Friday, June 30, 1939

Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were working up here this morn. Pap went out dug potatoes up in field a bucket full. Henry started combining again, goes alwful [sic] slow so far, mill only pay 50 [cents] for the wheat, wants to ship it to St. Louis now. We went to Orlets this afternoon piled hay & put up some. Today is the last day in quarry for Jac. being put out of a job; etc. only them that need it bad; rest are all laid of. Waterloo paper has this week a $600.00 reward for the finder of the boomber [sic] of Schaefer house.

Thursday, June 29, 1939

Cleaned chicken house, pap cut wheat. Went to Leo’s took hog back, & stopped at Jac Neffs longest 4 shoats $18.00. Wittenauers cutting alfalfa today.

Wednesday, June 28, 1939

Nice day. cloudy & little rain this afternoon. Ed Helfrich & Leona Horcher are being married at Columbia today, wedding dance at Pautler’s tonite. Wm Braun was here, signing oil leases for another 3 mons $1. Pap signed again. cut lawn, cut in 16 qts. kraut this morn. Pap went to meeting at Kammlers. Leo & family & Bill [Klein] was here this eve. Leo’s they had heavy rain.

Tuesday, June 27, 1939

Went to Belleville, 9 pks. potatoes @ 25 [cents] & 3 pks. for 15 [cents]. sold carrots 6 bunches @ 5. apples pk. 35 [cents]; summer sausage 4 lbs. @ 40 [cents], eggs 15 & 14 [cents] all sold out at 10 ‘ o clock; went good; we couldn’t sell no onions. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary had been here.

Monday, June 26, 1939

Washed, ironed. Pap dug potatoes. We took onions out Sat. got 1 bu. Rained heavy again no oats cutting are combining today. Henry was here. Ray Braun measuring ground again today. Rain again this eve. heavy also wind with it.

Sunday, June 25, 1939

Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped awhile. Pap went over to Emil’s awhile this afternoon, he is invited to Lesters for ice cream. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to Leo’s, they are cutting oats today. Sure lot of people working. Krehers & Watchels combining, some working corn; Renneckers lawning. Mrs Bruns working garden. Isn’t seem like Sun. Floraville have fish fry pinic [sic] & dance benefit of there church there. Henry came this eve. going to combine tomorrow, has been started since Sat. afternoon, & also today he said.

Saturday, June 24, 1939

Nice day & warm. Uncle Fred was up working his corn. Pap got haircut. Eggs 13 [cents]. Awful hot today. People are all busy cutting oats & working corn; some combining. Totsch’s here, free dance & fish fry tonite again.

Friday, June 23, 1939

Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came. Bert [Bertille] went along sold all berrie, potatoes & apples; finished at 9:30; went good. Had dinner here, & took Marita along home again. Uncle Fred went to Athens after so more boxes, A. [Aunt] Mary stayed here. Bert [Bertille] cut lawn & cleaned; Notice of foreclosure of Mat Crowe by Barney Kaiser was in paper today. Waterloo is putting up $5.00 reward for capture of guy that bombed Schaefer House last week, causing $750 damage.

Thursday, June 22, 1939

We had little rain this morn. again but it hailed at Leo’s, & places. We went up Bert [Bertille] did the baking etc; rest picked berries. 23 gal; picked apples. to take to Belleville, they already sold 23 gals. Wed. there Marita came along home with us; over nite good girl.

Wednesday, June 21, 1939

Cloudy again this afternoon, cut lawn etc; rained heavy this eve. 2 pretty rainbows. Leo & family came this eve. & Bill [Klein]; after all the rain.