Saturday, Dec. 9, 1939

Henry brought load corn. We went out this afternoon helped him with his hog; Bert [Bertille] baked pies & chicken for tomorrow, they are coming up here to see us. Carlisle Morrison of Waterloo 52 & Wihelmina Zeneiss a nurse of Springfield, 53, who was a Co. nurse here in 1930 were married recently. Stolze of Belleville 73 yr. old man that married 27 yr old girl of St. Louis, she has left for 2nd time.

Wednesday, November 1, 1939

Went to 6 o clock mass. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to St. Louis with Meng of Freeburg to Westinghouse plant, bought electric stove & radio for $85.00 delivered; demonstrator stove, but really bargain.

Thursday, Oct. 26, 1939

Raining a little. Bill [Klein] stoped [sic] in, he was out selling car. Schwab came this afternoon, had to work a little on Whip. yet. wasn’t working just right. Fellows here from St. Louis, wanted to weather strip our house, would cost $115.00 for every window & door. & $35 for living room & kitchen. Holy Name Society of Red Bud have card party tonite. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came & Bill we all went to Red Bud to euchre, pap didn’t go. Bill had 12 points got 6 glasses. not much prizes. We gave pk. potatoes, wasn’t up for euchre prize.

Monday, Oct. 16, 1939

Washed, ironed, cleaned & varnished dining room floor. Jake Klein & son were here looking at pigs. German band played for wedding 4 ann. of Mr & Mrs Clarence Wittenauer St. Louis.

Tuesday, Oct. 10, 1939

Rained last nite & morning. Went to Belleville with 2 hogs; left Whip. by Bill [Klein] to fix he took us home in his truck, & fixed our pump, had dinner here. We got sweet potatoes & turnip ready to take to Belleville tomorrow. Dorothy Pautler – Phil Pautler’s daughter of Evansville & Jerome Harbaugh of Boxtown are being married this morn, dance at Boxtown tonite. Ben Heyl was here looked at heifers. Oll. Englerth & Bill [Klein] came this eve. Bill & Bert [Bertille] & Al. Karban & girl friend went to St. Louis to see Veil Prophet parade, “Gay Nineties” it was beautiful.

Saturday, Sept. 30, 1939

Cold, but no frost & cloudy, it rained yesterday. Sale at Waterloo, we didn’t go, to cold. Bill [Klein] came took Bert [Bertille] along to St. Louis; traded his V8 to Cletus Meuth for his 1934 Plymouth.

Friday, Aug. 25, 1939

Rained heavy last nite & morn. at 5:30 had terrible storm in St. Louis, Chouteau Ave. water 7 ft. deep on streets, women was rescued on top of Automobile, police man went down streets on boats rescued people from there homes, hail, windows were broke trees down, automobile vanished, heavy storm for over 30 min. reported on radio; Ohio, Vandenter [sic – Vandeventer], Grand & Lindell Bolv. Canned 6 qts peaches; beans, washed this afternoon. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up. Anita Kammler was here with punch board for winning name to win, house coat or shirt & tie. Bert [Bertille] paid 19 [cents].

Wednesday, Aug. 23, 1939

Nice day. Uncle Fred’s Wedd. Ann.; also the weddingt today of Orville Schmidt & Loretta Braun church at 9 o clock here; wedding dance at Log Cabin; Uncle & Aunt Mary stopped in, then went down. Written cards invitation. Bill [Klein] brought 3 heifers down this morn, pap bought from Mrs. Klein $40.00. Walsh Student for priesthood was here taking order for Ex. Magzaine [sic], will be his last yr. ordered it for 2 yrs. now. for $5.00; he had dinner here with us chicken soup. They were 2 ladies here from Belleville Antique buyers. sold fruit bowl for $1. & milk pitcher corn. for 25 [cents]. Cooked catsup made carrot relish, pumpkin pie, applesauce cookies. etc. Henry was up got bu. fallen peaches for preserves & catsup tomatos [sic]. Schmidts received so many presents; cakes were served by Katzler bakery of St. Louis. Schmidt Och. played for dance. attendants were Mary Braun a sister & Dorthy Peiffer friend & Schmidt brother & Clarence Dashner of Red Bud a friend, a new home is being erected in Red Bud near Gregson’s Filling Station.

Saturday, Aug. 12, 1939

Raining showers on & off today, some pretty heavy ones; 3 houses were on fire in Waterloo this morn. electric wire, ran from one house to the other. Canning peaches so many fell of [sic] from wind. Pap went along with Emil out to Joe Schillings sale; things that Hess had bought on the other sale; Kettler has moved in there alreadys Hess lives on Uncle Adam’s place now; things went cheap at the sale. Ray Schmierbach & Luella Koerber are getting married in St. Louis today; dance tonite at Turners Hall in Smithton. Everybody welcome. Wagners left this afternoon, for supper. Hillsheim painted Wagners car blue & black; looks pretty good. Plenty rain for Wedding; Koerber boy & Verita Muhrmann & 2 from his side attendants; they had Favres V.8 Demonstrator, & Elmer Schmierbach turned it over, on slab near Smithton, car was damaged, but no one hurt.

Wednesday, Aug. 9, 1939

Nice cool day. Made pepper relish, perserves [sic], cooked catsup, canned peaches. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came for pinic [sic], nice isn’t so hot. Bert [Bertille] got Sears order shoes, all O.K.; also got letter from Cowell’s Clo. Store at Red Bud to get $2.50 in trade prize I [Bertille] won at Red Bud Church pinic [sic] on Aug. 2. Surprize [sic]. Pap picked 3 bus. peaches this morn. they are for sale. Leo & family came for pinic [sic]. Bill [Klein] came all went to pinic [sic], sure had crowd for supper. Smithton band furnished musci [sic], prizes were won bycicle [sic] girl from St. Louis; set dishes, Frank Oxener. quilt – Minnie Staufenbiel; ice cream freezer Ray Braun; blanket Jake Klein. Fr. Aydt won something also Jung from Waterloo. A. [Aunt] Mary won quilt playing bluey. Flossie Kammler won 2 quilts