Sunday, Feb. 28, 1937

Snowed, icy. We went to Red Bud; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, she stayed here for dinner, he went to L. Birkners, had supper here; he is still about the same. Vic Eichenseer & fellow from Ruma came, looked at the hourses. Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Bernius, came to see Uncle Fred about getting oats. Al. Geodelle stoped [sic] in paid for 33 bus. 25 lbs. oats @ 60¢. Isd. came & we went to Leo & Rose played cards, Alois & Gertie were also there.

Saturday, Feb. 27, 1937

Snowing lightly all day; Leo & Rose came, him & papa went to Wendell Forness sale at Parrots corner; Leo got jug 15¢. Mr. & Mrs. Forness are going to move to Belleville & son in law Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Schilling. Rose helped quilt all afternoon. Eggs 19¢. Henry got crushing done & stopped in a short while. It was in paper that Mrs. Jul. Rausch found one of her hens had laid an easter egg dark, had yellow band around it. Alois & Gertie came short while, asked Bert to be confirmation sponsor for Thresa [sic] Cortner, at Paderborn on Apr. 5.

Friday, Feb. 26, 1937

Went to Smithton, on business this morn, then went to Leo, pap helped saw wood, also Jake, Isd. & Chas. Mueth Joe Krebs sawed it; had dinner there, sawed about 12 loads. Pretty nice day. It was in the paper that the will of Omer’s was filed last Fri. H. M. Hill, Vic & Odillo Eichenseer as witness, Geo. Schilling executor; there was also a nice memoriam piece in paper put in by friends. Aunt Mary got her pattern that I send for last week. The late Geo. Gregson farm was sold $30. acre, Waldman of Evansville bought the farm; That is Walter & Geo & rest father place.

Thursday, Feb. 25, 1937

Cold, 12 above this morn. Frisch came got load oats, got 90 bus. 20 lbs. @ 60¢. Wm. Doyle got 43 bus. this afternoon. Ed. Weber looked at horses & implements, wants to start Ross out on his farm, he is not living on the farm. Sly. Doyle is in Red Bud hospital pretty sick was operated on appendix, went in Fri. Leo & Rose came took us along, went to see Uncle Fred, he isn’t so bad today, didn’t cough so much anymore.

Wednesday, Feb. 24, 1937

Leona came & Rose helped quilt all day. Pap & Leo & Jake all went to Todds sale on Mrs. Pete Schillings place things bought nice price, large crowd. Henry & boys came this eve. for supper, we played card this eve. Uncle Fred is sick bad cold.

Tuesday, Feb. 23, 1937

Pap went up town to deliver a message with Ivo Buehler to Rose; We went up there this eve. sugar cured there meat, had supper played cards. Fr. came out yet at 9 o clock looking for Isd; he is to start working tomorrow in a furniture Jameison’s at E. St. Louis; he played couple games with us also. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came; Bert went along to Waterloo and business with him, she quilted here all afternoon. Renneckers gave one in to for church, had quilting today & nite. Frische came got oats some of them.

Monday, Feb. 22, 1937

Washington’s Birthday. We went butchering at Orlets, killed 2 pretty big, made summer saussage [sic]; Uncle Fred & A. Mary & Jakes & Isd. helped Pap went out to Henry’s & got block & tackle first this morn. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came here, seen the shed door open & drove up there. Bert was home, we had lunch & dinner there. Isd. got a 1931 Chev. coach. It started in to rain & snow a little this eve. Eggs 20¢.

Sunday, Feb. 21, 1937

Went to Red Bud mass; Aunt Mary came from church had dinner here; Uncle Fred stayed at L. Birkners all day. She went there this afternoon. We went out to Henrys. Bert stayed there & pap went with Henry to Waterloo along with, Burckhardt to Maeystown, to look at cows, so far they didn’t make a trade. Leo & Rose came this eve.; we played pinochle, 3 games.

Saturday, Feb. 20, 1937

Cloudy, raining a little. We went to church at Red Bud. Henry got crushing done & came here awhile. Levi Ganley came wants 25 bu. oats, Al. Geodelle was 25 also, to get them out at Henry’s. Frish wants 100 bu. he was here this afternoon, Wm. Doyle wants 40 bus. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped, came from L. Birkners all afternoon going home this eve; he isn’t just so, bad at present; Wm & Lena is there tonite & tomorrow nite Frank & Emma. Adam Eckert is still the same yet; has pretty bad cold. Eggs are still 20¢ here.

Friday, Feb. 19, 1937

Pap hauled in straw. Rose came down, helped quilt all day, had dinner here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came to stayed awhile by Bikners this afternoon, Lena came here last night wanted to get him to come up, but they weren’t home, so she called Frieda to come up last nite. Pap got the mail; not much in the paper, Gilbert Dinan of Ames had twins born Sun; she is formerly Hilda Pretzilk – Franks daughter. The light bill is the same again $1.47 for Jan; same as last month.