Monday, June 26, 1939

Washed, ironed. Pap dug potatoes. We took onions out Sat. got 1 bu. Rained heavy again no oats cutting are combining today. Henry was here. Ray Braun measuring ground again today. Rain again this eve. heavy also wind with it.

Sunday, June 25, 1939

Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped awhile. Pap went over to Emil’s awhile this afternoon, he is invited to Lesters for ice cream. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to Leo’s, they are cutting oats today. Sure lot of people working. Krehers & Watchels combining, some working corn; Renneckers lawning. Mrs Bruns working garden. Isn’t seem like Sun. Floraville have fish fry pinic [sic] & dance benefit of there church there. Henry came this eve. going to combine tomorrow, has been started since Sat. afternoon, & also today he said.

Saturday, June 24, 1939

Nice day & warm. Uncle Fred was up working his corn. Pap got haircut. Eggs 13 [cents]. Awful hot today. People are all busy cutting oats & working corn; some combining. Totsch’s here, free dance & fish fry tonite again.

Monday, June 28, 1937

Washed, ironed, patched. Edwin Reheis cut oats here, he bought it from C. Buehler; also cut hay from pap. Uncle Fred was up early, working his corn patch. A fellow here, wanting to buy timber, pap went along out to the woods with him. Levi Gregson stopped told us Uncle Adam passed away at 6:20 this morn; just had stroke & passed out. he was 88 yrs. old in May. We went out this eve. have him already in coffin at the home, never moved him at all; looks so natural & young, quite a few people stopped in. Heyl’s of Waterloo were out, Ed isn’t up yet, coming tomorrow sometime, sent him a telegram. Emil says to close up at 11 o clock, no body stays all nite, just them, at 11 everybody was gone home, just him & girls. Joe & Josie went home to.

Monday, July 1, 1935

Reception at Ruma today. Boy! the oats bugs are awful. We washed, ironed. Henry finished cutting oats, here, had lunch & dinner. Emil came & shocked this afternoon, had lunch. It rained so heavy out at Henry’s, they had to quite [quit] cutting, so papa & Rose came home, it never rained at all here, a few drops, sure was funny, papa helped to shock. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this evening, they were at Buehler’s. Oliver Ruhl was here for signing of corn & hog contracts. There is 3¢ tax now after today; is 1¢ 2¢ & 3¢ on things you buy; here at Eichenseers to now. Mrs. Gambach, Stiffler’s & Ralph Raush left for California this morning. Ray Wittenauer’s now working in Mertz store on Ralph’s place.

Sunday, June 30, 1935

Henry & family came, we went them all to Red Bud church, came back had lunch, & then they went out cutting oats. We dug 3 buckets potatoes so they could get the binder in the other patch of oats; had dinner lunch & supper. Leona & Berti went home, watered the stock so hot again today, cloudy & rain at Ft. Chartes. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we all went to Ed. Meng’s barn dance, Moonlighters playing, large crowd; & hot. Adm. Gents 25 ladies 15.

Thursday, June 22, 1933

We had weed out of garden & corn patch. Mrs. Rennecker came over awhile. Our telephone doesn’t ring at all. Wagners either. Henry started cutting oats today. Mamie & Pete where here awhile this evening. Hy. Staleheber came & paid Uncle Fred interest. We went to Belleville in afternoon. A man was here selling grease & stain remover, we bought  bottle 20¢, Oh boy & does it do the work, I’ll say it does.

Sunday, June 28, 1931

Henry & Roy was here in Hecker this morn but he didn’t go to church, he wants to cut oats today so after dinner we went out there.  Geodell’s family & Emil & later Aunt Mary & Uncle Fred came.  But every ones [sic] in a while they broke something.  We slept down stairs tonight, it was to hot.

Thursday, June 25, 1931

This morning Mrs. Ben Roth, Adams mother is being buried at Paderborn also mass there at 8 oclock.  She stayed at Belleville with Adam.  John & George live out here.  We are going to have rooster today.  Henry & family are coming up, he intends to start cutting oats.  They & Emil where here for lunch, dinner, lunch.  This evening Rosalia Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here this evening awhile from here they went to Mike Armstutz’s birthday it was “Aunt Anna’s.”  We heard today that Karl Boll & Marcella Ettling is to be married Sat. & to give a dance at Breezy Hill.  There are an awful lot of people losing horses this year, the weather is to hot.  Rosalia took the eggs up town got 11¢, Mamie came back with her.