Wednesday, Aug. 9, 1939

Nice cool day. Made pepper relish, perserves [sic], cooked catsup, canned peaches. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came for pinic [sic], nice isn’t so hot. Bert [Bertille] got Sears order shoes, all O.K.; also got letter from Cowell’s Clo. Store at Red Bud to get $2.50 in trade prize I [Bertille] won at Red Bud Church pinic [sic] on Aug. 2. Surprize [sic]. Pap picked 3 bus. peaches this morn. they are for sale. Leo & family came for pinic [sic]. Bill [Klein] came all went to pinic [sic], sure had crowd for supper. Smithton band furnished musci [sic], prizes were won bycicle [sic] girl from St. Louis; set dishes, Frank Oxener. quilt – Minnie Staufenbiel; ice cream freezer Ray Braun; blanket Jake Klein. Fr. Aydt won something also Jung from Waterloo. A. [Aunt] Mary won quilt playing bluey. Flossie Kammler won 2 quilts

Sunday, Aug. 6, 1939

Went to mass. Pap went over to Emils, Levi Gregson was there also this morn. Cloudy today. Firemens pinic [sic] in Red Bud last nite & today; parade at 1:30 today. Orville Schmidt & Lorreta Braun were published 1st. time at Red Bud & Hecker today. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Bill [Klein] came, went to Red Bud Firemen’s pinic [sic] & parade at 1:30. Mrs Staufenbiel also went along she went to church. Had supper here had chicken today. Totsch’s have free dance.

Sunday, June 11, 1939

Went to mass. Celebrate feast of Corpus Christi. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped awhile; her & Bert [Bertille] went to Minnie Staufenbiels to get her dress, its all finished now. Leo & family came for dinner, he went to church here. Bill [Klein] came this afternoon, getting his new V.8 Ford this week. coach, greenish gray; from Favre at Smithton. Ed. Helfrich & Leona Horescher were published at Paderborn. The Hecker Ladies Aid have there Cold Supper & pinic [sic] today at church grounds, pretty cool for pinic [sic], having a 4H Club band from around Waterloo. The 4 Happy Ramblers are having a dance at Kammler’s tonite. Awful cool.

Wednesday, June 7, 1939

Went to Leo’s helped plant patch corn & make hay this afternoon; had lunch & chicken dinner there. We also had first cabbage of season of ours today. Rained this afternoon, but not so much, we need it alwful [sic] bad day. Mrs. Willing Kreher came home from Belleville Hospital yesterday, after giving birth to a 3 lb. baby, which is still in hospital in incubator. Planted out tomatoes & pepper plant last for season, sprayed potatoes. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, she went to Mrs. Staufenbiels, to see about her dress. Mrs. Agnes Kroll died of a stroke this morn; while Kate was at mass; she has been blind for good many years.

Tuesday, May 23, 1939

Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, Bert [Bertille] went along over to Mrs. Staufenbiel, she is going to have a dress made, tan. Mrs. Clem. Parker was also there. We received a letter from Sacred Heart Parish of Dupo, pinic [sic] on May 30. raffling 1st. 1939 Chev. 2nd. Electric Range 3rd. 110 pc. Dinner set. Sure is hot, all these last days.

Wednesday, May 3, 1939

Had beef soup dinner. Pap’s birthday 61 yrs. old. Clemens Schlotmann Sr. of Red Bud died will be buried Fri. morn. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & pap went down to see him this afternoon, he just had a stroke 10 o’clock yesterday morn. 69 yrs. they went home & came back again for supper; Henry & family & Leo & family & Bill [Klein] were here this eve. Bert [Bertille] put a piece over radio, German Band for a whole set, birthday. Minnie Staufenbiel, was here wants to go along to funeral Fri. at Red Bud. Ralph Wiegand accessor came this eve.

Wednesday, March 15, 1939

Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came & Bert [Bertille] went to church funeral of Mrs. Parker 49. church was crowded; mass said by Fr. Aydt, Rattermans Schumacher. Pallbearers are Oscar Birkner, Adam Eckert, Ed Schneider, Ted Eichenseer, Willie Harbaugh, Roy Staufenbiel. People here from all over. Myerscough of Ruma etc. Bert [Bertille] went to quilting again this afternoon, finished 1 quilt done. Bill [Klein] came & Bert [Bertille] went along to Red Bud lent service tonite.

Tuesday, Nov. 8, 1938

Election day. Bert [Bertille] washed ironed, patched, scrubed [sic] basement & cleaned smoke house. Henry came, brought his calf hide up for Christ Buehler to take to St. Louis, he stopped here & took it. Jac. Neff came to pay Int. for Uncle Fred. left it here. Pap & Bert [Bertille] went up to vote after dinner. Susie sang song today for Louise Wittenauer by Ethel Staufbenbiel; Susie sings twice a day now. Took turnips out, about 1 bu. 1/2 large. Leo & family came, brought the truck back, going to butcher.

Monday, Oct. 31, 1938

Halloween. Bert [Bertille] washed ironed. Pap went to Red Bud got Chev. fixed, prestove put in, cover on radiator. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, she went to church. Emil came over, to pay U. [Uncle] Freds rent [? – unclear]. Pap went to Staufenbiel woods. There were a few out walking in town tonite, children no damage.

Wednesday, April 20, 1938

Raining a little. Bert [Bertille] planted house flowers, from the basement out, cut lawn etc; planted 48 sweet potatoe [sic] plants out. Roy Staufenbiel has sore foot, horse stoped [sic] on it, bruised pretty bad. Lester Gregson’s boy, Virgil has diptheria, sign up. Lester stays by Emil, he don’t go in the house. John Kessler from Alba. is here, going to start farming at Kesslers. The Mueth property that was sold last week, or rather Euler ground brought $5.50 acre, bought by Phi Mueth. Hy. Koerber stoped [sic] on business, for Uncle Fred; till about 10:30 eve.