Went out to Henry’s got load wheat took it to Waterloo 97¢. brought some along home for crushing tomorrow; we also took our sewing machine along it, getting it repaired doesn’t sew. Electric bill was 8 hrs. this mon; little more light then last mon. Pap went to see John this afternoon. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in went to Red Bud to Buehler’s, & junk pile gathering some old junk. Dr. Hatz of Waterloo dentist, is building a new house Waterloo Park sub division contract by Osterhage Builders. Siedle building gone for Teonges west of railroad tracks, lot of houses going up again in Waterloo. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came down awhile this evening; lights went out for awhile.
Friday, Sept. 24, 1937
Filed Under: 1937, September, Tillie's News Diaries from the 1930s Tagged With: Anton, Birkner, Brand, Buehler, Dr._Hatz, electric_bill, Hatz, Henry, Leo, new_home_construction, Orlet, Osterhage, Osterhage_Builders, problems_with_electricity, Red_Bud, Rosalia, sewing_machine, Siedle, Teonges, Waterloo, Waterloo_dentist, wheat
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