery. she & her mother kept house together here, her mother is blind.
Friday, Sept. 24, 1937
Went out to Henry’s got load wheat took it to Waterloo 97¢. brought some along home for crushing tomorrow; we also took our sewing machine along it, getting it repaired doesn’t sew. Electric bill was 8 hrs. this mon; little more light then last mon. Pap went to see John this afternoon. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in went to Red Bud to Buehler’s, & junk pile gathering some old junk. Dr. Hatz of Waterloo dentist, is building a new house Waterloo Park sub division contract by Osterhage Builders. Siedle building gone for Teonges west of railroad tracks, lot of houses going up again in Waterloo. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came down awhile this evening; lights went out for awhile.
Thursday, Sept. 23, 1937
Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, he helped pap refixed the corn crib, had dinner & lunch here, chicken, brought then wash along Bert [Bertille] ironed it; cooked catsup & pear preserve. Henry Wittenauer cut hay. Mehrmann got eggs 7 doz. @ 22¢. going up now; also sugar is getting higher. A fellow here looked at the mule, but couldn’t use him right now. John came again looked at horse & mule, it was dark already.
Wednesday, Sept. 22, 1937
Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, to put 3 in concrete in there cellar across the street, pap helped all day, water always stayed in cellar, didn’t slope enough, we had dinner & supper then beef soup. Bertie [Bertille] got flowers to plant out from Mrs Rennecker, all kinds. Henry Wittenauer’s worked up here, harrowing the ground today.
Tuesday, Sept. 21, 1937
Went to Belleville dentist this morn; fooled around again little ground some of on teeth, come again in couple days, some dentist day. Painted smoke house. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, cleaning out cellar. Henry brought load corn this morn. Eggs 21¢. Wheat 96 & 98¢.
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