Tuesday, Oct. 4, 1938

Bert [Bertille] went out helped Leona fried down meat & cold packed pork saussage [sic]. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up again today, finishing job from yesterday. Hy. Rausch is the chimney ex. this yr. he was here; there are just 2 places in town, that has to be repaired. Buehler’s are tearing down the barn here in town, taking it down to the farm, going to fix one there, also remodeling the house.

Friday, Sept. 16, 1938

Pap took 11 bus. wheat to Waterloo, got 58 [cents]. brought 50 lbs. flour along. Bert [Bertille] baked cookies, cake & biscuits. Nice cool day. Man here wanted old underwear & things. Al Rausch is hauling coal for H.M. Hill this afternoon. Mr & Mrs. Alb. Crook of Poe Station have a baby boy born in Red Bud hospital last week. Mr & Mrs. Joe Schaefer left Wed. for honey moon to Nigera Falls & going to stop at Chicago visit relatives on way back then go housekeeping in there new home, just recently built by Mr. Schaefer near E. St. Louis, he works for New York Railroad Co; at E. St. Louis. Radio is good these nites, & on day time all you hear is war, don’t know yet whats going to be.

Tuesday, Aug. 30, 1938

Pap hauled 2 loads wood. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came worked across the street & had dinner here chicken. Bert [Bertille] washed, ironed. Cloudy this eve. thunder. Emil was over awhile. People around are rather Hy. Rausch selling apples with Schwarze from Calhoun Co. selling apples @ $1.25 bu. alful [sic – awful] nice apples they were. Waterloo band played on radio again this eve. last time for having week day concerts in eve. they advertised the Home Coming for next Sun. didn’t come through good to much static, bad weather, thunder rain in St. Louis.

Wednesday, May 4, 1938

Nice day. Chicks are hatching now, so far got 163. Pap went out to see Geo. Boll; he had lost a horse, while back, cut lawn, planted out flowers, had nice shower rain. Bert [Bertille] went to euchre at Kammler’s given by Ladies Aid; not much crowd 4 tables euchre, 4 pinochle; had 6 points got glass dish, & towel 3rd prize playing bluey. Roland Rausch got the quilt, & Hy. Rittemeyer rug. & me [Bertille] the towel. Attendance prize Mrs. Marylu [unclear] Pickett.

Thursday, April 28, 1938

Nice cool day, little rain this morn; we went to Leo’s, planted beets, had lunch & went to Belleville from there; Bert [Bertille] got new oxfords white, etc. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up this afternoon; brought cabbage plants, we have now; 112 in truck patch. Received a card to pay $7.00 for tornado Ins. Eggs are 16 [cents] today. Edward Kuess & Verniece Rausch 17 marriage license, were in paper today.

Monday, April 18, 1938

Nice day, washed, ironed, etc. Pap strawed potatoes. Today Easter Mon. should be the wedding of Henry Bruns & Marcella Whiteside & also that of Fred Wiegand 23 & Doroth Kleber 22, Mr & Mrs. John Wiegand attendants for Fred Wiegand & Lyle Rausch a girlfriend for Bruns; they have about 50 for supper at Bruns. Steve Stiffler was here of business, paid the last for his horse now.

Wednesday, Aug. 25, 1937

Made 28 bottles catsup; got 81 so far. Picked 5 bus. peaches. Bert Thompson got 1 bu. Al. Rausch brought a letter here from Rose [Rosalia]. Eichenseer got 2 bus. peaches for Walter Pour; took them to store. The Catholic Church pinic [sic] at Waterloo today. Lester Gregson came to see about hauling lime dust, but he takes not less than 50¢, thats high. Gypsy Joe sang a piece for Mrs. L. Matthews & Arlene, Mr & Mrs. Shloemmer requested by Mrs. Jake Geodelle. Pretty hot 91° degrees. Pap paid electric bill 5 hrs. this mon. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came here. Leo & Rose came, we all went to Waterloo Catholic church pinic [sic] nice crowd. Waterloo band & St. Peter & Paul’s Orchestra sure nice.

Friday, Aug. 6, 1937

Canned applesauce, cooked catsup. Seen in Waterloo paper Roehrkasse manager of Kroger store there, was married last Sun. at St. Louis. Ralph Rausch was best man & her sister.

Saturday, Feb. 27, 1937

Snowing lightly all day; Leo & Rose came, him & papa went to Wendell Forness sale at Parrots corner; Leo got jug 15¢. Mr. & Mrs. Forness are going to move to Belleville & son in law Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Schilling. Rose helped quilt all afternoon. Eggs 19¢. Henry got crushing done & stopped in a short while. It was in paper that Mrs. Jul. Rausch found one of her hens had laid an easter egg dark, had yellow band around it. Alois & Gertie came short while, asked Bert to be confirmation sponsor for Thresa [sic] Cortner, at Paderborn on Apr. 5.

Sunday, Nov. 8, 1936

Much colder today, we went to mass. The Y.P.L. have a play & dance at Kammler’s hall tonite. Welcome Home Town Visitor, it was real pretty; players were Julius & Marjorie Rausch, Roland, Lyle & Veronica Rausch, Harold Wagner, Lee Howery, Als. Eckert.