Monday, April 18, 1938

Nice day, washed, ironed, etc. Pap strawed potatoes. Today Easter Mon. should be the wedding of Henry Bruns & Marcella Whiteside & also that of Fred Wiegand 23 & Doroth Kleber 22, Mr & Mrs. John Wiegand attendants for Fred Wiegand & Lyle Rausch a girlfriend for Bruns; they have about 50 for supper at Bruns. Steve Stiffler was here of business, paid the last for his horse now.

Tuesday, April 5, 1938

Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt Mary] & Bert [Bertille] went to Mrs. Griffins funeral she was 31 yrs. old. pallbearers were Noel Roscow, Gus Frisch, Wm. Harbaugh; 3 fellows from her side, from Freeburg. Had a Solemn Requeim [sic] Mass; by Aydt, Orlet, & Shoemaker, who gave her the Catholic Instructions. Fr. Aydt had a very nice sermon, church was crowded, buried her at Waterloo cemetery were the twins are also buried; 2 girls. Henry came brought the truck & got his car; got $9.25 for his calf. Steve Stiffler came this eve.

Monday, March 7, 1938

We washed, ironed, patched. Pap sewed clover seed, hauled wheat to Waterloo this afternoon, 1 load from here 77 [cents], & 2 loads from Henrys 82 [cents]. top price is 84 [cents]. Bert [Bertille] took eggs to town got 14 [cents]. Lauts tearing house down today. Hoffmann from Belleville nearly all down this eve. Steve Stiffler was here this eve. on business. Sure warm.

Sunday, Feb. 20, 1938

Went to church. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed awhile after church. Steve Stiffler came on business. This afternoon Mamie & Clarence, were here, had supper here, we played pinochle all afternoon. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] this eve. Harold [last name unclear] came for news for H. M. Hill who has a cold.

Wednesday, Feb. 2, 1938

Ground hogs day, & he didn’t see his shadow. We went to see U. [Uncle] Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, then went to Gasser’s & Stifflers on business. Bert [Bertille] ironed, patched etc. pap cleaned barn. Al. Gasser & Steve Stiffler came this eve. got the team $135.00. lead them behind the truck. We went to Geo. Wagner’s tonite; the quilt was finished, at 3:30; played 9 games pinochle.

Tuesday, February 1, 1938

Nice day. Pap went in wood; hauled some together, & brought load home. Bert [Bertille] washed. Went to Wagners quilting this afternoon; Mehrmann came got 6 doz. eggs @ 16 [cents]. Steve Stiffler & Al Gasser were here, looking at the horses again bought them, going to get tomorrow afternoon $135. team. The Catholics got card party in hall tonite; isn’t so cold tonite. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came; Bert [Bertille] went along up to the euchre, but none won a prize Bert [Bertille] had 7, they each 5 points. Mrs. Geo. Grossheim won attendance prize, cake cover; crowd wasn’t to large.

Friday, Jan. 28, 1938

Warmer today, south wind 43 [degrees] at 3: pm. The electric power was shut of [sic] for awhile, over 1 hr; trouble at the quarry. Steve Stiffler of Paderborn was here looking at the horses, pap worked them for him, drove around with the wagon. Miss Mary I James of Waterloo passed away 1 day last week. The paper also says that the familes [sic] of Otto Geodelle & Matt Crowe moved there household furniture to St. Lous, were they will now live. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] & Henry & family came this eve. Mrs. Orlet is in Belleville hospital, alfoull [sic] weak, has gall trouble, & something wrong with eye since last Wed.

Friday, April 16, 1937

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came again, he helped hauled logs; Pap & him had dinner at Henry’s, was here for supper. Leo & Rose came down this eve. Pretty warm today. Chris Buehler sewed oats & alfalfa clover seed this afternoon. We made some more garden again, lettuce, radishes, etc. it’s wet. Geo Haudrich had 50 hens & 50 bus. wheat stolen heard on the radio, at 5 ‘ o clock; have the guys at Belleville jail the wheat was indentifed [sic] at Waterloo Milling Co. he said. Leo said last Sun. morn. in fron of S. Stiffler’s house, they had a stuffed man, hanging on telephone wire & on there vote for Stiffler School director, sure play some trick who ever put it up, was hanging for several day’s they said, he received 1 vote Sat. at the school election at Paderborn.

Friday, Sept 6, 1935

Papa & Rose went out digging potatoes; stoped [sic] at Henry’s. Bert canned qt. pickles & ½ tomatoes. Papa hauled load wheat to Red Bud got 77¢, that is the fourth load from Hecker wheat. Bert Thompson sold his farm to Minor from Belleville; Al. Eckert Niede Rausch, Jul Rausch, are going to Waterloo High School, Fredrick Fritsche to New Athens, & Beata Stiffler to Red Bud, lots of high school students.

Monday, July 1, 1935

Reception at Ruma today. Boy! the oats bugs are awful. We washed, ironed. Henry finished cutting oats, here, had lunch & dinner. Emil came & shocked this afternoon, had lunch. It rained so heavy out at Henry’s, they had to quite [quit] cutting, so papa & Rose came home, it never rained at all here, a few drops, sure was funny, papa helped to shock. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this evening, they were at Buehler’s. Oliver Ruhl was here for signing of corn & hog contracts. There is 3¢ tax now after today; is 1¢ 2¢ & 3¢ on things you buy; here at Eichenseers to now. Mrs. Gambach, Stiffler’s & Ralph Raush left for California this morning. Ray Wittenauer’s now working in Mertz store on Ralph’s place.